Terrence Williams Cynical Attempt To Channel Peter Tosh To Make His Own Twisted Case…


In a few days Jamaica will be immersed in celebration of the creation of a new Museum to celebrate the life and work of Peter Tosh , reggae Icon, celebrated founding member of the famed Bob Marley and the Wailers band.
There will be days of celebration , in attendance will be the Prime Minister the nation’s highest elected official among others.

Several evenings ago I turned on the radio as I was dri­ving home from work and I was pleas­ant­ly impressed with the way Peter Tosh’s daugh­ter acquit­ted her­self as she rep­re­sent­ed her late father. She artic­u­lat­ed her father’s life and work with intel­lect and conviction.

The entire nation will be enthralled as it engages in the cel­e­bra­tion and the fes­tiv­i­ties which fol­low these events , . History will be rewrit­ten and those not in the know will cre­ate their own nar­ra­tives as they seek to bol­ster the already icon­ic image of these celebri­ty icons, ele­vat­ing them to even high­er heights of pagan idolatry.

Even as these events are in the works the mur­ders con­tin­ue unabat­ed , Those who are shield­ed from the killers bul­lets con­tin­ue to use the media to artic­u­late, that their point of view that their way is work­ing , “just trust us they say, we will get it togeth­er you will see”..
But things aren’t get­ting bet­ter. sin­gle mur­ders does­n’t even raise an eye­brow anymore.
This until the next mass exe­cu­tion of anoth­er fam­i­ly. As a good friend told me today,” no one both­ers to talk about mur­ders of indi­vid­u­als any­more, most of the mur­ders aren’t even report­ed anyway”.“Yes wel­come to Jamaica”, he says with abject res­ig­na­tion and dejection.…

No one denies an artiste the acco­lade he or she deserves , whether while he or she lives or posthu­mous­ly. But lets not san­i­tize their image,lets not rewrite their sto­ry to suit some fan­ta­sy we cre­at­ed in our heads in order to advance a fairy-tale nar­ra­tive. Lets tell the whole story.
Not wish­ing for a news cycle to go with­out grasp­ing for the hot glare of the cam­eras in an Article writ­ten to con­tin­ue jus­ti­fy­ing his employ­ment Terrence Williams wrote to the Sheep-le.

The pro­po­nents claim that police are demo­ti­vat­ed because of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) and that is why they can­not fight crime effec­tive­ly. They do not claim that INDECOM has act­ed ille­gal­ly or unfair­ly; but that the robust over­sight is dele­te­ri­ous to police morale. The com­mis­sion­er of police has con­sis­tent­ly denied that this is so. Indeed, if it were so, it would not speak well of our con­stab­u­lary. If you intend to act law­ful­ly and con­sis­tent with police reg­u­la­tions, over­sight ought not to pre­vent you from doing your work. The right­eous accoun­tant is not hin­dered by the fear of the audi­tor”.

Actually that is not true, .….
Jamaicans are real­ly some­times too pre­oc­cu­pied with their dai­ly lives to see that they are being tak­en advan­tage of , being sold a bill of goods . But there are some of us who do see and since Williams likes the lime­light we shine our own light on him.
So lets speak direct­ly to Williams since he is let­ting us know he is feel­ing the heat from our spotlight.

In fact you have act­ed improp­er­ly and out­side your remit Terrence Williams . Yes you have your cheer­ing sec­tion up in the nose bleed pet­ty sec­tion but we have a front row seat to your shenanigans.
You see Terrence not all of us police offi­cers who left the force were big foot fools as you and your friends like to chan­nel so I will sim­ply place a sin­gle case here to counter your lies.
You see you char­ac­ter­ize your­self as the audi­tor , but me I see myself as the actu­ary .

The crim­i­nal charges you filed against Deputy Superintendent of Police Jason Anderson was dropped. In your overzeal­ous exu­ber­ance to blovi­ate you charged the Superintendent with dis­charg­ing a firearm with­in 40 yards of a pub­lic road and assault at com­mon law. On December 18, 2013, Anderson alleged­ly dis­charged his firearm unlaw­ful­ly and point­ed it at a com­plainant before search­ing him and anoth­er civil­ian on Caribbean Estates Boulevard.
You Terrence Williams con­duct­ed an Investigation and fraud­u­lent­ly charged the offi­cer. Thankfully there is a super­sed­ing author­i­ty over and above your rapa­cious abuse of pow­er. .
In stop­ping the out­rage the DPP said quote :“It is our con­sid­ered view that the evi­den­tiary mate­r­i­al did not sat­is­fy what is required to mount a viable pros­e­cu­tion and as such there was no rea­son­able prospect of conviction,”


