The Genocidal State Of Israel Is A Colonial Settler State, It Is Illegitimate

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All my adult life, I have been an enthu­si­as­tic admir­er of the ‘International Rules-based Order.’ The rules-based inter­na­tion­al sys­tem is found­ed on rela­tion­ships between states through inter­na­tion­al insti­tu­tions and frame­works, with shared rules and agree­ments on behavior.
The rules-based sys­tem was devel­oped after World War II. The rules-based inter­na­tion­al sys­tem, led by like-mind­ed allies and part­ners, has pro­duced peace, pros­per­i­ty, and free­dom, depend­ing on who you ask.….…..
If you live in Western Europe or North America, you may have been con­vinced that the inter­na­tion­al rules-based order has pro­duced immense wealth, peace, and free­dom for many, depend­ing on who you ask.
Over the years, my sin­gu­lar focus on this sys­tem has been that it has kept the world out of a third world war thus far to the exclu­sion of every­thing else.
I have repeat­ed­ly point­ed to the num­ber of years between World Wars I and two in pre­vi­ous arti­cles. World War I began in 1914 and end­ed in 1918. A mere 25 years lat­er, in 1939, the world was again embroiled in anoth­er vio­lent conflagration.
The rules-based inter­na­tion­al sys­tem was con­struct­ed most­ly by lead­ing demo­c­ra­t­ic allies at the end of World War II, main­ly the United States and England. The sys­tem was put under the aus­pices of the United Nations. The UN is a con­struct of the new rules-based system.
Arguably, the International Rules-based Order, estab­lished 79 years after its incep­tion, has helped to avert a third world war.
If your inter­pre­ta­tion of the International Rules-based order has been as myopic as mine has been, like me, you would have missed all that I missed, includ­ing that I was eval­u­at­ing the sys­tem through the eyes of Western propaganda.

Many are now argu­ing that the Rules-based Order may be reach­ing the end of its teth­er in light of what is occur­ring in Palestine and oth­er parts of the world.
Why is there a ques­tion now when there have been numer­ous con­flicts since the end of the Second World War?
Before we exam­ine the why, let us first agree that when there are rules and laws, there is gen­er­al­ly a need for some­one or some­thing to enforce them.
Additionally, the sys­tem needs legal sanc­tions, courts, pros­e­cu­tors, defense attor­neys, judges, and law enforcers to work.
It is impor­tant to rec­on­cile that for a sys­tem to work, every­one [must] be treat­ed equal­ly so that there is buy-in from stakeholders.
At the end of the Second World War, the four major Allied pow­ers—France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States—set up the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg, Germany, to pros­e­cute and pun­ish “the major war crim­i­nals of the European Axis.” The IMT presided over a com­bined tri­al of senior Nazi polit­i­cal and military …
The International Court of Justice was estab­lished in the Hague, Netherlands; it is the only arm of the United Nations not based in the United States. Article 93 of the UN Charter states that all 193 UN mem­bers are auto­mat­i­cal­ly par­ties to the court’s statute.
Not a sin­gle Western nation nor Israel has been hauled before the court for breach­es of International laws.
In fact, the United States has lit­er­al­ly made itself and Israel above the pow­ers of the International Court of Justice.
Despite American wars of aggres­sion since the court was estab­lished, no nation has moved to have America held accountable.

The United Nations, based in New York City, and oth­ers were cre­at­ed by the Western vic­tors, the United States, England, and France, who had just defeat­ed German and Italian Fascism, or so we are social­ized to believe. 

Ironically, with­in the US, British, and French Military struc­tures were Fascists, as is evi­denced by the rise of white right-wing Fascism in England, France, and, more so, the United States over the last sev­er­al decades.
The American Civil War was waged between white men and lat­er freed African Americans, sup­pos­ed­ly to free the enslaved African Americans. At the end of the war, near­ly a mil­lion trai­tors who seced­ed from the Union, Union sol­diers, and Blacks lay dead.
The Nation recon­sti­tut­ed quick­ly, arguably more mind-numb­ing­ly racist than before it went to war.

