What Will The Holness Led JLP Tell Voters About Crime Next Election Cycle?

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One notable char­ac­ter­is­tic about us Jamaicans is our belief in our own smart­ness. And please do not tell us any­thing if we man­aged to earn a lib­er­al arts degree because then we become an author­i­ty on all things, and we will let any­one for­get that we have one. Unfortunately, for the mass­es who nev­er man­aged to earn one of these degrees that the intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to hands out each year; they look up to those who have one as the ‘big­ger heads’, laugh. My idea of many of them is clos­er to ‘log­ger heads’ but I digress.…Much of our claim to being smart are as cred­i­ble as a snow­bal­l’s claim to hav­ing sur­vived a rag­ing fire.
We have very short atten­tion spans. Or as my grand dad­dy used to say, we are like cream soda, we raise up and die down. No continuation.
How can a coun­try pay mem­bers of par­lia­ment who do not show up for the work for which they are being paid? Why are the peo­ple not demand­ing accountability?
Can an ordi­nary work­ing Jamaican be absent from work up to 80% of the time and still be employed if their job isn’t of polit­i­cal patronage?
PNP’s Hugh Graham has been absent from more than 60% of House sit­tings since the start of this year. He is a first-term MP who has sig­naled that he will not seek a sec­ond term after his term expires in 2025. Graham has also resigned from the PNP’s shad­ow cab­i­net. He should also step aside or be boot­ed from the House. There are rules that allow for this scalawag to be boot­ed from the house; why is he still there.
Peter Phillips, for­mer leader of the PNP, and Mike Henry, long­time JLP dinosaurs, are also most­ly absent from their jobs while still being paid accord­ing to one local reporting.
The word is that they are sick. But for the police offi­cers, nurs­es, teach­ers, and oth­er pub­lic sec­tor work­ers, there is a strict time­line as to when they [must] return to work.
Many police offi­cers who have been shot or oth­er­wise seri­ous­ly wound­ed on the job have been forced out of their jobs. These offcers are not peo­ple who are old and sick, but peo­ple who are shot on the job.
Why are the rules dif­fer­ent for these polit­i­cal par­a­sites who suck the blood of the people?

Hugh Graham MP

Jamaica is a coun­try with­out lead­er­ship­it seem. The coun­try has­n’t seen effec­tive lead­er­ship since Hugh Shearer. On for­eign and domes­tic mat­ters, Hugh Lawson Shearer stood head and shoul­ders above every sin­gle one who suc­ced­ed him.
He makes them seem small­er than junior varsity.
As the coun­try con­tin­ue to drown in its own blood the lead­er­ship refus­es to pass strong laws to pro­tect the coun­try. As I have said repeat­ed­ly over the years, a gov­ern­men­t’s first and most sacred duty is to pro­tect the peo­ple. I have also said it is the rea­son that even as far back as the dark ages rulers built high walls, moats and oth­er for­ti­fi­ca­tions around their cities,yet Jamaican politi­cians do not under­stand these sim­ple con­cepts today.
The peo­ple in the gov­ern­ment rep­re­sents the best and bright­est the nation has to offer I believe. If I am corect Jamaica is in deep shit.

The Andrew Holness led JLP Government bet­ter not think that it will be see­ing pow­er again any­time soon when it is boot­ed from office. No one will be inter­est­ed in hear­ing from them on the sem­i­nal issue of crime.
They have the num­bers to ram through leg­is­la­tion that will make the changes need­ed to secure the nation.
Rather than act as a true government,the Holness admin­is­tra­tion has done noth­ing to stop the bunch of morons the intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to releas­es on the nation who parade as judges. -Theyse judges con­tribute heav­i­ly to the car­nage and blood­shed by releas­ing onto the streets repeat mur­der­ers and oth­er vio­lent offenders.
When will this mad­ness of releas­ing mur­der-accused on bail stop? When will the nation decide that the tak­ing of life is sig­nif­i­cant enough to war­rant removal from society?
Despite clear evi­dence that most of the mur­ders being com­mit­ted in our coun­try are being com­mit­ted by peo­ple who have killed before and did short stints in prison, or are out on bail await­ing tri­al, the Holness Government has done noth­ing to put an end to this.
This Government along with the worth­less PNP Opposition has betrayed the will of the peo­ple and allowed this das­tard­ly blood­let­ting to continue.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
