Understanding The Lie That God Promised Europeans The Land Of Palestine

The insur­gent phe­nom­e­non of lies per­pet­u­at­ed as truth has been with mankind arguably from the begin­ning of time. The can­cer­ous sin of lying is so sig­nif­i­cant it is the 9th Commandment of the Ten laid out as a guide for mankind to follow.
Lies and dis­hon­esty have dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for humans. It erodes trust, cheap­ens, and ren­ders every aspect of our lives worth­while. Imagine being unable to enjoy a game because the out­come is pre­de­ter­mined based on fraud and dishonesty.
Lies become can­cer that eats away at soci­ety. When the aver­age vot­er is lied to, that his vote does­n’t count. That elec­tions are rigged and the win­ner is the los­er and the los­er, the con­se­quences are dev­as­tat­ing for everyone.

The 10 Commandments
  • You shall have no oth­er God before me.
  • Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. …
  • Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. …
  • Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. …
  • Honor your father and mother. …
  • Thou shalt not kill. …
  • Thou shalt not com­mit adultery. …
  • Thou shalt not steal.
  • Thou shalt not bear false witness.
    •Thou shalt not cov­et thy neighbor…

As man has trans­gressed the oth­er nine com­mand­ments, so have we ignored the 9th com­mand­ment with­out regard for the truth or con­se­quence. To the liar, the art of lying can be immense­ly ben­e­fi­cial; Christopher Columbus hap­pened upon the Americas and laid claim to the land occu­pied by peo­ple, but the lie that he [dis­cov­ered] the Americas became a truth that has been used to legit­imize the exter­mi­na­tion and enslave­ment of arguably hun­dreds of mil­lions of people.
Donald Trump’s lie that he won the 2020 elec­tions is still shak­ing the foun­da­tions of America, split­ting the nation of 331 mil­lion peo­ple into two camps. There is no end in sight as to the cumu­la­tive cost to the world’s old­est demo­c­ra­t­ic nation. 
Just as the United States has been built on the backs of enslaved Africans, so has America con­tin­ued to build out its own empire of Colonization. It has also export­ed white suprema­cy across the globe, cre­at­ing immea­sur­able tragedy and pain for bil­lions across the globe.
Adolph Hitler looked to America’s racism to design his final solu­tion for those he want­ed to elim­i­nate. South Africa’s Apartheid sys­tem and the oth­er inter­lop­ing race-based sys­tems across the African con­ti­nent were designed from the igno­ble sys­tem prac­ticed right here in America.
One could argue that the United States had noth­ing to do with being copied, but that is far from the truth. The United States active­ly sup­port­ed the Apartheid sys­tem in Southern Africa eco­nom­i­cal­ly and used its over­whelm­ing influ­ence to label the free­dom fight­ers in that coun­try ter­ror­ists. Nelson Mandela remained on the U.S. ter­ror­ist watch lists until 2008.

The real Hebrews in Palestine under Israeli rule are bad­ly treat­ed and expelled by force under Israel’s apartheid government…

The Europeans occu­py­ing the land of Palestine have no legit­i­mate claim to Palestine out­side the ridicu­lous claim that God promised them the land. To begin with, it is beyond a stretch to imag­ine that a white European who fled Nazi Germany and was allowed to set­tle on land in Palestine by Harry Truman can trace their blood­line to ancient Hebrew peo­ple (Jews).
In fact, (a) the Ancient Hebrews have always lived in Palestine. (b) Others are still return­ing to Palestine, and not a sin­gle one of them is white. They are Black peo­ple. The only true Hebrews (Jews) are the ancient Black peo­ple, the descen­dants of the peo­ple Moses led from Egypt.
The white suprema­cist Zionist régime that rules Palestine has sub­ju­gat­ed those return­ing Africans to the worst indig­ni­ties and rel­e­gat­ed them to a tiny area of the Negev desert.

Nevertheless, the United States and its allies Britain and oth­er so-called Western pow­ers have made the world believe that those who co-opt­ed the Jewish faith and fled Germany dur­ing Hitler’s rule have a legit­i­mate right to return to a land they have nev­er seen under the pre­pos­ter­ous claim that God promised them the land. It is the same pre­pos­ter­ous claim as dis­cov­er­ing land peo­ple have lived on from the begin­ning of time.
Worse yet, despite the hor­rif­ic con­di­tions that the Palestinian peo­ple have been forced to endure, the con­di­tions that bred their mil­i­tan­cy are being mar­ket­ed to the world as ter­ror­ism.
Even Black Christian Pastors preach the fraud­u­lent the­ol­o­gy that their Christian God sanc­tions the state of Israel. The dis­con­nect is that the Zionist régime in Palestine does not rec­og­nize their Christian God. So if Israel is right, then they are preach­ing a fake gospel.

There is absolute­ly no legit­i­mate argu­ment to be made for the exis­tence of a state of Israel out­side of the ridicu­lous claim that God promised them the land. First off, even if God promised the Jews a home­land in Palestine, the white Germans who fled Hitler had no claim to that promise because they were not true Hebrews. Zionists do [not] believe in the Christian God, nei­ther do Christians believe in Judaism. Yet America’s sup­port for the ille­gal inter­lop­ing state of Israel is based on noth­ing but racism, the kind that has ruled the world for five hun­dred years.
The myth of a reli­gious con­nec­tion has long been dis­man­tled, and the truth laid bare. Most Americans who say they sup­port Israel can­not artic­u­late the rea­son for their sup­port. Neither can they explain why they agree that bil­lions of dol­lars of their tax dol­lars are spent annu­al­ly to prop up a coun­try that has noth­ing to do with them.
In con­clu­sion, it is impor­tant to rec­on­cile that America’s sup­port for the illic­it state of Israel is based on one thing only: racism. The Apartheid sys­tem in Palestine has treat­ed the Palestinian peo­ple as America treat­ed Blacks for hun­dreds of years.
it is a fan­tas­tic lie that has even Black peo­ple pledg­ing feal­ty to a state that sees them as less than humans. Racism is at the heart of the idea of the so-called Jewish state.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
