To Those Who Said Taking Out Murderers Has Not Worked; How Is Rolling Over And Surrendering Working For You”?

It is clear at least to [me]that there will be no direc­tion­al change in the num­ber of killings in Jamaica any­time soon. For one, the present Prime Minister’s arro­gance pre­vents even the most cur­so­ry re-exam­i­na­tion of what has been hap­pen­ing so far, to find out where changes may be made.
The present sys­tem of one man mak­ing deci­sions on a sub­ject in which (a) he has zero edu­ca­tion and (b) where he has an obvi­ous bias against police, will result in far more mur­ders, not fewer.

See spec­ta­cle in link below


The insane arro­gance of the Jamaican Prime Minister on the issue of crime is breath­tak­ing­ly shock­ing. In his most naked igno­rance, the prime min­is­ter still arro­gant­ly insists today, as he did when he cam­paigned for office, we can­not just form a squad and send them to shoot up gunmen.
Any crim­i­nal pro­fil­er will tell you that a part of the arse­nal of deal­ing with vio­lent crim­i­nals is the fear that they must feel at the pow­er of the laws and those who enforce them. By remov­ing the ele­ment of resolve, that every­thing is on the table at the high­est lev­el, the Island’s crim­i­nals are com­fort­ed in the idea that they have a friend in Jamaica house.
This is far more seri­ous than JLP/​PNP; it is a threat that has exis­ten­tial ram­i­fi­ca­tions for the island’s stability.
If we set aside the absolute mock­ery of the exer­cise in the peo­ple’s house that pass­es for par­lia­men­tary dis­course, the utter non­sense of the Prime Minister’s super­cil­ious address should shock all law-abid­ing Jamaicans.

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If we ignore the woe­ful­ly pathet­ic fail­ings of Mark Golding and what remains of the PNP, even if we remove from our con­scious­ness the idea that the PNP could do a bet­ter job, we are left with the more fright­en­ing specter, that as a nation, Jamaica is in seri­ous trouble.
There is no under­stand­ing that [yes] there is only one lan­guage that means any­thing to Jamaica’s vio­lent mur­der­ers; that is the lan­guage of the law­man’s guns.
Modern-day sophistry pop­u­lar­ized by this Prime Minister has bled into the lumpen pro­lif­er­ate is noth­ing but fal­la­cious argu­ment, that has demon­stra­bly failed. Jamaicans have seen what that kind of uptown pre­tense is capa­ble of, and they are fed up with it. Law-abid­ing Jamaicans are fed up with this abdi­ca­tion of duty, but they have no one to stand up on their behalf.
A look at the mem­bers’ behav­ior in the peo­ple’s house informs with­out a shad­ow of a doubt that this sor­ry lot will not res­cue the coun­try. It also demon­strates why there are no stan­dards of deco­rum and civil­i­ty in our country.

The Prime Mister’s promise that there are greater efforts at shoring up bor­der secu­ri­ty is not an excuse to ignore the killings that are hap­pen­ing with alarm­ing fre­quen­cy dai­ly. Even if the secu­ri­ty forces could stop every gun com­ing into the coun­try, it would not stop the killings; it would cut off the sup­ply of weapons and ammu­ni­tion, and oth­er con­tra­band, but it would do noth­ing about the will­ing­ness of killers to kill indiscriminately.
I had long advo­cat­ed that the Island made a hor­ri­ble gam­ble under Percival Patterson when it decid­ed not to train a sin­gle detec­tive for a full decade. The records will show that-that peri­od rep­re­sents where the police lost the fight.
As some­one who came from the force’s inves­tiga­tive arm, I am a bit par­tial to it, even as I under­stand the need for the var­i­ous arms of the force, inves­tiga­tive pro­fi­cien­cy can­not be overstated.
One thing that must be made clear to this Prime Minister, even with the great­est intel­li­gence gath­er­ing, when it’s time to go after the blood­thirsty killers, it requires com­pe­tent, well-trained officers.

The death of Superintendent Leon Clunis and anoth­er offi­cer in June of last year in Horizon Park, St Catherine, was a stark reminder of that.
I don’t expect the Prime Minister to con­cern him­self with the minor con­se­quence of the on-duty death of two police offi­cers due to his poli­cies; the rest of us do.
Stopping guns com­ing in and pro­tect­ing the streets from the killers are not zero-sum issues. We have to do both simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. Ramping up intel­li­gence gath­er­ing and advanc­ing strong enforce­ment are not mutu­al­ly exclu­sive.
This Government has been one of the most crim­i­nal friend­ly admin­is­tra­tion since our inde­pen­dence. Shockingly, a Labor Party Administration could be this tone-deaf on such a sem­i­nal issue, as the crit­i­cal issue of pro­tect­ing the Jamaican people.
Andrew Holness’ seems to be caught up in read­ing his own press clip­pings. The idol­a­trous title [bro­gad] bestowed upon him by his sup­pli­cants, seems to have com­plete­ly eat­en away the part of his brain that would be recep­tive to com­mon sense.

The Jamaican Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, has zero train­ing or knowl­edge about law-enforce­ment. The Minister of Nation Security, Horace Chang, is a med­ical doc­tor. The Commissioner of Police, Antony Anderson, is a Soldier. Justice Minister Delroy Chuck, is a Lawyer, opposed to the rule of law, who should nev­er be allowed close to our coun­try’s nation­al secu­ri­ty apparatus.
The best argu­ment to be made for any­one that is part of the Security & Justice appa­ra­tus is Attorney General Marlene Mahaloo Forte, who real­ly has pre­cious lit­tle to do with crime-fight­ing strategies.
Again, I chan­nel my friend,” to the peo­ple who say tak­ing out mur­der­ers has not worked; how is rolling over and sur­ren­der­ing work­ing for you”?
In the 1980s, under Edward Seaga, shoot­ers knew that we were com­ing for them; there was no if’s and or buts. They sought refuge in oth­er coun­tries. At the time, the Island was reg­is­ter­ing 500 plus homi­cides. As law enforce­ment offi­cers, we worked night and day to reduce those num­bers because we thought that num­ber was far too many.
The fake elites com­plained that our strat­e­gy was not work­ing. How are the abject and shame­ful sur­ren­der work­ing for you know-noth­ing opin­ion­at­ed fools now?




Mike writes for thinkers.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
