FBI To Set Up Shop In Jamaica: Was Only A Matter Of Time .…..


As the spate of killings con­tin­ue Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams has vowed to find the killers of a nine-month-old girl, her 25-year-old moth­er and a 62-year-old man in Annotto Bay, St Mary.
I have to admit I have tuned out the com­mis­sion­er and prob­a­bly won’t be inter­est­ed in any of his pro­nounce­ments until he brings dup­py film to jus­tice for killing two police offi­cers at poor man’s cor­ner in St Thomas rough­ly nine months ago.

Carl Williams
Carl Williams police Commissioner

I was pret­ty con­vinced that Commissioner Carl Williams had no means of deliv­er­ing on his words to leave no stones un-turned after the vicious killer sum­mar­i­ly exe­cut­ed two police offi­cers for no rea­son oth­er than that they were police officers..
At the time the com­mis­sion­er made the state­ment I thought to myself, “he is say­ing it because it sounds good and that’s all”.  It sound­ed good to him to say it for the ben­e­fit of the slain offi­cers fam­i­lies . But I found it nau­se­at­ing that he would utter them know­ing full well that he had no inten­tion of fol­low­ing on his words to deliv­er for the two bereaved families.

The prob­lem is not that the JCF lacks the abil­i­ty to find these mon­sters , it was­n’t 25 years ago when I was a young offi­cer there. The dif­fer­ence between this com­mis­sion­er of police and oth­ers of the past is that he has no balls , He is a wimp and a coward.
Carl Williams has demon­strat­ed an abject fail­ure of lead­er­ship . He has offered no clar­i­ty of pol­i­cy and pro­ce­dure to the young offi­cers on the beat.
He has been a total cow­ard , in essence Carl Williams has been like a bat­tered kid pet­ri­fied of a local school-yard bul­ly. That lit­tle bul­ly is Terrence Williams .
Like every bul­ly Williams is an inse­cure lit­tle man who des­per­ate­ly seeks approval.
Generally, ten­den­cies like those dis­played by Terrence Williams can eas­i­ly be fixed by blood­y­ing the bul­ly’s nose .
Carl Williams won’t be the one to do it , too afraid he’ll be hit even hard­er if he throws a punch, a punch which could down the lit­tle bul­ly but could also elic­it an even more severe beat­ing . Commissioner Carl Williams allows him­self to be beat­en with­out fight­ing back because he is sim­ply afraid of Terrence Williams.

Terrence Williams
Terrence Williams INDECOM’s commissioner

Unfortunately , when the police com­mis­sion­er punks out, it does noth­ing to him every­one knows he is a punk, (not the term I real­ly want to use);
But his lack of tes­tic­u­lar for­ti­tude embold­ens crim­i­nals, increas­es the per­cep­tion that police offi­cers are afraid of INDECOM and places the lives and safe­ty of young rank and file cops at risk.


Over the years it has become clear that Jamaica lacks the will to put real crim­i­nals in Jail,. Administrations of both polit­i­cal par­ties have enhanced the decline of the Police depart­ment as a strat­e­gy which would make sure that the sin­gu­lar inves­tiga­tive agency tasked with bring­ing crim­i­nals to jus­tice would be a paper tiger, or worse an embar­rass­ment as a law-enforce­ment agency.
Additionally both polit­i­cal par­ties have stoked the embers of anti-police sen­ti­ments and added the accaler­ant which has result­ed in the infer­no of law­less­ness which has been sweep­ing the Island for years.
The icing on the cake was the cre­ation of INDECOM which cement­ed the lie that the police is use­less because they are corrupt.
Of course there are many cor­rupt cops and have been for decades .
The fact is how­ev­er, that the polit­i­cal class cre­at­ed the cor­rup­tion with­in the police depart­ment, by effec­tive­ly hol­low­ing out what­ev­er capa­bil­i­ties it had to inves­ti­gate, as insur­ance the depart­ment would nev­er have the abil­i­ty to put them in prison for their crimes.

In one of the most recent arti­cles I wrote I spoke to the ever increas­ing inter-con­nect­ed nature of our plan­et and the way it will affect all of the earth­’s peo­ple going forward.
That assess­ment has been val­i­dat­ed in an announce­ment in the Jamaican media that the Federal Bureau of Investigations will be set­ting up offices in Kingston along with the the Bureau of Alcohol, tobac­co, and firearms.
Yup it was only a mat­ter of time .
Over the years this writer have talked about the fail­ure of the Jamaican Government of (both polit­i­cal par­ties). Detailing how they have con­tributed to crime rather than work toward the elim­i­na­tion of it.
I hate to say I told you so but I did !
It was nev­er about the guns flood­ing into the Island , but the inces­sant stream of funds stream­ing out of the United States. It was not going to be allowed to continue .

As vice President Joe Biden once said to President Obama “this is a big f******g deal”.. It actu­al­ly is, for the first time a for­eign police agency will pub­licly be set­ting up shop on the Island .
There are no if”s and or buts about why this is hap­pen­ing Americans are being scammed out of their liveli­hoods and the Jamaican author­i­ties are either unwill­ing or inca­pable of stop­ping it.
The lot­to-scam has been going on for years .A select com­mit­tee of the United States Senate heard evi­dence years ago on it.
This is the result.
As was report­ed in this medi­um recent­ly American law-enforce­ment agen­cies have been attend­ing court pro­ceed­ings on the Island as observers, in cas­es in which the United States has an interest.
I can hard­ly wait to hear from the loud­mouths who con­stant­ly pon­tif­i­cate about Nationalism and sov­er­eign­ty . Most impor­tant­ly I want to hear from the so-called con­sti­tu­tion­al lawyers , you know the lit­tle grung gads inna jume­ka, you know them .They have strength for local police because of com­mis­sion­er Carl Williams , but guar­an­teed the lit­tle self impor­tant mouth­pieces will have noth­ing to say regard­ing the oper­a­tions of either American Federal Agency, and nei­ther will the lit­tle school­yard bul­ly Terrence Williams…