There was no penal­ty for the Southern Traitors; mon­u­ments were erect­ed across the Country in their hon­or, even in north­ern states.
I digressed!!!

The Americans and the British saw them­selves as the New Police Force in the new par­a­digm; how­ev­er, as the pow­er dynam­ic between Colonist Britain and its for­mer Colony England flipped, England became a tiny, wet, cold, insignif­i­cant island that nobody cared about.
America was now in full hege­mon­ic con­trol of our plan­et with the fall of the Soviet Union. The rules were what America said they were. I can hear you say­ing, but the rules are enshrined in UN Charters.” Who deter­mines what the rules are? 
Power cor­rupts, and absolute pow­er cor­rupts absolute­ly; cliché, yes, but appropriate. 
Emerging from the Second World War vic­to­ri­ous­ly, the West began to carve up the world into enclaves; what they nev­er both­ered explain­ing to their cit­i­zens was the tremen­dous­ly impor­tant role the Soviets played in end­ing the War.
The Cold War peri­od began imme­di­ate­ly between the West and the Soviets. This peri­od was fright­en­ing on many lev­els for our plan­et as most believed that the two fac­tions would bring about nuclear armageddon.
Perhaps the clos­est the world came to that grim real­i­ty was in 1962 when the two pow­ers brought the world to the brink of nuclear war over Soviet mis­siles on the Island of Cuba.
The dis­as­ter was avert­ed, how­ev­er, when the Soviets agreed to remove the mis­siles so long as the Americans removed their bal­lis­tic mis­siles from the nation of Turkey.
Americans cel­e­brat­ed the end of the cri­sis as a win for their new President, John F. Kennedy. Still today, Americans believe that Kennedy pulled off some brava­do that forced Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to capit­u­late in fear.
The real­i­ty of what occurred is that Khrushchev was strate­gic in his Cuban gam­bit. He want­ed the American bal­lis­tic mis­siles in Turkey gone. At the end of the stand­off, they were gone.
That was a strate­gic loss the Soviet Premier could afford to take all day.

After the Soviet Union’s eco­nom­ic col­lapse, America had a free hand to do as it pleased. As the new­ly self-appoint­ed world cop, it was already aggra­vat­ing, start­ing, and cre­at­ing glob­al wars in Korea, Vietnam, Africa, Latin America, and even the tiny Caribbean region.
The United States was now the law; every­one did as they want­ed, or American troops were deployed. The new argu­ment for American expan­sion­ist men­tal­i­ty was restor­ing or cre­at­ing ‘Democracy”. Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria. There was no end to America tak­ing mil­i­tary action to exert its will covert­ly or overt­ly, except the newest Colonial set­tler nation, Israel.
The United States and Britain cre­at­ed Israel in Palestine in 1947. A year lat­er, in 1948, the United States rec­og­nized the infil­tra­tor state as legit­i­mate, the first nation to do so. Thereafter, it used its eco­nom­ic pow­er to twist the arms of oth­er nations to rec­og­nize the ille­git­i­mate state as a duly con­sti­tut­ed state.
But that has only been the begin­ning, as America would sup­port the ille­gal occu­pa­tion of Palestine, send untold bil­lions to arm the pari­ah state, allow it to have nuclear weapons while attack­ing oth­er nations under the guise they pos­sess such weapons, block its account­abil­i­ty in the UN and International Court Of Justice, threat­en and try to intim­i­date those who spoke out against Israel’s atroc­i­ties and war crimes, all because the United States of America was estab­lished on the very same lie that Israel was cre­at­ed on.

Israel is a Colonial set­tler state, end of sto­ry; when a con­ver­sa­tion about Israel begins, it must always be premised on the fact that it is ille­gal, it is ille­git­i­mate, it is based on a lie, and it should not be made to stand.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
