White Mass Killer Presented As University Grad, Who Suffered Multiple Concussions…

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This is white mass mur­der­er Connor Sturgeon who mas­sa­cred five (5) peo­ple and wound­ed nine (9) oth­ers at a bank on Monday in a shoot­ing ram­page in Louisville, Kentucky while live-stream­ing the attack.

Connor Sturgeon

This cold barefaced mass killer is being san­i­tized across the cor­po­rate media as a vic­tim who has had mul­ti­ple con­cus­sions; one pub­li­ca­tion intro­duced him as a grad­u­ate of the University of Alabama.
Who the f**k cares?

The pub­li­ca­tion went on to posit that the mass mur­der­er has a mas­ter of sci­ence degree from the same university.
Sturgeon had learned he was going to be fired from the bank and wrote a note for his par­ents and a friend that he was going to car­ry out a shoot­ing at the bank, CNN reported.
It seems to me like he was a reg­u­lar­ly dis­grun­tled work­er who was mad he was about to be let go and decid­ed to go postal on his col­leagues. What does his bona fides have to do with him car­ry­ing out this bar­bar­ic act?
To add insult to injury, he left a note to his par­ents and a friend telling them of his mali­cious intent. That goes to pre­med­i­ta­tion or mens re.a , guilty mind. Livestreaming his ram­page was icing on the cake.
Neither his for­mal edu­ca­tion nor sports injury should be men­tioned in this sav­age’s onslaught snuff­ing out inno­cent lives.


Murderers are mur­der­ers, regard­less of their skin col­or. We will not accept attempts to white-wash the bar­barism inher­ent in white mass mur­der­ers being per­pet­u­at­ed by the whol­ly owned white cor­po­rate media.
I will not stand in defense of black killers, nor will I stand in agree­ment with the san­i­tiz­ing of white ones.
Black men who com­mit mur­ders are char­ac­ter­ized as thugs and ani­mals. If a black man who kills a sin­gle per­son is a thug and ani­mal, what is the def­i­n­i­tion of a white man who does worse by tak­ing more lives?
The con­tin­ued bom­bard­ment of our psy­che by the fas­cist white pow­er struc­ture through the cor­rupt cor­po­rate media has gone on for too long. We no longer accept the implic­it bias­es fed to us; we are quite capa­ble of think­ing for ourselves.
The right-wing attacks on social media apps like Tik Tok, sup­port­ed by some in the Democrat par­ty, are all about get­ting back con­trol of the minds of the peo­ple and pro­hibit­ing the peo­ple from get­ting infor­ma­tion to each oth­er with­out government/​corporate input.
It is anoth­er attack on ‘woke’ some­thing they are des­per­ate­ly afraid of, black peo­ple begin­ning to think for themselves.
Well, at least a few of us.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
