Cheryl’s Musings..


Chery’s mus­ings.….

For any­one who does­n’t get the BLM move­ment, the crit­i­cal need for crim­i­nal jus­tice reform, or the dan­ger of calls for more ‘law and order’-watch 13th and if you still don’t get it, then I’ll just have to assume that you have no soul.

After Hurricane Matthew, the Crossworld team is work­ing with our Haitian min­istry part­ners to help meet needs on the ground. https://​cross​world​.org/​g​i​v​e​/​d​e​t​a​i​l​s​/​h​a​i​t​i​-​h​u​r​r​i​c​a​n​e​-​r​e​l​ief
