Clinton Campaign Seem Determined To Snatch Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

Am I the only person who believes Hillary Clinton is running a really horrible campaign? We can all agree Hillary Clinton is a weak candidate but did they not learn anything from 2008?

Maybe I am alone on this , but it seem that there is real­ly no coör­di­nat­ed mes­sage com­ing out of Clinton’s Brooklyn Campaign headquarters.

Donald Trump’s entire life is a smörgås­bord of dis-qual­i­fiers. For some rea­son which is lost at least on me, the Clinton cam­paign seem to believe that their can­di­date has the elec­tion in the bag.
What’s shock­ing about this whole débâ­cle is that Donald Trump is lit­er­al­ly the worst and most dan­ger­ous can­di­date to ever be nom­i­nat­ed for the American Presidency, at least in mod­ern times .

Republican presumptive nominee Donald Trump,
Republican nom­i­nee Donald Trump,

He has stead­fast­ly refused to play by estab­lished rules as it relates to releas­ing his tax returns . There is no law forc­ing him to, but for over forty years pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates of both par­ties have released their tax returns to the public.
Trump’s own vice pres­i­den­tial run­ning mate has released his returns , yet there is no pub­lic or media pres­sure for Donald Trump to show respect to the American vot­ers he so des­per­ate­ly want to lead. Obviously the rules do not apply to the Republican nom­i­nee on anything.
Donald Trump has respond­ed claim­ing that he is under audit and thus restrained.
The IRS has rub­bished Trump’s claim argu­ing he is absolute­ly not pre­clud­ed or pre­vent­ed from releas­ing his tax returns dur­ing an audit. Despite this, Donald Trump has refused stick­ing to the lie and the media allows him to get away with it.

On his health Donald Trump had his Doctor cob­ble togeth­er a let­ter claim­ing he is the health­i­est per­son ever to run for the pres­i­den­cy . Literally every med­ical pro­fes­sion­al asked to respond to the let­ter has heaped scorn on it, and that does not even include the miss-spellings and the lan­guage used in the letter.

Hillary Clinton clear­ly adopt­ed a strat­e­gy she would run out the clock. During the month of August bask­ing in the glow of her extend­ed cam­paign num­bers , Clinton was large­ly absent from the cam­paign trail.
Her sur­ro­gates argue she was engaged in fund rais­ing events .

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, center, comforts flood victim Olive Gordan with her husband Jimmy, right, during tour of their flood damaged home in Denham Springs, La., Friday, Aug. 19, 2016. (AP Photo/Max Becherer)
Is this pan­der­ing? Of course but to these peo­ple what they want to see is some­one who seem to care..

Look , there is a legit­i­mate argu­ment to be made for her using the time , there months away from the elec­tions , good poll num­bers, to fund-raise.
There is also an argu­ment to be made that she want­ed to scoop up all the cash she could for the final stretch of the campaign.
However,when The oth­er can­di­date is vis­it­ing flood rav­aged areas, vis­it­ing a for­eign head of state and is just plain all over the media, there is just so much mon­ey is going to do to stop that surg­ing opponent.

Hillary Clinton is a weak can­di­date, her cam­paign is prov­ing to be equal­ly as lethar­gic. As I said in a pre­vi­ous blog her cam­paign lacks nim­ble­ness. Either it is not using the huge trove of neg­a­tives out there against Donald Trump or using them has had no effect on his candidacy.
It is unimag­in­able that the Clinton cam­paign would allow the Trump cam­paign to flip the nar­ra­tive from a ref­er­en­dum on Trump to one on her despite her out­spend­ing Trump as much as ten to one by some estimates.

Trump in Mexico appearing presidential..
Trump in Mexico appear­ing presidential..

The Trump cam­paign takes Clinton’s attack lines flip them and are using them against Clinton with marked effectiveness.
♦Clinton argues Trump is unfit . Trump says Hillary has no sta­mi­na. ♦Clinton argues Trump is dis­qual­i­fied from serv­ing as com­man­der-in-chief because of the dis­parag­ing com­ments he made about sev­er­al groups of peo­ple. Donald Trump flipped the same com­ments say­ing Hillary is dis­qual­i­fied because of her “bas­ket of deplorables” com­ments.

The fact is that it is impos­si­ble to turn on a tele­vi­sion set for two min­utes with­out hear­ing the name Donald Trump,the media is total­ly fix­at­ed on the guy. It’s kin­da like the way radios sta­tions play bad songs over and over on short rota­tions to the point you hear them even when you sleep. You get to the point you begin to start think­ing you like the song because that’s all you hear.

