Republican Congress In 24 A Danger To America :Liz Cheney.…

Leaders are not born; they are made.… least, that’s what we are told. Unless, of course, you are a believ­er in pow­er hand­ed down ances­tral­ly in a monar­chis­tic system.
Hardly any­one to whom I have spo­ken over the last cou­ple of years believed that Elizabeth (Liz) Cheney, the Daughter of for­mer Wyoming Congressman and Vice President to George W. Bush, would emerge as a true leader and, for all intents and pur­pos­es, a hero in my view.
I have matured enough to use the (H) word to describe a Republican, some­thing I pre­vi­ous­ly thought was as para­dox­i­cal as walk­ing in an east-west­er­ly direction.
Liz Cheney was the Number three Republican in the House Republican cau­cus. She hails from a ruby-red state that has no Democrat elect­ed statewide.
Wyoming is a Republican strong­hold in pres­i­den­tial elec­tions, hav­ing vot­ed Democratic just once since 1952, that was the 1964 Presidential land­slide vic­to­ry of Lyndon Johnson over Barry Goldwater.
Apart from not want­i­ng to live in an auto­crat­ic soci­ety ruled by Donald Trump, Liz Chaney had no rea­son to sac­ri­fice her seat in Congress and her lofty posi­tion in American pol­i­tics. But she did.

In the entire Republican Caucus that lived through the ter­ror of the Donald Trump-direct­ed nean­derthal horde that swarmed through the nation’s seat of Power on January 6th, 2021, only ten (10) had the courage to vote to impeach Trump.
Liz Chaney and Adam Kizinger are prob­a­bly the two most well-known of the lot. Of the ten who hon­ored their oaths and defend­ed the Constitution, not one remains in Congress; they have all been vot­ed out by Republican vot­ers in their respec­tive states.
The oth­ers are Rep. Tom Rice, South Carolina’s 7th Congressional District: Rep. Dan Newhouse, Washington’s 4th: Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, Ohio’s 16th: Rep. Fred Upton, Michigan’s 6th: Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, Washington’s 3rd: Rep. Peter Meijer, Michigan’s 3rd: Rep. John Katko, New York’s 24th: Rep. David Valadao, California’s 21st:
Plausibly, it is arguable that from New York to California and states in between, Republican vot­ers have demon­strat­ed that they are either too stu­pid to rec­og­nize clear and present dan­ger or they crave it.

This is the rea­son that peo­ple like Cheney, Kinzinger, Rice, and oth­ers are heroes in my book, even though I would not cast a vote for either one for elect­ed office because of the par­ty to which they are affiliated.
When func­tionar­ies with­in a polit­i­cal move­ment are will­ing to over­throw the estab­lished order sole­ly for the pur­pose of hold­ing pow­er, that polit­i­cal move­ment is a dan­ger to the country.
The Republican par­ty is a dan­ger to America!!!!

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A Republican House major­i­ty in 2025 would be a “threat” to the coun­try because of the way Republicans have dis­re­gard­ed the Constitution to back for­mer President Donald Trump.” (Liz Cheney)
The for­mer Republican leader was speak­ing to CBS News Sunday morn­ing when she gave the dire warn­ing. Cheney told the pro­gram host the House of Representatives must not be over­seen by a Republican major­i­ty in 2025.
The shock­ing real­i­ty is that not only is the Republican par­ty run-away pri­ma­ry leader, Donald Trump is poised to be re-nom­i­nat­ed as their stan­dard bear­er for the pres­i­den­cy in 2024 despite 91 felony charges pend­ing against him, but the entire par­ty pos­es a severe threat to the world democ­ra­cy and stability.
Cheney warned that if Donald Trump were ever giv­en the chance to be pres­i­dent again, he would nev­er leave office. Based on his past and present behav­ior, the one-term twice-impeached, Trump has demon­strat­ed that that is his intention.
This is not a sit­u­a­tion where peo­ple flock to a cer­tain per­son because he or she has a mag­net­ic per­son­al­i­ty. It is even that they clam­or for this clown because he is smart, intel­li­gent, and con­vinc­ing. The man has the per­son­al­i­ty of a frog.
So, what is the rea­son that Republican vot­ers are clam­or­ing once again to place the nuclear codes in the hands of this dunce and are will­ing to destroy the con­sti­tu­tion­al order to do so?
But why?
Is this pure­ly that Republican vot­ers are will­ing to live in a dic­ta­tor­ship as long as the dic­ta­tor­ship is run by the Republican par­ty, the par­ty of their choice? They have made it clear that that is not it. By get­ting rid of Cheney, Kinzinger et al. Republican vot­ers from coast to coast have shown that they will eat their own if they do not stick to the cult of Donald Trump.
What is it about Trump that they like so much?

Not in gen­er­a­tions has a Republican run­ning for the pres­i­den­cy been as open­ly racist and xeno­pho­bic as Trump. His vot­ers dream of a time when whites did as they pleased to oth­er Americans not like them with­out con­se­quence. They are ready to jet­ti­son the Constitution and live under an auto­crat­ic régime run by a tin pan, a semi-lit­er­ate tyrant with the morals of a broth­el madam.
Trump’s vot­ers, old­er, white, non-col­lege-edu­cat­ed, are not a major­i­ty in the nation of 230 mil­lion, but there are more than enough self­ish, stu­pid, unfo­cused oth­ers with a vote that are not focused on what’s important.
Therein lies the problem..



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.
