Iran’s Strike Completely Put To Rest The Lies About Israel’s Invincibility/​their Generals Know It…

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If you both­ered to pay atten­tion to the con­se­quen­tial events last Saturday in which the Islamic Republic of Iran retal­i­at­ed against the pari­ah zion­ist state of Israel, you prob­a­bly were con­vinced that the mighty Israeli army destroyed the drones and mis­siles fired at it.
From time to time, you have heard peo­ple from all sides of every debate talk about the way America’s cor­po­rate media cov­ers up and dis­torts facts to suit American and Western polit­i­cal inter­ests. You may even have seen me talk about the zion­ist press and the way the Israeli zion­ist lob­by in America (AIPAC), the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, and the Western world have man­aged to sti­fle dis­sent against the occu­pa­tion by the ille­gal zion­ist régime of Palestine. “Anti-semi­tism” is the scar­let let­ter they use to silence moral critique. 
But it goes far beyond the Zionist Lobby AIPAC, or the intel­li­gence gath­er­ing (ADL) Anti Defamation League that parades as a legit­i­mate Civil Rights Organization. It’s even more pro­found than the fact that the US Congress is whol­ly owned by the State of Israel and the Zionist lob­by AIPAC.
It is also the pro­pa­gan­da that the cor­po­rate media feeds the American peo­ple much the same way it feeds cit­i­zens in Britain, Canada, France, and oth­er Western nations.
The fact is that Western cit­i­zens are cut off from fac­tu­al report­ing because the zion­ists them­selves own the media houses.
That is the rea­son we have all been fooled into think­ing Israel’s so-called iron dome defens­es, in a supe­ri­or mil­i­tary fash­ion, shot down all of the drones and mis­siles Iran fired at them.

Smoke ris­es after Israeli unpro­voked strike on Tehran’s con­sulate in Damascus, Syria, on April 1, 2024, Killing sev­en Iranians, includ­ing top Generals.

Because we have been social­ized to believe the garbage the Zionist media feeds us, we nev­er both­ered to ask the per­ti­nent questions.
(1) Why did Iran warn Israel and the United States that the attack was com­ing up to five hours before launch­ing the drones and missiles?
(2) Why did we not see the high­ly dis­ci­plined pre­ci­sion attack Iran car­ried out against the arro­gant Zionist state that believes it can do what­ev­er it wants with America’s backing?
(3) Why did we swal­low the lies instead of see­ing the bril­liance of the Iranian strat­e­gy in ensur­ing that Israel, America, England, and France would leap to defend the zion­ist against any attack?
(4) How could we have missed the fact that the drones and cruise mis­siles were sent to be shot down while the sev­en real mis­siles tar­get­ed at the sites from which the coör­di­na­tion of the Iranian Consular attack emanat­ed were actu­al­ly hit?
(5) Well, to begin with, the American Government and media put out its pro­pa­gan­da about the glo­ri­ous vic­to­ry in defen­sive deter­rent Israel had scored.
If Israel was that impreg­nable, why did it require America, France, and England to sup­ply vast amounts of resources and to join in the aer­i­al defense of the zion­ist state?
You see, we have been so used to the garbage fed to us by CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, BBC, FOX, and all of the oth­er instru­ments of Western pro­pa­gan­da that we have long ceased to think crit­i­cal­ly. Every sin­gle media enti­ty begins with a severe pro-Israel slant, so there is no fac­tu­al report­ing of events; we are fed what Benjamin Netanyahu wants us to believe.
The same crim­i­nal who com­mits crimes against his own peo­ple and is will­ing to plunge the world into a third world war to save his cow­ard­ly ass.

What Iran accom­plished last Saturday was the mar­vel of mod­ern war­fare. It demon­strat­ed to the arro­gant Zionist bul­ly who has been assas­si­nat­ing Iranian sci­en­tists and sol­diers for decades that enough is enough.
The Israeli mur­der of sev­en top Iranian offi­cials in their Damascus Consulate was a bridge too far. Despite the ille­gal­i­ty of the bar­bar­ic and crim­i­nal act, and even though Iran appealed to the United Nations to con­demn It, nei­ther the UN, America, nor any of the oth­er Western spon­sors of Zionist geno­cide said a sin­gle word in condemnation.
Yet Iran respond­ed with incred­i­ble restraint instead of real­ly rain­ing down mis­siles on Israeli cities as the apartheid régime has been doing in Gaza thus far, killing over 35,000 Palestinians.
Even so, it was too much for the pro­pa­gan­dists with­in the American and Western cap­i­tals to con­cede that the much-vaunt­ed Israeli Iron Dome defense that was sup­pos­ed­ly impen­e­tra­ble was hard­ly such even with the help of American, British, French, and who knows who else.

Why have Israel and America con­tin­ued to lie that they destroyed 99% of the muni­tions fired by Iran? Why did they con­tin­ue with the duplic­i­ty while rapid­ly rebuild­ing and repair­ing the dam­age done to the mil­i­tary bases struck by five of sev­en Iranian rockets?
England and lat­er the United States set up the ille­git­i­mate state of Israel in Palestine as an out­post of white Colonial expan­sion in Asia; it was about oil and con­trol. The Zionists, who posed as Jews, claimed that God promised them the land of Palestine to set up their Jewish ethno-state.
England and America need­ed a well-armed arm of them­selves in Asia, and the idea of a Jewish home­land in a sov­er­eign nation suit­ed them just fine as long as it fur­thered their inter­ests. For their part, the Zionists need­ed a pow­er­ful spon­sor that would sup­ply them with mon­ey and arma­ments and pro­vide them cov­er when they com­mit­ted atrocities.
England and the United States have done just that.

The United States took over spon­sor­ship, large­ly sup­ply­ing untold bil­lions of tax­pay­er’s dol­lars to the zion­ist state each year. 
Due to American largess, the small nation of just over eight mil­lion has one of the world’s most for­mi­da­ble mil­i­taries — a mil­i­tary they use to com­mit geno­cide with­out consequence.
Western sup­port for the Zionist state tran­scends mon­ey and arma­ments; it includes votes in the United Nations by per­ma­nent mem­bers of the Security Council, the United States, England, and France, shields Israel from account­abil­i­ty regard­less of the crimes it com­mits against oth­er nations.
Israel has not been guid­ed by care or recog­ni­tion of inter­na­tion­al laws by which oth­er nations are bound.
The Zionists claimed they fled Hitler’s geno­cide. Today, they are engaged in geno­cide and eth­nic cleans­ing in Gaza. Israel is, for all intents and pur­pos­es, engaged in mur­der­ing inno­cent babies, women, men, Journalists, doc­tors, nurs­es, and medics. No one in Gaza is safe from the inces­sant aer­i­al bom­bard­ment which is being car­ried out against civil­ian neighborhoods.
Israel then lies that Hamas hides in hos­pi­tals, schools, and oth­er civil­ian struc­tures; that lie has been turned on its head time and again.

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