The aver­age vot­er may not like Trump or may even be unsure about him but they can’t help hear­ing his name and accord­ing to the polls they are begin­ning to feel maybe, just maybe this guy is not as bad as they say.
We keep wait­ing for the moment when the Clinton Campaign unleash­es some­thing which will suck the air out of the Trump lying racist and divi­sive cam­paign once and for all.
Instead Donald Trump is out on the cam­paign trail using words he does not know the mean­ing of to describe Hillary Clinton’s com­ments about half of Trumps sup­port­ers are in what she call “part of a bas­ket of deplorables

The fact of the mat­ter is that whether it’s half or the whole of his sup­port­ers are ♦Racist♦Xenophobic♦Sexist♦Misogynist♦Islamaphobic♦ Nativist , it’s pret­ty damn deplorable.
A can­di­date who accord­ing to one poll is viewed by 60% of the nation as racist , a can­di­date who mocks a hand­i­capped reporter , thats pret­ty deplorable. A can­di­date and his run­ning mate who refuse to denounce David Duke and oth­er racists are pret­ty deplorable. A can­di­date who cas­ti­gates and labels an entire race of peo­ple as rapists and mur­der­ers is pret­ty deplorable.

A can­di­date who says that a Federal judge with an exem­plary record, is inca­pable of com­ing to a fair deci­sion in a case he is hear­ing because of his race, that’s pret­ty darn deplorable.
A can­di­date who mocks a fam­i­ly who lost their son in mil­i­tary ser­vice of the United States , that’s deplorable.
A man who mock John McCain a dec­o­rat­ed war hero who was cap­tured and tor­tured, that’s deplorable.
A man who spent over $85.000 in 1989 to dem­a­gogue 5 inno­cent black and brown teenagers in the New York Press. Demanding the death penal­ty for them, poi­son­ing the jury pool result­ing in an incor­rect find­ing of guilt and a sub­se­quent 13 year impris­on­ment before they were exonerated.
That’s pret­ty damn deplorable.


There should be no hes­i­ta­tion about say­ing those peo­ple are deplorable. Yet Donald Trump’s run­ning mate Mike Pence, the sit­ting Indiana Governor, was asked whether David Duke is deplorable, Pence replied “I’m not in the name-call­ing busi­ness.”
That exact­ly goes to the argu­ments Hillary Clinton has been making.
Trump/​Pence wants every­one to believe these are ordi­nary American work­ing peo­ple , you know farm­ers, cops, butch­ers, bar­bers, cops . Well if true what does it say about them?

The fact is nei­ther Trump nor Pence wants to denounce the most rad­i­cal racist zealots who find their voice as a result of their can­di­da­cy. They have been the life-blood of Trump’s can­di­da­cy from day one.
That’s the rea­son guys like Jeb Bush , and John Kasich are watch­ing these elec­tions from the sidelines.

David Plouffe
David Plouffe

Despite wads of cam­paign cash the Clinton cam­paign seem to be like the car­toon character

David Axelrod
David Axelrod

legs spin­ning but not moving .
Those who see her can­di­da­cy as the only remain­ing buffer between a Trump Presidency are ner­vous and fret­ful at what appears to be a cam­paign unsure of what to do.
The grunts you hear are com­ing from Republicans climb­ing back on board Donald Trump’s cam­paign ship . Good poll num­bers, and an insur­gent cam­paign final­ly show­ing some dis­ci­pline and Republicans are falling over them­selves to ingra­ti­ate them­selves with Donald Trump. It may be late but not too late for Clinton to call up David Plouffe and David Axlerod two of the archi­tects of Obama’s two wipe-outs of Republicans in 208 and 2012.

Of course in vin­tage Clinton style they will stick with the lack-lus­ter cam­paign , even as Trump is on his third set of cam­paign staff.
Hillary Clinton seem des­tined to snatch defeat from the jaws of vic­to­ry unleash­ing on the world a xeno­pho­bic, racist , misog­y­nis­tic, con-man and that’s just the beginning.
It’s nev­er too late to make a change.

In the end Hillary Clinton may be able to eke out a vic­to­ry in November . If that hap­pens it will be a func­tion of how deplorable a can­di­date Donald Trump is .
Given a stronger Democratic can­di­date with less bag­gage Democrats would have been guar­an­teed the White house, and maybe , just maybe the House of Representatives would have been up for grabs, not to men­tion Governorships and oth­er offices down ballot.
At this stage eking out a win will be a huge vic­to­ry for Democrats and President Obama’s legacy.
