Accepting The Tranquil Drug Of Gradualism Has Brought Us Back Full Circle.…

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The five Black cops who beat Tyre Nichols, result­ing in his death, were imme­di­ate­ly ter­mi­nat­ed, indict­ed, and are await­ing tri­al. My dis­gust with that case is that they are all out on bail. No bail should have been grant­ed to those mur­der­ers because police offi­cers are sup­posed to oper­ate under a high­er stan­dard of care and pru­dence. Notwithstanding, we exist in a police state where the courts have placed police and the state over the rights of cit­i­zens, counter to the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. At the time the five black cops mur­dered Tyre Nichols, I point­ed out a fact right here in this medi­um that the only rea­son they were imme­di­ate­ly fired and indict­ed was the col­or of their skin. It is impor­tant to under­stand that only black cops are imme­di­ate­ly fired and indict­ed when cops run afoul of the laws. White police offi­cers are sent on paid leave, if at all, and if an inves­ti­ga­tion is even ini­ti­at­ed, it usu­al­ly results in no find­ing of crim­i­nal conduct.
Such has been the con­tin­u­a­tion of sep­a­rate but equal appli­ca­tion of the laws 69 years after the land­mark Supreme Court deci­sion that struck down the doc­trine of ‘sep­a­rate but equal’ and ordered an end to school segregation.
Daniel Pantaleo, the cop who mur­dered Eric Garner, still has not met jus­tice. Neither have the cops who mur­dered Alton Sterling, John Crawford, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, and Philandio Castille. 

The list of Black peo­ple mur­dered by police is far too expan­sive to doc­u­ment here. Still, it is impor­tant to note that in case after case where white cops kill unarmed peo­ple of col­or, the stan­dard of account­abil­i­ty is far dif­fer­ent than when black cops are accused of the same crimes. Now God for­bid that it be con­strued that I am advo­cat­ing for those cops who mur­dered Tyre Nichols, far from it.
White suprema­cists who now oper­ate open­ly in America’s Law Enforcement Agencies do so with impunity.
And you thought that after George Floyd, they would stop, huh? Well, not so fast, ladies and gen­tle­men. Police crimes increased after the mur­der of Mister Floyd and the mass protests that enveloped the coun­try in 2020 due to that bla­tant act of mur­der in the light of day.
Emboldened by reac­tionary white suprema­cists in the White House and oth­ers with­in the judi­cia­ry, includ­ing the high­est court police, embarked on a crack­down on dis­sent and peace­ful march­es that may be attrib­uted only to a total­i­tar­i­an state.
The assault on Black peo­ple did not stop with the killing of George Floyd, nor did it stop with the bru­tal mur­der of Tyre Nichols. No, nei­ther of those two mur­ders rep­re­sent­ed an inflec­tion point for America. There were nev­er enough white Americans with the char­ac­ter and lack of hatred to end the dual sys­tem of sep­a­rate but equal that dri­ves police vio­lence; there nev­er will be. This coun­try was built on the false notion that whites are supe­ri­or and enti­tled to be treat­ed thus. They pass it down to their chil­dren and grand­chil­dren. It is not get­ting bet­ter. For those rea­sons, Dr. Martin Luther King, before they assas­si­nat­ed him, real­ized that he had inte­grat­ed his peo­ple into a burn­ing build­ing. Thereafter, King warned about what he char­ac­ter­ized as ‘accept­ing the tran­quil drug of gradualism.’
Because younger white peo­ple are not get­ting less racist, they are get­ting more anti-black.