There is much more Terrence, But I lay this one case down so the world can see that you are a liar . When you push-back under the guise that those opposed to your greedy self serv­ing attack on our police can­not say you act­ed unlaw­ful­ly . Let me say it here , In this sin­gle case I laid out here you act­ed un-law­ful­ly. When you over­step your bounds and sub­ject some­one to the indig­ni­ty of an arrest with­out prop­er evi­dence you are act­ing unlawfully.
What rem­e­dy does Superintendent Anderson have against your overzeal­ous assault on his human rights? How are you dif­fer­ent than the police offi­cers you grand­stand against daily?
Never mind the ille­gal attempts you and your office made and con­tin­ue to make to cajole and entreat young con­sta­bles to lie on their com­rades so you can pad your statistics.
Yes , we hear about them . Officers call and tell us about these under­hand­ed attempts you use to gain trac­tion in your fight against local law-enforcement.

Of course the police need over­sight. Just not you Terrence Williams a blovi­at­ing grand­stand­ing self-serv­ing narcissist.
Your lengthy arti­cle must be seen exact­ly for what it is, a pan­icked attempt to deflect atten­tion from the harm you are caus­ing as the bod­ies pile up . While the Minister of National Security stu­pid­ly sug­gest that he was placed by God in the Security Ministry peo­ple in the know knows that crime will only be dealt with with a heavy hand.

The non­sen­si­cal lie that tough polic­ing did not seri­ous­ly impact the par­a­digm is also laugh­able . Only in a place like Jamaica would you be able to preach such utter bull­shit and not be chased out of Town. Unless one comes to the twist­ed con­clu­sion that 1200 to 1600 report­ed homi­cides annu­al­ly is no dif­fer­ent than 300.
The lying dis­tor­tions you prof­fer are tru­ly the work of a con artiste, which you tru­ly are.

My dear Terrence when you chan­nel Peter Tosh to jus­ti­fy your pro­fes­sion­al exis­tence you once again showed your ass.
Quote: When Peter Tosh sang: “I don’t want no peace; I want equal rights and jus­tice”, I took him to mean that he did not want the kind of ephemer­al “peace” that came from oppres­sive and arbi­trary state agents. Rather than this kind of con­trol, he appealed for the sus­tained order that comes from the uni­form appli­ca­tion of the law and the fair deter­mi­na­tion of dis­putes. Crime threat­ens social order; its solu­tion must be jus­tice”.

Minister of national security Robert Montague
Minister of nation­al secu­ri­ty Robert Montague

I under­stand your desire to attach your­self to the sev­er­al days of cel­e­bra­tion and idol wor­ship which is com­ing as obscene idol wor­shipers gath­er to wor­ship at the feet of anoth­er graven image. Maybe you should acquaint your­self with real Peter Tosh the man who believed that the nation­s’s laws did not apply to him , sim­ply because he said so.
Maybe you should get your ass out of that easy chair and speak to old­er police offi­cers who are now in retire­ment about the Peter Tosh who spoke mil­i­tan­cy but refused to con­form to social order. Yes ask them why he was so vio­lent­ly cut down in the prime of his life.
Ask them why was it that he had so many run-ins with agents of the law.
In your fren­zied attempt to latch onto celebri­ty you once again demon­strat­ed your lack of knowl­edge and your bla­tant attempt at fame.

Terrence Williams
Terrence Williams

I did not hear about Peter Tosh, we knew him, we knew his modus operan­di., Dadrick Henry and I were the first two offi­cers at his house on that fate­ful night he was gunned down. We don’t make up stories .
Even though his home was not in our police area we were in Barbarian when we heard the call , Jacks Hill Road is just a stone’s throw from Barbarian square , we were first on scene. We raced to try to save his life despite his life of dis­re­spect for police offi­cers because that’s what police offi­cers do.
Something you would not understand.
But you would­n’t know the dif­fer­ence between a right­eous objec­tor, a sol­dier for social change, over a mil­i­tant unruly “I’ll do what­ev­er I want, fuck the laws”, obliv­i­ous to rules look­ing for a fight .
Because you Terrence Williams are a one-eyed king in a land of the blind.
