Nevada’s Early Vote Ends With Massive Democratic Surge

Looks like Trump got his wall after all. A wall of beautiful voters.

Friday marked the end of ear­ly vot­ing in the bat­tle­ground state of Nevada, and the final returns brought decid­ed­ly good news for Democratic pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Hillary Clinton.

Registered Democrats turned out in force in Nevada’s largest coun­ties, pro­vid­ing Clinton a crit­i­cal boost in a state where polling aggre­gates show the for­mer sec­re­tary of state and GOP nom­i­nee Donald Trump with­in a few points of one anoth­er. Over 57,000 votes were cast in pop­u­lous Clark County, a sin­gle-day record that pro­pelled Democrats to a statewide bal­lot edge on par with results at the same point in 2012, when President Barack Obama won Nevada by near­ly 7 points.

Turnout was strong through­out the day, and elec­tion offi­cials pledged to keep polling places open as long as there were vot­ers in line. At 9pm, hun­dreds were still wait­ing to vote at a Mexican super­mar­ket in Las Vegas. “Looks like Trump got his wall after all. A wall of beau­ti­ful vot­ers,” wrote Yvanna Cancela of the local Culinary Union, which has played a key role in Democrats’ get-out-the-vote oper­a­tions this year. That union also rep­re­sents the work­ers who recent­ly vot­ed to orga­nize Trump International hotel on the Vegas strip.
