Shocking Video Shows Officers Being Assaulted

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The Government sends offi­cers to police ungovern­able mobs with­out prop­er tools; they get assault­ed and even killed. Yet if they use lethal force, the very gov­ern­ment sec­ond-guess­es them as well as every damn Tom, Dick, and Harry vil­lage lawyer. 
What pass­es for a court sys­tem has some of the most crim­i­nal-friend­ly actors in the world, so offi­cers may expect no jus­tice in the courts run by these left­ist reac­tionar­ies. So, it makes no sense to arrest those who assault them.
One of the lat­est iter­a­tions of a police encounter with some law­less gut­ter rats once again high­lights the gov­ern­men­t’s fail­ure to pro­vide the police with the tools they need to do their jobs effectively.
On the one hand, the offi­cers do not have the effec­tive non-lethal tools to do their jobs, yet when they are assault­ed in the course of their duties, if they resort to lethal force, the very same sys­tem tries to con­vict them of murder.
This is a dis­gust­ing sys­tem that no one should sub­ject them­selves to, but for the fact that there are not enough oppor­tu­ni­ties in the economy.

No one would ask a doc­tor to per­form surgery with­out the appro­pri­ate tools, and no one would ask a pilot to fly an air­plane with­out the right train­ing and tools. Firefighters, teach­ers, and farm­ers can­not per­form their tasks with­out tools.
Why do we ask our police offi­cers to do their jobs, absorb assaults, and not be able to fight back? (see the YouTube video at the top of this page).
So many felo­nious assaults were com­mit­ted against those offi­cers who were engaged in their law­ful duties. Yet, if the crim­i­nals were arrest­ed, the left­ist judges would not send these ani­mals a strong mes­sage because it’s okay to assault police offi­cers in the eyes of Jamaican judges. ( In case you were won­der­ing why every­one was­n’t arrested).
So, let me be clear. There is an old say­ing, (ash­es cold dogs sleep in deh).
You put your hands on me in any way, shape, or form when I tell you that you are under arrest, and you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. You attack me, as we see in this video, and I shoot you dead. 

I would do a dis­ser­vice to this encounter if I failed to point out the fail­ings of the police… How the hell are you unable to sub­due this mon­grel in the black shirt by tak­ing him to the ground? Don’t answer.…… A lack of train­ing and pro­to­col. Three offi­cers must take this mag­got to the ground, and the oth­ers stand guard as they do so. Any per­son who steps into the space to assault an offi­cer should have their fam­i­ly mem­bers arrange for their funer­als. It is that simple.
There is absolute­ly no rea­son to be fight­ing with any­one this way; take him to the ground and use a supe­ri­or lev­el of force to get him to com­ply with being arrest­ed. You do not get to fight offi­cers; you fight in court.
We see anoth­er exam­ple of a police force that refus­es to acknowl­edge that the dis­joint­ed, dis­or­ga­nized dis­play we wit­nessed in this video is endem­ic to a force that needs to revamp what­ev­er it has pos­ing as police training.
It is not only shock­ing, it is dis­gust­ing and embar­rass­ing. Police offi­cers need tasers.
When they stand in your face and assault you, then tell you that you can’t shoot them, it makes me wish I was there. Let’s see if you are made out of steel. Put your hand on me in the exe­cu­tion of my duties, and you are dead…
Our police force has been reduced to a paper tiger by Carolyn Gomes, her cohorts, and the destruc­tive coun­ter­mea­sures she unleashed on a gullible and com­plic­it polit­i­cal class… It serves the inter­ests of crim­i­nals and their cahoots while turn­ing our coun­try into a law­less, ungovern­able wasteland.
And by the way, the crim­i­nal-lov­ing politi­cians gave Carolyn Gomes a nation­al honor.….What a fuck­ing disgrace.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
