Despite Trump’s Shocking Seditious Actions, Republican Senators Will [not] Vote To Convict Him…

At the heart of the dis­con­nect between nor­mal peo­ple and the polit­i­cal right, unfor­tu­nate­ly includ­ing the so-called Christian con­ser­v­a­tives, is the lit­tle issue called ‘truth.’
It is tough to have dis­course, much less reach con­sen­sus, if the fun­da­men­tal guardrail called truth is removed, leav­ing an ever-mov­ing goal­post of lies and dis­in­for­ma­tion in its wake.
That is where America now finds itself. The stakes of hold­ing onto white suprema­cy and all the priv­i­leges it affords white peo­ple are so great that truth no longer matters.
They stare you in the face and pre­tend that the truth you just point­ed out is incon­se­quen­tial or does­n’t exist.
♦That Donald Trump is a pussy-grab­ber. ♦ That Donald Trump bragged about grab­bing women by the pussy♦ That Donald Trump is a ser­i­al phi­lan­der­er who had sex with hook­ers while his wife was home with their young baby♦ That Donald Trump is a vile racist♦ That Donald Trump is not a suc­cess­ful busi­ness­man but an abject fail­ure♦ That Donald Trump does not care about their interest♦That Donald Trump barges in on naked young women and bragged about it♦ That Donald Trump is a crim­i­nal who does not care about their religion♦
On and on, they close their ears to the truth, cre­at­ing what Kelly AnnConway, Trump’s coun­selor, called alter­na­tive facts. A clear indi­ca­tion that as far as Donald Trump was con­cerned, ‘truth’ was out the door; real­i­ty was what they say it was.

Joni Ernst

Lies cre­ate anx­i­ety; it caus­es depres­sion when peo­ple can­not trust what their gov­ern­ment tells them. The sense of hope­less­ness many peo­ple expressed dur­ing the Trump régime has been pal­pa­ble. The break­down of com­mu­ni­ties along racial and polit­i­cal lines is direct­ly attrib­ut­able to Donald Trump and his acolytes inces­sant lies.
Donald Trump was not suc­cess­ful in destroy­ing the American Democratic exper­i­ment, but the peo­ple who sup­port him are still in pow­er. Trumpism is not dead; assum­ing that Trump’s depar­ture means the end of his insid­i­ous lies and the con­se­quences that emanate from them would be a big mistake.
It will be a heavy lift to remove the stain of Trump when there were a dozen mem­bers of the United States Senate who attached their names to a [lie] to over­turn the results of a ver­i­fi­able fair elec­tion, and by exten­sion, destroy­ing democracy.
Equally appalling is the two-thirds of the House Republican cau­cus who vio­lat­ed their oath to the con­sti­tu­tion and attached their names to the same lies to cur­ry favor with a patho­log­i­cal­ly men­da­cious wannabe strongman.
The stain of lies that now dri­ves the Republican par­ty is rather offen­sive to peo­ple who believe in truth’s morality.
Joni Ernst, the not-so-smart new­ly elect­ed US Senator from the state of Iowa, ignor­ing the truth of events on January 6th, 2021, in response to Trump’s sec­ond impeach­ment, expressed con­cerns about the sen­ate try­ing crim­i­nal pres­i­dents after they leave office. Quote: So, in the future, can we impeach President Obama?
How damn disin­gen­u­ous is this so-called American Senator? First off, what crimes have President Obama com­mit­ted? Where is the equal pro­tec­tion under the law if pres­i­dents are allowed to break the laws and walk away scot-free?
Secondly, the US Congress did impeach Donald Trump before he left office, so is the nation sup­posed to walk away from a crim­i­nal pres­i­dent because Republicans all of a sud­den wants unity?
Where was the Republican uni­ty dur­ing Trump’s régime?

The stench of trump’s lega­cy will pre­vail long after trump; there is no unring­ing the bell, no get­ting back that sped arrow. Even if Democrats just deci­sion to impeach Trump a sec­ond time fails to win a con­vic­tion, which I believe it will, their cause will be no less just.
Republicans’ refusal to hon­or their oath will be only anoth­er exam­ple of the cor­ro­sive effects of lies. In this case, it will demon­strate that even though they cow­ered in fear at the prospect of los­ing their lives at the hands of Trump’s goons, they are so brain­washed, that they will vote to exon­er­ate the man who ordered the assault against them.
That is the pow­er of inces­sant lies and disinformation.





Mike writes for thinkers.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
