The Third Rate Pontificator

There is a very good rea­son that I could not hold pub­lic office. I just do not have the patience for BS, and nei­ther do I have the patience to sit and lis­ten to loads of excre­ment try to sound impor­tant so they can run to FAUX news to be pat­ted on the back.
But as you know, Raphael Cruz, who would not defend his own wife when Donald Trump dissed her has an insa­tiable desire to act and sound like the whitest of the white right-wing Republicans. Oh, so too is his lit­tle com­padre, down in Florida, Liddle Marko.
Oooh, I would have told this lit­tle clown where to go stick his stu­pid face.…

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For the record, this is pure the­ater; this clown is pon­tif­i­cat­ing, audi­tion­ing to see his face on FAUX pro­pa­gan­da net­work. My only ques­tion is why is Merrick Garland such a nice, easy-going man?
