In This Unjust War Between The Apartheid State Of Israel And The Palestinian People, How Does The Christian Church Explain It’s Support For Israel?

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The con­flict between the oppressed peo­ple of Palestine and the oppres­sive apartheid inter­lop­ing ille­gal state that calls itself Israel is the cre­ation of the United Nations with the back­ing of the United States, Britain, and oth­er Western pow­ers.
To have a moral per­spec­tive on what has been hap­pen­ing in Palestine, one has to have a his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive of how the apartheid state came about.
Let us under­stand that the peo­ple in the ille­gal state who call them­selves Jews are white Europeans. In the same way that the United States came into exis­tence, the Nation of Australia, New Zealand White rule in South Africa, the for­mer Rhodesia, and oth­er African nations, so too did Israel come about.
All of the places named were invad­ed and tak­en over by White Europeans. They set up oppres­sive regimes, wrote their own his­to­ry books, and declared them­selves legit­i­mate rulers of those lands.
The illic­it takeover of Palestine is arguably the last Sovereign nation to be over­run by racist Europeans who use might to estab­lish own­er­ship rights. It is a nean­derthal strat­e­gy that is tru­ly European in scope.

This should tell you all you need to know about this con­flict. Yet the most pow­er­ful nations in the Western world sup­port this tyran­ni­cal geno­cide and theft to the tune of bil­lions of dol­lars annually.

The idea behind estab­lish­ing a so-called Jewish state is gen­e­sis in the Biblical idea that Palestine is the land God promised to his cho­sen peo­ple; the Jews. So many things must be unpacked to dis­pel this non­sen­si­cal myth. (a) The Bible is [not] a his­tor­i­cal book. Many of the sto­ries in the Bible can­not be his­tor­i­cal­ly authen­ti­cat­ed. (b) The idea that God played favorites by choos­ing one tribe of people-(Jews) as his favorites runs counter to the idea of a just God. © The term my peo­ple, Israel, speaks to those who accept God as their divine deity, and not a piece of land called Palestine that he promised to Jews.
So let us do some more unpack­ing. The state of Israel became a real­i­ty in 1948 when prac­tic­ing Jews left Germany, sup­pos­ed­ly because of per­se­cu­tion and geno­cide inflict­ed on them by Adolph Hitler.
It is impor­tant to rec­on­cile that those peo­ple had absolute­ly no claim to the land of Palestine except a Biblical claim that God promised them the land. There is no genealog­i­cal evi­dence of white Caucasians hav­ing any his­tor­i­cal tie to the land of Palestine, which makes their so-called right of return an absolute absurdity.

Former President Jimmy Carter called the apartheid state of Israel worse than that which exist­ed in South Africa. Yet the United States, Britain, and most Western Nations have propped up this can­cer to the tune of bil­lions of dol­lars each year. There is no more Palestine; the entire coun­try is called Israel, occu­pied by the bar­rel of a gun. Palestinians are forced into squat­ter camps in two tiny areas called the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. There is no self-rule as the Palestinians are sub­ject to the indig­ni­ties of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF).
Israel’s pow­er­ful Zionist Army block­ades the Gaza Strip. It decides if food or drink­ing water gets deliv­ered to the 2.3 mil­lion Palestinians liv­ing on the tiny strip of coastal land, approx­i­mate­ly 140.9 square miles. Israel’s army decides whether Palestinian fish­er­men can get into their boats to fish to feed their fam­i­lies. In the West Bank, Israeli check­points are every­where, inter­cept­ing Palestinians, ques­tion­ing them, and keep­ing them report­ed­ly for hours from enter­ing their homes a block away, even though they are known to the sol­diers. Frustrated Palestinians are forced from their homes, which are then bull­dozed, and new Israeli set­tle­ments are erect­ed to house Israeli families.
As the United States and its pow­er­ful allies sup­port the tyran­ny, the rest of the world turns a blind eye to the plight of the Palestinian people.
Worse yet, the pow­er­ful Zionist pro­pa­gan­da machine labels any­one who dares to speak out as anti­se­mit­ic.
Nothing I doc­u­ment­ed here remote­ly begins to tell the sto­ry of the deceit and woe that has befall­en the Palestinian peo­ple since the United States and ally England cre­at­ed the ille­gal state of Israel in Palestine.

Soon after President Truman took office, he appoint­ed sev­er­al experts to study the Palestinian issue. In the sum­mer of 1946, Truman estab­lished a spe­cial cab­i­net com­mit­tee under the chair­man­ship of Dr. Henry F. Grady, an Assistant Secretary of State, who entered into nego­ti­a­tions with a par­al­lel British com­mit­tee to dis­cuss the future of Palestine. In May 1946, Truman announced his approval of a rec­om­men­da­tion to admit 100,000 dis­placed per­sons into Palestine and, in October, pub­licly declared his sup­port for the cre­ation of a Jewish state. Throughout 1947, the United Nations Special Commission on Palestine exam­ined the Palestinian ques­tion and rec­om­mend­ed the par­ti­tion of Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. (his​to​ry​.state​.gov)
The idea of two states with­in Palestine was a fraud and a lie. The Zionists who were allowed to move into the land of Palestine, had no desire to have an Arab State beside them. Remember, their cen­tral claim is that God promised [them} the land, and there­fore they want­ed to estab­lish a (Jewish State). In order to estab­lish a Jewish home­land, Palestine would have to be eth­ni­cal­ly cleansed of Arabs and Palestinians. This was their strat­e­gy all along. The map above depicts how they exe­cut­ed that plan.

Separate and apart from the ille­gal­i­ty of the state of Israel and the fact that it is a white suprema­cist state run by white racists is the reli­gious com­po­nent. No one can explain the inex­plic­a­ble lack of con­text by Christians world­wide in their sup­port for the apartheid state of Israel. The Zionist régime and the peo­ple in Israel are [not] Christians; they are Zionists. Zionism is Israel’s nation­al ide­ol­o­gy, with Judaism serv­ing as a nation­al­i­ty and reli­gion.
Nothing about Zionism or Judaism is in agree­ment with the teach­ings of Christianity. Yet White Churches in the United States and even the mis­guid­ed ones run by Blacks have pledged feal­ty to the illic­it Apartheid state. Many make pil­grim­ages to the occu­pied land believ­ing that their Christian God val­i­dates and sup­ports the Zionist racists who occu­py the space with brute force and genocide.
It is a con­tra­dic­tion that makes absolute­ly no sense. Christianity argues as its cen­tral tenet that no one can come to God the Father but through Yeshua the Christ (Jesus); Judaism does not believe Jesus was the Messiah.
Zionists use the Torah-Christians use the Bible. The two believe in two sep­a­rate Gods.
As I have said before, there is absolute­ly no con­nec­tion between white Europeans who fled nazi Germany to the ancient Hebrew People who have always lived in the land of Palestine. There nev­er will be.
Please do not ask me to pray for Israel. As a man of faith, as a man who believes in a just God, it is by default that I am inclined to feel empa­thy for the oppressed. It is by default that I empathize with those who are abused. It is my nat­ur­al default to speak the truth. If the truth leads to my demise, then so be it.
The author and fin­ish­er of my faith Yeshua was cru­ci­fied for speak­ing the truth.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
