Young Olé Miss Dog-manure Next Generation Of Capitol Insurrectionists…

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On September 4, 1957, the first day of class­es at Central High, Governor Orval Faubus called in the Arkansas National Guard to block the Black stu­dents’ entry into the high school. Later that month, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent fed­er­al troops to escort the Little Rock Nine into the school. (History​.com)

These are the faces of the scum that will lead America in the future. Where will the change many of you expect to hap­pen come from?

Mere decades ago, black stu­dents had to be ush­ered into class­rooms by Federal troops sent to make that sim­ple act possible.
Most, if not all, of the white mon­sters who were instru­men­tal in stand­ing with the old­er Neanderthal mon­grels who tried to pre­vent school inte­gra­tion man­aged to live out their lives with­out any con­se­quences for their actions.
Today, we hear col­ored politi­cians, some black, oth­ers East Asians, try to pre­tend that there is no racism in America, and they seek to ingra­ti­ate them­selves into the filthy cul­ture of white suprema­cy. Seeking to be accept­ed into the muck and morass of that filthy cesspool of Neanderthal men­tal deficiency.
Today, as it was in 1957, the sub-human pro­cliv­i­ty of the very same race was once again on full dis­play at the University of Mississippi against con­sci­en­tious stu­dents who dared to stand against the Zionist geno­cide of the Palestinian people.
Their ire was par­tic­u­lar­ly aimed at a black woman among the small group of con­sci­en­tious objec­tors; mon­key sounds and insults were hurled at her much the same way it was in 1957.

One men­tal retard demon­strat­ed that nit only was the putrid racism learned behav­ior, his actions made it clear there can be no inte­gra­tion with peo­ple like them. At the very least, we must rec­og­nize that full human beings can­not coex­ist with such degen­er­ates. His kind of degen­er­a­cy is not some­thing that time or edu­ca­tion can cure. 
The lit­tle mon­grel has been iden­ti­fied as James “JP” Staples. He has since been dropped by his fraternity,“Phi Delta Theta.
Racists Republicans, from Donald Trump to Mississippi’s Governor, were buoyed by the racist dis­play. Governor Tate Reeves tweet­ed, “The ‘protests’ at Olé Miss today. Watch with sound. Warms my heart. I love Mississippi!
Neither Trump nor Tate need­ed to opine; we know skunks from their smell. Others of the sub-human under­class voiced their glee at that bla­tant racism. Racism does not exist in America.
The same America that the don­key-faced Tim Scott does not see racism in. No dis­re­spect to Jackasses.

Staples mak­ing mon­key sounds at a black woman…

Most of those stu­dents, not to men­tion their Neanderthal par­ents who ingrained the Edomite igno­rance into them, under­stand the sto­ry behind the ille­git­i­mate for­ma­tion of a coun­try in a coun­try that already exist­ed. Frankly, those who con­sid­er them­selves edu­cat­ed lack the capac­i­ty to think log­i­cal­ly about the disin­gen­u­ous idea of set­ting up a nation with­in a nation that already existed.

Pro-Palestine demon­stra­tions at the University of Mississippi were over­tak­en with counter-pro­test­ers Thursday, result­ing in a viral clip of white stu­dents taunt­ing a Black stu­dent. The video was shared online and applaud­ed by a Republican law­mak­er.
“Olé Miss tak­ing care of busi­ness,” Rep. Mike Collins (R‑Ga.) post­ed on social media plat­form X.
The video has received sharp crit­i­cism for the stu­dents’ racist actions. Collins has also been crit­i­cized for endors­ing the racist actions in the video.

The dog manure that showed up to counter-protest the right­eous and just protest against Palestinian geno­cide is under­stand­ably fruit from the same tree of Dog-shit that gath­ered in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021.
This is proof that there can be no inte­gra­tion with those amoral, dis­gust­ing scum.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.

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