Of Divine Job Placement : White Rum And Ganja And Going To The Witch Doctor To Cure Your Cancer.….


So you are feel­ing real­ly sick, hor­ri­ble stom­ach cramps, you final­ly decide to take the advice of those who care about you and go see a med­ical Doctor.
After a bat­tery of tests the Doctor and his team explain that you have can­cer, at this point it is not ter­mi­nal but it could be real soon if a treat­ment reg­i­men is not embarked on immediately.
You are in shock , can­cer how could you end up with can­cer , sure you have been sick but can­cer? How could you poten­tial­ly be ter­mi­nal­ly ill , this kind of thing only hap­pen to oth­er people.
So in a daze you sat there as the Doctor explained the steps which must be tak­en imme­di­ate­ly if you are to have a chance of sur­vival, but you hard­ly heard a thing he said . Still in a daze you leave the Doctor’s office with­out agree­ing to any­thing the Doctor said or mak­ing appoint­ments to return for pro­fes­sion­al treatment.
Still in ter­ri­ble pain you go to the neigh­bor­hood cor­ner store, you pur­chase some over the counter pain killers you take a cou­ple with a drink of white-rum, all the time telling the shop­keep­er what you were just told and ask­ing her advice as you scoff at your Doctor’s sci­en­tif­ic findings.

She tells you to go get some cerasee tea and even­tu­al­ly gets you to pur­chase some she just con­ve­nient­ly has on hand. Doped up on the con­tents of the over the counter drugs and the poten­tial­ly dead­ly alco­hol com­bi­na­tion you feel some relief so you leave the cor­ner store and go to your neigh­bor’s house where you relate what you heard from your Doctor.
He laughs and tells you the doc­tor is an idiot , they don’t know what they are talk­ing about and he pro­ceed­ed to tell you about some­thing much bet­ter than any­thing the doc­tor could ever do for you.
He brings out a green con­coc­tion he has hid­den some­where in his house. He brags that it con­tains Ganga , White Rum and a whole slew of oth­er weeds and herbs. He pours you a small glass and you drink it down swift­ly all the time winc­ing at the hor­rif­ic taste.
Pretty soon the calm­ing effect of the drug and the addi­tion­al alco­hol tell your brain that it is work­ing on what­ev­er ails you. Unfortunately for you what is hap­pen­ing is that between the alco­hol the cannabis and the over the counter drug your brain con­vinced your body that the pain has sub­sided. When in fact you are only being lulled into a false sense of relief as the dan­ger­ous com­bi­na­tion is mere­ly cre­at­ing a calm­ing effect, but it is actu­al­ly still there.

You feel so great on the Ganga white Rum and pills that you ask your neigh­bor for the ingre­di­ents which he will­ing­ly and proud­ly gave to you . You went ahead and cre­at­ed your own witch’s brew which you con­tin­ue to take to calm the stom­ach cramps.
You do this for months and you feel some­what bet­ter but the pain nev­er real­ly goes away.
More or less it tends to sub­side when you take the con­coc­tion, how­ev­er you find that you have to drink more and more each time to achieve the same result.

One morn­ing you are unable to get out of bed the pain has become excru­ci­at­ing­ly unbear­able, you are unable to stand.
Your fam­i­ly rush­es you to the hos­pi­tal where you are admit­ted in crit­i­cal con­di­tion. Quick tests reveal that you do have can­cer. You tell the Medical team you want them to oper­ate , just do any­thing to rid you of the pain.
The team looks at you with a strange look on their faces, you won­der why it is that no one is say­ing any­thing . You can almost hear your own heartbeat.
After what seemed like an eter­ni­ty the lead Doctor breaks his silence.
There is no point in operating .
The can­cer has tak­en over your body.
You have only weeks to live.
He tells you he will have his team make you as com­fort­able as pos­si­ble, they silent­ly streamed out of the room… Unable to put your thoughts into a cohe­sive pat­tern you despair as you try to con­tem­plate what you will fell like dead.
If only you had act­ed when your fam­i­ly Doctor told you you had cancer.….….….….….….….….


As you may have imag­ined ‚none of this hap­pened I con­jured it all up .
Why? Because this hypo­thet­i­cal exact­ly describes Jamaica’s crime crisis.
Sure Professionals have diag­nosed the prob­lem in a time­ly fashion.
Sure Professionals have giv­en their views on what needs to be done in order to save the coun­try. But in typ­i­cal Jamaican fash­ion they chose to get Law ‑enforce­ment advice from, butch­ers, bar­bers, farm­ers, vil­lage lawyers and every­one in between , instead of lis­ten­ing to the peo­ple who actu­al­ly know what the hell they are talk­ing about.


Jamaica's Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller
Jamaica’s Prime Minister
Portia Simpson Miller

The truth of the mat­ter is that the peo­ple nev­er tru­ly respect­ed or cared about law-enforce­ment or it’s offi­cers. This is true from Jamaica House to grass-yard. The epi­dem­ic of crime , crim­i­nal tol­er­ance and mur­der is a cul­tur­al one and not one which can be erad­i­cat­ed quick­ly. It may require gen­er­a­tional change to ful­ly remove the crime cul­ture from the Island.
They nev­er respect­ed the police so they do not lis­ten to the police on polic­ing they go to every talk­ing head they find and ask how do you fix this crime prob­lem, because God for­bid they con­sult seri­ous­ly with Police about policing. …

Well the can­cer has set­tled in ‚no amount of bush doc­tor , jonkanoo, witch dak­ta or belief that Divine hands placed them in posi­tions to fix crime will change a damn thing. The fact is that if you don’t know what the hell you are doing you sim­ply don’t know.
No amount of wannabe police is going to fix our crime sit­u­a­tion,. Just days ago Doctors in the United States sep­a­rat­ed twin boys joined at the head . After over twen­ty hours of surgery they man­aged to sep­a­rate the boys successfully .
It was­n’t easy , it was­n’t quick but the par­ents damn sure did not ask the guys who worked in main­te­nance, impor­tant though they are, to per­form the oper­a­tion on their sons.
They chose the real pros.
No amount of white rum and gan­ja, or pon­tif­i­cat­ing jok­ers with expan­sive and lengthy argu­ments  is going to fix this prob­lem. They are part of the prob­lem, they have jobs because of crime . They have no inter­est in see­ing the back of crime.


In 2010 heav­i­ly armed mer­ce­nar­ies who rule the streets demon­strat­ed in no uncer­tain terms that they were pre­pared and capa­ble of defend­ing their turf. The burned Police sta­tions and mur­dered mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces.
In the end the Government held hear­ings on the advice of the nation­al secu­ri­ty sew­er work­ers, butch­ers, and farm­ers, hig­glers, doc­tors, jour­nal­ists and all in all bull­shit­ters [sic] on what the actu­al secu­ri­ty experts did wrong as the fought valiant­ly to annex one com­mu­ni­ty to the rest of the country.
In the end they ruled that those who burned police sta­tions , killed mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces should be com­pen­sat­ed mon­e­tar­i­ly and the coun­try should apol­o­gize to them as well.

The idea that the polit­i­cal forces on the Island in both polit­i­cal par­ties want to see the end of crime is the biggest bull­shit . Everyone has a stake in crime one way or the other.

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