President Donald J Trump : What Are The Consequences.…


Election Watch


It’s quite easy to be dis­in­ter­est­ed in American Elections which are due in less than two months.
Understandably, some peo­ple (not Americans) may feel removed or even dis­in­ter­est­ed in the process.
Nevertheless, giv­en the ever increas­ing inter­con­nect­ed nature of the world in which we live we may be doing our­selves a dis­ser­vice by ignor­ing what is play­ing out in front of our eyes.

Regardless of our nation­al­i­ty or our sense of patri­o­tism to wher­ev­er, what hap­pens in America shapes what hap­pens wher­ev­er we come from across the globe.
It is easy to find this fact objec­tion­able but that inter-con­nect­ed­ness makes an American President almost a de-fac­to world pres­i­dent of sorts.

Certainly, an American pres­i­dent as com­man­der-in-chief has vast reach­es across the planet.
He/​She has under his/​her con­trol the most pow­er­ful mil­i­tary in the his­to­ry of mankind, and deliv­ery sys­tems which makes the amaz­ing weapon­ry of the American Armed Forces deliv­er­able with ter­ri­fy­ing accu­ra­cy and effectiveness.


That is why it is impor­tant than an American President has the right tem­pera­ment ‚not some­one whose wound­ed ego may trig­ger a nuclear apocalypse.
Lets set aside the silli­ness about busi­ness deals which went wrong or e‑mail servers which could have been hacked, reveal­ing low lev­els of clas­si­fied mate­ri­als (at best).
Lets set aside failed Universities which was nev­er even a third rate col­lege to begin with. We may even dis­re­gard all the talk about Foundations or pay for play.
Far more sub­stan­tive is the exis­ten­tial threat a Donald Trump Presidency would pose for the secu­ri­ty of our planet.

Donald J Trump
Donald J Trump

On the issue of war and peace. On Immigration. On trade. Religious lib­er­ty. On Global move­ment of peo­ple as a result of wars and nation­al dis­as­ters, Donald Trump has demon­strat­ed that he would re-write the world order and it would not be pretty.
Donald Trump’s cam­paign began years ago because of his mon­ey or the medi­a’s belief that he has lots of it. It may rea­son­ably be said he is a media cre­ation. As if that was not enough they gave him a real­i­ty show to build a media pro­file and name recog­ni­tion which formed the cat­a­lyst for his White House run.


His ‘show me your papers’ assault against the nation’s first African-American pres­i­dent has re-ener­gized the smol­der­ing embers of racial ani­mus result­ing in expo­nen­tial increas­es in hate groups (accord­ing to the Southern Poverty Law Center and oth­er groups which track hate groups).


Trumps wants to build a wall on America’s south­ern bor­der with Mexico, stat­ing he will make Mexico pay for it. Of course when face to face with the Mexican President he made no men­tion of it. He wants to deport over 11 mil­lion peo­ple liv­ing in the shad­ows and even revoke cit­i­zen­ship of chil­dren born to undoc­u­ment­ed residents.

Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims enter­ing the United States. He also wants to kill rel­a­tives of ter­ror suspects.
That means any­one who has an errant rel­a­tive is at risk of being killed by the United States Government under a President Trump. Imagine the impli­ca­tions of that.

He declares that he would fire at Iranian war­ships if they came too close . General Barry McCafferya man who knows what he is talk­ing about-told NBC on Saturday that those deci­sions are brava­do . The General said those deci­sions would be arrived at by US Naval Officers; not by Donald Trump.
He promised to engage China aggres­sive­ly on trade a move which could poten­tial­ly see a trade war devel­op between the two coun­tries, dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for both coun­tries, and poten­tial­ly push both coun­tries clos­er to armed conflict.


Open Carry Vigilantes Terrorize Ferguson Protester
Open Carry Vigilantes Terrorize Ferguson Protesters

On race rela­tions and the exist­ing dis­trust and ten­sion between com­mu­ni­ties of col­or and police, Donald Trump’s response is to empow­er and throw more sup­port behind police. He has not offered a solu­tion to the con­flict which means his actions as pres­i­dent would fur­ther stoke the fires of resent­ment, dis­trust, and ten­sion which could poten­tial­ly see America’s streets become war zones or on the oth­er hand an approx­i­mate­ly 35 – 40 mil­lion Black peo­ple returned to a state of sec­ond class-sta­tus on par with the Jim Crow era.


