Moving From White Sheets To Police Uniforms…

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Placing near unmit­i­gat­ed and, in many cas­es, unsu­per­vised pow­er into the hands of the least edu­cat­ed in soci­ety is per­ilous. Nowhere is that prac­tice more self-evi­dent than in the United States.
One of the most evil yet bril­liant strokes of genius that the racist right man­aged to pull off has been to trans­form itself from the obscu­ri­ty of wear­ing sheets to com­mit crimes to out in the open wear­ing the law enforce­ment uni­form. Couple that with mil­i­tary train­ing, and you bet­ter under­stand what is hap­pen­ing on American streets with what pass­es for law enforcement.
Despise it as you are enti­tled, but there is no deny­ing the stroke of genius behind the move. How do you fight back the way you should against racist aggres­sion from peo­ple dressed in police uni­forms with the full back­ing of the states and the judi­cial system?

A judge recent­ly told a young black youth at sen­tenc­ing that he could think of no more egre­gious an act than some­one point­ing a gun at a police offi­cer. (police do it every day, hun­dreds of times to inno­cent cit­i­zens of color) .
He told the young man he was for­tu­nate to be alive before sen­tenc­ing him to a pro­tract­ed prison term. The prob­lem was that the young man was alive because he most like­ly did [not] point a gun at the cop, or he would indeed have been dead, rid­dled with bul­lets. The word of the cop was good enough for that judge to do what he did. The cop knew before­hand that all he had to do to destroy the young man’s life was lie that he point­ed a gun at him, not that he had a gun.

A knife in hand with no attempt to move toward a cop gets you shot fif­teen or more times. What do you think point­ing a loaded gun at a cop gets you?

The dou­ble-edged sword for America is that it is a coun­try that glo­ri­fies guns. It is also a coun­try that sup­pos­ed­ly prides itself on the rule of law. (sic) The right to own guns is guar­an­teed under the Constitution’s Second Amendment.
No rea­son­able per­son would deny the inher­ent dan­ger that may exist in polic­ing, par­tic­u­lar­ly in some neigh­bor­hoods. But the pal­pa­bil­i­ty of the fear the police dis­play can­not jus­ti­fy the bru­tal­i­ty they mete out to inno­cent cit­i­zens, or worse the num­ber of inno­cent lives they take as a result of those unfound­ed and irra­tional fears. 

The nation has a pop­u­la­tion of 331.9 mil­lion peo­ple. In 2020 the num­ber of reg­is­tered guns in the hands of cit­i­zens num­bered at approx­i­mate­ly 443.9 mil­lion.
Simply put, there are many more guns than peo­ple, but that is not all. According to the Guardian, only 22 to 31% of American adults say they per­son­al­ly own a gun. And then it goes down­hill from there. A group of 7.7m peo­ple, or 3% of American adults – own between eight and 140 guns each.
Recent sur­veys find that about 40% of adult Americans own a gun or live with some­one who does. Most gun own­ers cite pro­tec­tion as their pri­ma­ry rea­son for own­ing a gun, and most believe the gun or guns they own make their homes safer. However, research has con­sis­tent­ly shown that house­holds with guns are actu­al­ly less safe — with marked­ly high­er risks for acci­den­tal deaths, sui­cides, and domes­tic homi­cides. (wamu​.org). Who do you think the 40% of gun own­ers large­ly are?

It is incon­ceiv­able that since guns are held in such high esteem in the coun­try, almost as a source of wealth and pow­er and the ulti­mate instru­ment of pro­tec­tion, the poor and dis­pos­sessed would also seek to have them. And since the laws are delib­er­ate­ly designed to ensure that cer­tain seg­ments of soci­ety do not pos­sess the means to acquire them, it was almost a giv­en that those seg­ments would do every­thing to get them. And since guns are viewed as a pow­er tool, it is con­ceiv­able as to why the dis­pos­sessed are not allowed to have them. It is also eas­i­er to under­stand why the laws would give state agents the pow­er to sum­mar­i­ly exe­cute any­one with an ille­gal gun.
It also explains the mind­set of the old white male sen­tenc­ing judge.….’ con­sid­er your­self lucky to be alive; I there­fore sen­tence you to obliv­ion for eternity.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
