Come Wednesday The Republican Party Will Be More Fractured : Autopsy Will Not Say It Still Cling To Old Policies Long Discarded By The Majority Of Voters

Amidst the noise about voter fraud coming from the demagogue representing the Republican Party and his minions , it is important to note that probably the biggest fraud being perpetrated on voters is voter suppression.

In North Carolina a state which Donald Trump must win to have a chance at win­ning the white house, on Saturday vot­ers stood in line for hours to cast their votes.
Saturday is the last of ear­ly vot­ing days before the elec­tions on November 8th.
CNN’s Gary Tuchman inter­viewed peo­ple stand­ing in a line which snaked around build­ings with no end in sight. In Nevada on Friday the lines were nev­er end­ing as vot­ers stood in the sti­fling heat to cast their votes. One com­men­ta­tor said it was out­ra­geous and worse than a banana republic.
Does any­one believe there is a legit­i­mate rea­son for peo­ple to stand in line for hours to vote except that those in author­i­ty does not want them to vote?
That is vot­er suppression!!!!
In a state run by a Republican leg­is­la­ture and repub­li­can Governor Pat McCrory there has been a sus­tained attempts to dras­ti­cal­ly dis­al­low minor­i­ty vot­ers the right to vote. These action includes less­en­ing of days vot­ers can vote ear­ly, dras­ti­cal­ly less vot­ing places and purg­ing the names of black vot­ers from vot­ers lists.
In response to a law­suit filed by the state’s NAACP U.S. District Judge Loretta Biggs slammed an ongo­ing North Carolinian vot­er purge dur­ing a dra­mat­ic Wednesday hear­ing, telling coun­ty attor­neys that she was “hor­ri­fied” by the “insane” process by which vot­ers could be removed from the rolls with­out their knowl­edge. “It almost looks like a cat­tle call, the way peo­ple are being purged,” Biggs said. “This sounds like some­thing that was put togeth­er in 1901,” when the state used Jim Crow laws to pre­vent black cit­i­zens from cast­ing a ballot.

Clark County voters voters stand in line for hours..
Clark County Nevada vot­ers vot­ers stand in line for hours..

According to the web­site Slate​.com Biggs called a hear­ing after the NAACP sued sev­er­al North Carolina coun­ties for purg­ing near­ly 6,700 vot­ers — most of them black Democrats — from the rolls. These purges were legal under a state law that per­mits any per­son to revoke any oth­er person’s vot­ing rights. The process is sim­ple: An indi­vid­ual gath­ers mail that was returned as unde­liv­er­able, then chal­lenges the vot­er reg­is­tra­tion of res­i­dents at those address­es. If those vot­ers do not appear at a coun­ty board of elec­tions or return a nota­rized form, their vot­ing rights are nullified.

Let’s see this for what it is , the Republican Party has not made it a secret that it’s goal is to sup­press black votes. Trumps lack­eys detail how they intend to do it open­ly . Last cycle elect­ed offi­cials in the state of Pennsylvania detailed how they intend­ed to sup­press the vote and deliv­er the elec­tions to Mitt Romney in a state which has been more and more Democratic over the last sev­er­al cycles.
When peo­ple turn out to vote Democrats win .
Placing bar­ri­ers in the way of black peo­ple’s abil­i­ty to exer­cise their right to vote guar­an­tees wins for republicans.

So the ridicu­lous noise you hear com­ing from the polit­i­cal right is mere­ly a dis­trac­tion designed to fool you into believ­ing that there are peo­ple actu­al­ly going into polling sta­tions at the per­il of being arrest­ed to cast votes for Democrats.
Ironically the last two idiots who tried to do that were actu­al­ly Trump’s sup­port­ers and they were prompt­ly busted.
The idea behind the con­stant noise about elec­tion rig­ging is a dis­trac­tion so you won’t see what they are doing in actu­al­ly rig­ging the vote in favor of the Republicans.
In state after state Federal courts are now order­ing that vot­ers who had their names purged from vot­ers lists must have their names restored so they may vote.
There is a giant sleigh of hand by Republicans in play, because Republicans refuse to face the glar­ing fact that the face of the coun­try is chang­ing fast.

Long lines on the first day of early voting in  Wake County
Long lines on the first day of ear­ly vot­ing in Wake County North Carolina

Voter sup­pres­sion meth­ods being employed, the demo­niz­ing of Immigrants. The idea of mak­ing America great again. not want­i­ng to be polit­i­cal cor­rect. (you know they still want to call you “nig­ger” to your face with­out con­se­quence). Taking their coun­try back.
All of this is about the brown­ing of America and a Republican par­ty which went all in with it’s core of white vot­ers who want to go back to a time than nev­er was.

It is par­tic­u­lar­ly amus­ing that the likes of Ben Carson who par­rot the not want­i­ng to be polit­i­cal­ly cor­rect nar­ra­tive, miss­es the idea why Republicans do not want to be polit­i­cal­ly correct.
The Republican par­ty made a pact with the dev­il when it allowed those who hat­ed the idea of blacks being giv­en their God giv­en rights to free­dom equal­i­ty and jus­tice a home.
It nev­er repu­di­at­ed the neo con­ser­v­a­tive view­point which advo­cates an America which is dom­i­nat­ed by white men. It did not repu­di­ate the Tea-par­ty. It did not repu­di­ate the Alt-Right . It allowed the igno­rant ram­blings of a bare­ly semi-lit­er­ate Sarah Palin to become main­stream pol­i­cy decisions.
On November 8th the par­ty will once again lose the biggest polit­i­cal prize- the Presidency to a vast­ly unpop­u­lar woman. She will become the 45th President of the United States , yes a woman , fol­low­ing the nation’s first African-American President. She will win despite her extreme­ly low approval rat­ings because the nation has moved on from the divi­sive pol­i­tics of the right and a repub­li­can par­ty which still clings to the notion that America is a coun­try of white men , for white men and by white men.…
The Party will con­tin­ue to splin­ter as it tena­cious­ly cling to poli­cies that have long ago been repudiated.
