The JCF Is Twice As Large As 30 Years Ago & Half As Effective

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Regardless of what occurs in any giv­en sce­nario, no coun­try can claim con­trol if its secu­ri­ty forces must beg cer­tain com­mu­ni­ties to allow them to enter. Citizens have a right to air their griev­ances against and to their gov­ern­ment. Every demo­c­ra­t­ic nation has that right. What cit­i­zens do not have a right to do is block road­ways, start fires, and dam­age and destroy property.
Over the last sev­er­al decades, block­ing road­ways, set­ting fires in the streets, dam­ag­ing and destroy­ing road­ways, and destroy­ing pri­vate and pub­lic prop­er­ty have become a sta­ple of civ­il dis­obe­di­ence. Nothing has been done leg­isla­tive­ly to stop this prac­tice, so peo­ple believe they have a con­sti­tu­tion­al right to com­mit these crimes.
In the same way that the leg­is­la­ture has not act­ed to pro­tect police offi­cers by mak­ing it a felony to hit an offi­cer, it has failed to act to pro­tect the infra­struc­ture of the nation.
People who would attack or fight with offi­cers, or worse, those who inject them­selves into law­ful police actions and assault offi­cers [must] know that there are con­se­quences for doing so. If peo­ple are aware that fight­ing with attack­ing police or resist­ing arrests brings strong penal­ties, they will be less inclined to engage in those activities.
They are much more like­ly to be seri­ous­ly harmed or killed when they engage in these acts of criminality.
Those against seri­ous leg­isla­tive action on these issues have cer­tain­ly not giv­en this much thought. It is shock­ing that as the present gov­ern­ment preens its feath­ers and ban­ters about the new and improved force for good that it has cre­at­ed, there has been no thought about pro­tect­ing offi­cers leg­isla­tive­ly from the law­less ani­mals they are forced to encounter daily.

On Saturday, March 23rd, Police offi­cers con­front­ed crim­i­nals in Old Harbor Bay; of course, (gang­sters don’t tek talk), so they decid­ed to shoot it out with the cops. When you choose to fight the law, the law will win most of the time. So they lost, and offi­cers recov­ered two firearms from the two who went home to be with their maker.
Of course, there were the oblig­a­tory demon­stra­tions, road block­ing, and set­ting of fires. The laugh­able part is that the hood­lums in the com­mu­ni­ty told the cheer­lead­ing media that INDECOM was wel­come to enter the com­mu­ni­ty, but the police weren’t. What kind of coun­try do we have when peo­ple can say to the police where they can and can­not go?
Worse yet, Superintendent Hopeton Nicholson of the St Catherine South Police Division has appealed for calm in the area and urged the res­i­dents to exer­cise restraint and allow secu­ri­ty per­son­nel safe pas­sage.
What the fuck? Police beg crim­i­nal ele­ments who are com­mit­ting felonies, destruc­tion of gov­ern­ment prop­er­ty, and arson per­mis­sion to enter to do their jobs. In what world is this a thing?
The new police com­mis­sion­er, Kevin Blake, bragged that this force is the best resourced it has ever been. The incom­ing Kevin Blake, the out­go­ing Antony Anderson, and the National Security Minister Horace Chang were all beside them­selves with effu­sive praise about their job in reform­ing, reform­ing, and rebrand­ing the JCF.

They bragged that the force is the most resourced it has ever been and rat­tled off a litany of improve­ments made under the Andrew Holness Government.
They also cel­e­brat­ed that the force was up to speed regard­ing per­son­nel, boast­ing a record 15,000 sworn officers.
In light of these devel­op­ments, we would not be for­ward in ask­ing the Jamaican peo­ple if they feel safer in their homes and communities.
The Jamaican peo­ple I refer to are not the typ­i­cal hood­lums who block roads, set road­ways alight, and destroy prop­er­ty but the peo­ple who want the crim­i­nals like those who chal­lenged the police last Saturday removed from their com­mu­ni­ties but are too afraid to speak out.
When law-abid­ing cit­i­zens are too ter­ri­fied to speak out, the loud nois­es you hear come from crim­i­nals. Both polit­i­cal par­ties have con­sis­tent­ly failed our coun­try to the extent that not only do Jamaicans have a sense that they can do just about any­thing with­out con­se­quence, but for­eign­ers now believe Jamaica is the place to go and get buck wild by break­ing our laws.
As I have repeat­ed­ly said, the force’s lead­er­ship is so incom­pe­tent that the young offi­cers are left to fend for them­selves with­out leadership.
As has always been the case, young offi­cers com­ing into the depart­ment have nev­er shied away from doing the work. It has always been the lead­er­ship’s incom­pe­tence, cou­pled with the lack of leg­isla­tive sup­port, that helps to fos­ter the turn­stile of attri­tion from the JCF.
It is becom­ing clear­er by the day that the Jamaica Constabulary Force is not in con­trol. This force for good is not doing so well and is not offer­ing much ser­vice to the silent peo­ple who do not share in this madness.
When a com­mu­ni­ty defends crim­i­nals who engage police offi­cers in gun­bat­tle, those peo­ple are not cit­i­zens seek­ing redress from their gov­ern­ment. They are crim­i­nals who should be treat­ed as such.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