Did you see this sto­ry in the cor­po­rate-owned main­stream media? Of course not, because this is not what they want you to believe of their race sol­diers. On the oth­er hand, many of you will con­tin­ue to miss these events because you guys are too busy play­ing video games, drink­ing, smok­ing weed, and sag­ging your pants to read and under­stand what’s happening.
Too many of you women are too busy try­ing to pur­chase the new wig, buy­ing fake eye­lash­es, fake nails, fake butts, fake breasts, brand name hand­bags, jew­el­ry, cars, and all kinds of stuff you can­not afford.
At the same time, nei­ther of you, men or women, is set­ting up col­lege funds for your chil­dren, which will empow­er and bet­ter posi­tion them to effec­tive­ly deal with the scourge of anti-black racism in this country.
You have sons and daugh­ters; you are alive. It does not mat­ter how old you are. You are not exempt from this bru­tal­i­ty and genocide.
I saw this quote recent­ly and asked my friend if it was okay to bor­row it. He said it was okay. Thank you, Este.
If you are not out­raged by injus­tice, you are immoral.”

Sheriff Bryan Bailey

Mississippi Officers Allegedly Tortured 2 Black Men After Accusing Them Of Selling Drugs And
Dating White Women»>

A group of Black lawyers is speak­ing up against mul­ti­ple white police offi­cers in Mississippi who alleged­ly tor­tured two Black men after accus­ing them of sell­ing drugs and “dat­ing white women.”
In a state­ment to News One, the Black Lawyers for Justice orga­ni­za­tion said the offi­cers bru­tal­ly beat and kicked the men, used a Taser on both, and threat­ened to kill them. One of the Black men, Michael C. Jenkins, was shot in the mouth accord­ing to the lawyers. The post-Mississippi Officers Allegedly Tortured 2 Black Men After Accusing Them Of Selling Drugs, And Dating White Women appeared first on Blavity.
Jenkins was stay­ing with Eddie Terrell Parker in a pri­vate res­i­dence when six white offi­cers raid­ed the place with­out a war­rant on Jan. 24, the lawyers said. The offi­cers alleged­ly hand­cuffed the pair after accus­ing them of “dat­ing white women” and “sell­ing drugs.

No, it did not stop with Tyre Nichols.

After restrain­ing the men, the offi­cers repeat­ed­ly kicked, threat­ened, and water­board­ed the pair, Black Lawyers for Justice said. Jenkins’ moth­er, Mary, said police told her that they shot her son because he “dis­played a gun.” “My son was hand­cuffed when he was shot in the mouth by Rankin County offi­cers. My son is still in crit­i­cal con­di­tion and has a long road to recov­ery,” Mary said in a GoFundMe page she cre­at­ed. “With everyone’s con­tin­u­ous prayers and sup­port we’ll be able to get the Justice my son deserves. Not only Justice for him but every oth­er inno­cent per­son male or female that Rankin County Sheriff’s Department has killed. Anything that is donat­ed will be great­ly appre­ci­at­ed.” Mary also said there is a wit­ness who said Jenkins didn’t have a gun. “The wit­ness told us that [Jenkins] was beat, tased and hand­cuffed while on his knees,” the dev­as­tat­ed moth­er said. “The wit­ness also stat­ed that they went back and forth tas­ing [Jenkins and Parker] to see ‘who’s taser was the strongest.’”

Black Lawyers for Justice said “Michael has been cling­ing to his life and he is unable to talk, only write.” “Michael has con­firmed in writ­ing that he was in fact hand­cuffed when shot by deputies. For sev­er­al weeks since being shot, Michael has been in ICU at UMMC on life sup­port,” the group stat­ed in a press release to NewsOne. “Michael suf­fered severe injuries to his mouth and head includ­ing hav­ing his tongue sur­gi­cal­ly removed, per­ma­nent dam­age to eye­sight and hear­ing, and suf­fer­ing severe debil­i­tat­ing cog­ni­tive injuries. Surely the psy­cho­log­i­cal and phys­i­cal trau­ma will last a life­time.” Black Lawyers for Justice is demand­ing for the offi­cers involved to be arrest­ed and crim­i­nal­ly charged as well as all body cam­era footage be released and made pub­lic. Parker, who is not hos­pi­tal­ized, is expect­ed to be present at a press con­fer­ence on Wednesday.
