Lawyers In Kartel Murder Case Back Slapping, But Did They Win?

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I dedicate this Article to you, former Inspector of Police Dadrick Henry. Rest in Peace as you are funeralized today. Your valiant fight for the rule of law in our country without proper support from the corrupt system inspired many.
Those who knew and worked with you salute you for your fearless and invaluable service to our country.
As for me, I spit on the idea of national honors because you have not been recognized and honored for your work; they mean nothing to me. (MB)

Former Inspector Dadrick Henry

It is dif­fi­cult not to make the case that our coun­try is a crim­i­nal-lov­ing nation that cel­e­brates killers and not their victims.
How else can law-abid­ing peo­ple feel based on our his­to­ry and our present?
Our laws are incom­pre­hen­si­bly skewed toward the rights of crim­i­nals, with hard­ly any pro­tec­tions for their victims.
Our insti­tu­tions of high­er learn­ing pride them­selves on pro­duc­ing hun­dreds of grad­u­ates who are schooled in the art of dis­rupt­ing the system.
Academia does­n’t both­er teach­ing civic duties to stu­dents any­more, so they grad­u­ate with a sense of enti­tle­ment and the belief that the gov­ern­ment owes them a living.
Those tasked with the duty of care to pro­tect our sacred insti­tu­tions of jus­tice mort­gage the nation’s trust in the altar of nepo­tism, pop­ulism, and idol worship.
Consequently, repeat felons are allowed to become court offi­cers, where they con­tin­ue prac­tic­ing the destruc­tion of the rule of law.


Judges ignore the trust placed in them to be impar­tial tri­ers of facts and judi­cious dis­pen­sators of jus­tice by kow­tow­ing to crim­i­nals rather than hon­or­ing their oaths to the rule of law.
There is a lack of account­abil­i­ty or a sense of decen­cy at every turn. People vying for elect­ed lead­er­ship are open cheer­lead­ers of criminality.
But our peo­ple have always been this way. They cheered for Three-Finger Jack, Rigen, Natty Morgan, Coppa, Sandokan, Zeeks, Jim Brown, Dudus, and every oth­er two-bit crim­i­nal seek­ing infamy through crime.
They demand­ed that a con­vict­ed rapist Ja Cure be freed with zero con­sid­er­a­tion for the trau­ma suf­fered by that mon­ster’s victim.

They have been active­ly engaged in vocif­er­ous calls for the con­vict­ed mur­der­ers Adija Palmer and his cohorts, Shawn Storm’ Campbell, Kahira Jones, and Andre St John, to be freed from prison with­out a sin­gle thought for the dam­age done to the rule of law when mur­der­ers walk free with­out consequence.
And now there is total igno­rant jubi­la­tion at the Privy Council’s deci­sion to quash their conviction.
The deci­sion does not exon­er­ate the con­victs or demand their release from prison. The jury mis­con­duct issue was the sole basis of the Privy Council’s deci­sion to quash the appel­lants’ con­vic­tions. The deci­sion does not speak to their inno­cence or guilt; it speaks to the tri­al judge’s deci­sion to allow the empan­eled jury to con­tin­ue after it was dis­cov­ered that a juror had tried to bribe oth­ers to arrive at a not-guilty ver­dict for the accused men.

No one on the pros­e­cu­tion side attempt­ed to tar­nish the jury pool. A crim­i­nal from the defense side attempt­ed to cir­cum­vent the rule of law by brib­ing the jury to reach a not-guilty decision.
If these crim­i­nals were inno­cent, why were they afraid of a free and fair trial?
And to (the liars), I meant lawyers who would have the low-infor­ma­tion peo­ple who hero-wor­ship the con­vict­ed crim­i­nals and them­selves believe they won a great vic­to­ry- stop the fuck­ing lies.
You all know that you did not win on the crit­i­cal issue of guilt; a deci­sion was made on whether the tri­al judge should have allowed the case to pro­ceed using the same jury. He should not have.
This writer speaks ad nau­se­am about the actions of the Island’s judges. In the arti­cles linked above, I have talked specif­i­cal­ly about tri­al judge Lennox Campbell and how judges like him hin­der the rule of law. I even pre­dict­ed that based on his actions in this very case of Vybz Kartel, we would arrive exact­ly where we are today.
If the tri­al judge’s actions harmed any­one, it was not the mur­der defen­dants but the insti­tu­tion of jus­tice. So let’s halt the damn back-slap­ping and the jubi­la­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly by Lawyer Bert Samuels and the shame­less and gra­tu­itous pro­mo­tion of his daugh­ter, as if they moved Mount Everest.
Given the cir­cum­stances, this deci­sion was the only deci­sion the Privy Council could have reached.
I made that call on January 7th, 2014…



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
