The Power Of Zionist Money In Silencing Dissent…

There is a legit­i­mate con­ver­sa­tion to be had by the Zionists who occu­py Palestine that [might make right], which gives them the right to do what they have done and con­tin­ue to do there.
Throughout man’s exis­tence on our plan­et, it has been an exis­ten­tial strug­gle between the strong and the weak. The weak get eat­en, and the strong sur­vive. A clos­er look at ani­mal life on the African Serengeti reveals that the ani­mal king­dom is hard­ly any dif­fer­ent; the strong and mighty sur­vive, and the weak becomes some­one’s dinner.
Weakness caused the African Continent to fall vic­tim to the bar­bar­ic Europeans. However, before Africa was divid­ed up, raped, exploit­ed, and pil­laged, its peo­ple bru­tal­ized and cart­ed off to nether regions as chat­tel by the Europeans; Asians had long carved out huge chunks of Northern Africa and enslaved Africans. In Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, and Algeria, essen­tial­ly all of Northern Africa was raid­ed and stolen by Arabs.
Historically, peo­ple have moved from one region to anoth­er out of a desire to see what lies beyond the hori­zon but also as a con­se­quence of hav­ing been defeat­ed and tak­en as slaves.
So it was always the norm that a nation with a pow­er­ful mil­i­tary may take what­ev­er it want­ed and rule con­ti­nents thou­sands of miles away as long as it had the hege­mon­ic pow­er to do it. 
History is replete with the rise and fall of pow­er­ful empires that have con­quered and exploit­ed before they grew fat and lazy and were them­selves con­quered and exploited.

This map illus­trates the process Israel has used, large­ly through set­tle­ment build­ing, of push­ing the bor­ders of Israel out to the point there is no longer a place called Palestine.

Before 1947 there was no nation called Israel. These state­ments are sim­ple irrefutable facts. No amount of Zionist pro­pa­gan­da and intim­i­da­tion can change those basic and fun­da­men­tal truths. No amount of label­ing me or any­one who dares to chal­lenge their lies as “anti­se­mit­ic” nor will it change those sim­ple facts.
As I wrote in the arti­cle linked below, it was an American President, Harry Truman, who first assist­ed 100,000 Germans flee­ing Adolph Hitler’s Germany onto the land of Palestine, forced the Palestinians from their homes, and cap­tured their coun­try under the guise that God had promised them the land.
By 1948, a mere year after the Germans were allowed to take the Palestinian’s homes and land by the United States, the same United States rec­og­nized the ille­git­i­mate state as a legit­i­mate Jewish State. Since then, the United States has done tremen­dous arm-twist­ing to force oth­er nations to rec­og­nize the fraud­u­lent state called Israel.
As a result of American tax­pay­er’s dol­lars, over three bil­lion annu­al­ly, the ille­git­i­mate state of Israel has grown, as indi­cat­ed in the map above, to a pow­er­house Zionist nuclear-armed nation from 100,000 in 1947 to 9.364 mil­lion (2021).
Thanks to the patron­age of the United States, Britain, and France, the pow­er­ful trio con­tin­ues to sup­port the Zionist state in its assault against the Palestinian peo­ple. They have also allowed the Zionist state to trans­gress International laws by com­mit­ting war crimes against the pow­er­less Palestinians with zero con­se­quence against their own ini­ti­at­ed Geneva Convention.
https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​3​6​2​411 – 2/

It is the tem­plate used by the European Settlers who arrived on the North American Continent, kill who you can, enslave who you can, and take their land. It was a strat­e­gy as old as human exis­tence on plan­et Earth.
So it is a per­fect­ly legit­i­mate argu­ment for the Israelis to make that they have a right to the land because they had the might and the pow­er to do so. But for the Love of God, please do not make the non­sen­si­cal and far­ci­cal argu­ment that god promised you the land or that you have a genealog­i­cal con­nec­tion to Palestine. That lie has long been debunked.
I could make the claim that god promised me the Empire State Building, but it is one hun­dred per­cent guar­an­teed that if I show up there to claim it, much less be loud and bois­ter­ous, I would be in hand­cuffs and cart­ed off to jail in a heart­beat. Oh, I’m Black; I would most cer­tain­ly be shot mul­ti­ple times.
The Zionist Lobby in the United States and, I dare­say, across the globe have been extreme­ly strong; they own and oper­ate most of the major media empires. An old say­ing goes like this: ‘Never pick a fight with a man who buys ink in bar­rels’, in ref­er­ence to becom­ing an ene­my of the press. Today the print press is not as pow­er­ful as in times past. We are now in the dig­i­tal age, and their con­trol of major dig­i­tal plat­forms makes their mes­sag­ing much more potent.
They have been über-effec­tive in silenc­ing any voice that would chal­lenge their ver­sion of events in Palestine through the use of their mon­ey and groups like AIPAC, the ADL, and oth­er pow­er­ful groups and super PACs.
But their strat­e­gy goes much deep­er than silenc­ing voic­es that refuse to drink the Kool-aid; it is about label­ing them as ‘anti­se­mit­ic.’ the term anti­se­mit­ic has been used as a mod­ern-day scar­let let­ter to threat­en any per­son or group that does not toe the line and par­rot the Zionist narrative.

The Zionist mon­ey is not only Instrumental in silenc­ing and shap­ing pub­lic per­cep­tions about its atroc­i­ties in Palestine, but it also has an out-sized role in intim­i­dat­ing the few mem­bers of Congress who vote their human con­science on the issue.
Why are the Zionists so intent on cen­sor­ing and silenc­ing voic­es that do not kow­tow to their agen­da if their cause is just?
The answer is sim­ple, they know that Israel is an ille­git­i­mate state that was cre­at­ed with brute force, bru­tal­i­ty, and mur­der. They know they have no prov­able link­age to the land they stole and con­tin­ue to appro­pri­ate by raw brute force.
Democratic mem­bers of Congress like Jamal Bowman, Rashid Talib, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Corey Bush have come under extreme pres­sure from with­in their own Democratic cau­cus for not sign­ing on to the whole­sale slaugh­ter of Palestinians by Israel. Jewish Super PACs are already lin­ing up to sup­port pri­ma­ry chal­lengers more sup­pli­cant to the Jewish state to unseat those Democrats of conscience.
Every year unde­fined bil­lions of American tax dol­lars go to fund the Israeli Defense Force IDF. Essentially that mon­ey is used to ensure the con­tin­ued geno­cide against the Palestinian peo­ple. On the oth­er hand, American lead­ers at the high­est lev­els have no say in con­trol­ling the actions of the geno­ci­dal Zionists.
Joe Biden’s forked tongue approach to the issue demon­strates that the United States has no inter­est in the lives of the oppressed and bru­tal­ized Palestinian people.
Israel’s pow­er­ful 21st-cen­tu­ry army with all its arma­ments are legit­i­mate sol­diers, but Hamas fight­ing for the right to live is brand­ed a ter­ror­ist organization.
As I said in a pre­vi­ous arti­cle, the American, British, and oth­er Western Governments also brand­ed Nelson Mandela ter­ror­ists for dar­ing to stand up to the oppres­sive apartheid sys­tem in South Africa. You be the judge…



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