In all my years as a polit­i­cal observ­er I have nev­er seen anoth­er can­di­date for the Presidency of the United States which has and should evoke fear and trep­i­da­tion as does Donald Trump.
His absolute igno­rance of the most impor­tant issues are shock­ing. His lack of grasp of the most basic issue is stunning.

Yet despite this, the guy is less than two months away from the pres­i­den­cy, and the most potent nuclear arse­nal in the world.
The fright­en­ing real­i­ty is that despite his demon­stra­ble lack of under­stand­ing of the most crit­i­cal areas which a poten­tial pres­i­dent ought to have, his sup­port­ers clam­or for him with cult-like fervor.


Hillary Clinton the Democratic nom­i­nee says half of Trump’s sup­port comes from a group she calls the “bas­ket of deplorables.” Racist, sex­ist, homo­pho­bic, xeno­pho­bic, Islamaphopic-you name it, accord­ing to her.
By Saturday September 10th Clinton walked the “half“com­ment back, fear­ing she may have com­mit­ted her “47% moment” in elec­tion his­to­ry or maybe then Senator Barack Obama’s guns and reli­gion com­ment in his ini­tial bid for the presidency.
The dif­fer­ence between the com­ments of Clinton and that of Romney and Obama is that Clinton made her state­ment pub­licly theirs were made in pri­vate events.
Clinton of course is held to a dif­fer­ent stan­dard than Donald Trump . In fact many have labeled him Teflon.
He brags he could shoot some­one on Fifth avenue and he would not lose a sin­gle supporter.

These are real images, not fiction..
These are real images, not fiction..

Well Hillary Clinton got it exact­ly right!
Clinton was absolute­ly not say­ing that half of all Republicans are deplorable, she cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly said half of Trump’s sup­port­ers are.
To begin with, he is a big admir­er of Vladimir Putin the Russian strong­man. He admires the late Iraqi strong­man Saddam Hussein. He tells the thugs at his ral­lies to hit peo­ple, take their coats and turn them loose in the cold.
He sur­round him­self with a bul­lies and wannabe strong­men like Rudolph Giuliani, and anoth­er wannabe tough guy New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

TERRE HAUTE, IN - MAY 01: Guests wait in line before Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses a rally at the Indiana Theater on May 1, 2016 in Terre Haute, Indiana. Trump is campaigning in Indiana ahead of the state's primary election on May 3. (Photo by Charles Ledford/Getty Images)
He hired Paul Manafort, a man with alleged ties to the Russians. After fir­ing Manafort, he went even deep­er into the bot­tom of the bar­rel dig­ging out Breitbart’s Stephen K Bannon from the extreme right fringe to run his campaign.
At Trump cam­paign they sell T‑shirts call­ing for the impris­on­ment of Hillary Clinton.
They demand that she be killed. They dis­play con­fed­er­ate flags. For all intents and pur­pos­es, Trumps ral­lies are glo­ri­fied Klan Rallies.

Yes-the media does a ter­rif­ic job of try­ing to san­i­tize Donald Trump. Why not? It was the media which made made him a celebrity
If he becomes pres­i­dent we have the media to thank for it.
It is said his sup­port comes from une­d­u­cat­ed white work­ing class peo­ple. They have no inter­est in facts. They care noth­ing about the fact that he is dan­ger­ous for and to the rest of of the world. He rep­re­sents their point of view and what they care about is all that mat­ters to them.
“I could stand in the mid­dle of Fifth Avenue and shoot some­body and I would­n’t lose any of my supporters” .
Yes he absolute­ly could; that does not speak to Trump it speaks to those who sup­port him.

A poten­tial pres­i­dent Donald J. Trump will be vast­ly con­se­quen­tial for America and it will be equal­ly as con­se­quen­tial for the rest of the world.
