Two Policemen Killed, Civilian Injured In Drive-By Shooting In St Thomas

Marlon ‘Duppy Film' Perry
Marlon ‘Duppy Film’ Perry

Two police­men have been killed and a civil­ian injured in a dri­ve-by shoot­ing in Yallahs, St Thomas.

The com­mand­ing offi­cer for the parish, Deputy Superintendent Charmaine Shand, said the inci­dent hap­pened about 8 p.m. However, she could not pro­vide any fur­ther details. It’s under­stood that the shoot­ing hap­pened at a shop in the St Thomas town. It’s also report­ed that one of the cops was attached to the West Kingston Police Division. He is the third cop from that divi­sion to be killed since July.

The National Security Minister Peter Bunting has joined Police Commissioner Dr Carl Williams in con­demn­ing the mur­der of two police­men in St Thomas last night.

Corporal Kenneth Davis attached to Protective Services Division and Constable Craig Palmer, attached to the Kingston Western Division, were ambushed while play­ing a game of domi­noes with friends in their com­mu­ni­ty. A civil­ian was injured in the attack and has since been hos­pi­talised. “This demon­strates the risk that the police are con­stant­ly exposed to by virtue of their occu­pa­tion and inci­dents of this nature remind us of the extreme­ly dif­fi­cult chal­lenges fac­ing the secu­ri­ty forces, and the great sac­ri­fices they con­tin­ue to make in the fight to rid Jamaica of the scourge of crime and violence,“Bunting said. He not­ed that one of the offi­cers killed was from the Kingston West Division, which had already lost two mem­bers of their team this year in vio­lent attacks. Bunting has plead­ed with mem­bers of the pub­lic to help the police in their inves­ti­ga­tions by pro­vid­ing them with infor­ma­tion that may lead to the appre­hen­sion of the per­pe­tra­tors. “I express deep­est con­do­lences to the fam­i­lies, col­leagues, and com­mu­ni­ties that have trag­i­cal­ly lost these police­men and call upon all law abid­ing cit­i­zens to sup­port the police in appre­hend­ing the cul­prits of this heinous crime, ” he said.

The police have list­ed Marlon Perry‎ oth­er­wise called ‘Duppy Film’ as a per­son of inter­est in the mur­der of two cops and the injury of a civil­ian in St Thomas last night. Corporal Kenneth Davis attached to the Protective Services Division and Constable Craig Palmer, attached to the Kingston Western Division, were ambushed while play­ing a game of domi­noes with friends in their com­mu­ni­ty. The police say‎ Duppy Film should imme­di­ate­ly sur­ren­der and any­one know­ing his where­abouts should con­tact them.

The West St Thomas MP James Robertson says he has received infor­ma­tion that one of the cops mur­dered in the parish last night had been receiv­ing threats over an inci­dent years ago. Robertson did not give details of the alleged inci­dent, but called for the police High Command to release all the infor­ma­tion they have and to seek help. According to him, oth­er police per­son­nel in the parish have also been receiv­ing threats. Robertson who is a Jamaica Labour Party MP mem­ber says he will meet with the High Command today to pro­vide the infor­ma­tion he has received. Contacted last night, Deputy Superintendent of Police in charge of St Thomas, Berrisford Williams, said the inves­ti­ga­tions were at an ear­ly stage and he could not pro­vide much details.

3 thoughts on “Two Policemen Killed, Civilian Injured In Drive-By Shooting In St Thomas

  1. This is the real­i­ty of liv­ing, work­ing, and rais­ing your fam­i­ly in the crim­i­nals par­adise Jamaica! We’re wit­ness­ing the full ver­sion of the embold­ened, moti­vat­ed, and brazen crim­i­nals hav­ing zero fear of law enforce­ment offi­cers. An attack on the police is an attack on the insti­tu­tion of the government. 

    The peo­ple who are with­in the halls of Parliament, the prime min­is­ter’s cab­i­net, and local gov­ern­ments may think that they are immune from the wrath of the local crim­i­nals who have been unleash­ing may­hem, death, and destruction. 

    Let’s give cred­it where it is due. The boasie slaves in Jamaica have been doing a great job on behalf of the Jamaican crim­i­nals for the past twen­ty two years. Thanks to the PNP par­ty and the past prime min­is­ter P.J. Patterson who’s respon­si­ble for care­ful­ly, strate­gic chip­ping away the pow­ers of the police force by call­ing it reform! 

    The attack con­tin­ue to this day on the police force by strength­en­ing the crim­i­nals by let­ting them know that, they the boasie slaves are in charge and will do every­thing in their pow­er to demor­al­ized the police offi­cers and give the crim­i­nals more pro­tec­tion from the laws of Jamaica.

  2. Cops are now see­ing that the sys­tem is not in favour of their inter­ests. If u con­front crim­i­nals u run the risk of get­ting killed and INDECOM has the right to pur­sue u in a way that I HONESTLY believe is to secure con­vic­tion. As a result of that mind frame u the Police decide to lay low then the pub­lic say u can’t pro­tect them n that your doing no work. no Cop wants to die, a man is just a man. How does one cope with these options

  3. And some of these licky licky lit­tle cops would still give their lives for the nan­ny-goat sit­ting in Jamaica house , go figure.
    There is no crime fight­ing all of the Khaki clad idiots now have degrees but can­not tell their heads from their asses.
    Many of the com­mand­ing offi­cers are women ] who have nev­er made an arrest , and are mere­ly win­dow dressings >
    How are you going to be a com­mand­ing offi­cer with­out being bat­tle tested?
    The whole shit is a joke .
    I encour­age for­eign­ers to shun Jamaica it is a den of criminals.
    Go at your own risk.…

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