Despite Clear Signs Republicans Wants Blacks Back On Plantations, Some Are Even Supporting That Party…

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Two black coun­cil mem­bers in Tennesee were expelled for protest­ing in the well of the statehouse.
They were try­ing to bring atten­tion to the pro­lif­ic prob­lem of guns wreak­ing hav­oc on lives, includ­ing small chil­dren in their class­rooms. Republicans char­ac­ter­ized their protest as an insurrection.
Not one of those clowns had any­thing to say about the real insur­rec­tion that their mes­si­ah insti­gat­ed on January 6th, 2021.
My plea to black peo­ple is to wake up; if you con­tin­ue to slum­ber, you will be awak­ened in chains back on the plantations.
Every gain accom­plished after the 1964 civ­il rights and the 1965 vot­ing rights acts, includ­ing the two named acts, is under attack.

The way-over­board freak­out response of the Republican super­ma­jor­i­ty in that body was dwarfed only by the con­de­scend­ing and racist respons­es of the indi­vid­ual mem­bers of that body as they fired off ques­tions, made alle­ga­tions, and talked down to the two young elect­ed offi­cials who were their equal.
The con­de­scen­sion and the racist snarls were sim­i­lar only to the white race sol­diers who dou­ble as police offi­cers when they encounter young black men on America’s streets. The Republican lynch mob all but for­got they were talk­ing to two intel­li­gent, high­ly com­pe­tent young men in 2023, not two young men they intend­ed to lynch after church ser­vice in bygone years.
The bla­tant Racism, Xenophobia, Transphobia, Islamaphobia, and Homophobia unearthed across the United States is symp­to­matic of a dying rat­tlesnake that is still dan­ger­ous even with its head chopped off.
Book ban­ning, stop­ping peo­ple from vot­ing, chang­ing school and col­lege cur­ric­u­la, and killing peo­ple who do not look like them is a los­ing strat­e­gy long-term.
This regres­sive strat­e­gy by the polit­i­cal right gains its sus­te­nance from the con­tin­ued pas­siv­i­ty and dis­in­ter­est of 41.6 mil­lion Black peo­ple in the United States. Coupled with their over one tril­lion dol­lar spend­ing pow­er annually.
No oth­er eth­nic group with that much pow­er would tol­er­ate what is dished out to African-Americans dai­ly, yet this sleep­ing giant seems to be more inter­est­ed in per­pet­u­al victimhood.

Some have been so bru­tal­ized and beat­en down, bat­tered and bruised, that they have thrown in their lot with the tor­menters. How else would you char­ac­ter­ize the likes of Clarence Tom-Ass, the coon­ing Tim Scott, or even the sor­ri­ly igno­rant Herschel Walker, or the bed-wench Candace Owens?
Stockholm syndrome?
Or, maybe some peo­ple were real­ly cre­at­ed to be door­mats, regard­less of where grov­el­ing gets them for sell­ing their souls. Placing a door­mat on your fan­cy din­ing table and claim­ing it is a beau­ti­ful table­cloth does not change the fact it is a dirty doormat.
There is talk that both young men will be returned to their elect­ed posts. We will await the out­come of that. In the mean­time, I hope peo­ple are wak­ing up to the real­i­ty that they need to get up, go out, and vote in all elec­tions. African-Americans have a habit of only vot­ing in pres­i­den­tial elec­tions in appro­pri­ate num­bers. Those who toiled were bat­tered and bruised to give them the right to vote should nev­er die in vain because you are too lazy and igno­rant to go out and vote.
The super­ma­jor­i­ty in the Tennessee state­house may be attrib­ut­able to peo­ple not going out to vote, even though ger­ry­man­der­ing and vot­er sup­pres­sion are also par­tial­ly responsible.
The Republican par­ty will stop at noth­ing to retain white suprema­cy, which includes over­throw­ing the duly con­sti­tut­ed gov­ern­men­tal order of the United States.
January 6th, 2021 was prece­dent; they may not fail on the next attempt.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
