Murder Spike In Rural Parishes: 2% Less Deaths Across The Board But More Shootings Reported .……


According to the (JCF) Jamaica Constabulary Force’s report­ing on major crimes, there has been a sharp increase in homi­cides, 27% to be exact in the Parish of Saint James over the cor­re­spond­ing peri­od last year.
This report­ing comes a mere day after the police report­ed a 10% drop in major crimes across the board. Last year St.James record­ed 210 mur­ders, the parish has seen 103 per­sons killed between January 1 and last week­end. This despite the addi­tion of over 200 police per­son­nel deployed to the parish to stem the ris­ing crime rate.

According to the JCF sta­tis­tics, St James is one of sev­en police divi­sions that have report­ed increased mur­ders so far this year. The oth­ers are St Ann, which saw a 39 per cent jump; St Mary, which report­ed a 25 per cent increase; Clarendon, which had a 23 per cent jump; Trelawny, which record­ed a 13 per cent increase; St Andrew Central, which had a four per cent increase; and Westmoreland, which record­ed a three per cent increase.
In a 180 degree turn the police also report a two per cent decline nation­al­ly in the num­ber of per­sons report­ed killed. It shows that 492 mur­ders have been record­ed across all 19 police divi­sions, 10 few­er than the 502 record­ed for the cor­re­spond­ing peri­od last year. Except for shoot­ings, which inched up by five per cent, the JCF sta­tis­tics also show that all oth­er cat­e­gories of seri­ous and vio­lent crime have decreased by between 18 and 40 per cent.

This is where the rub­ber meets the road I believe this is pro­found to those who fol­low crime trends in Jamaica. Despite a slight­ly low­er num­ber of dead peo­ple across the board nation­al­ly , more peo­ple have actu­al­ly got­ten shot .They have sim­ply not died as a result of being shot.
What do we attribute that to but luck?
Minister of National Security Robert Montague argues “Police Commissioner Dr Carl Williams and his team should be cred­it­ed for the fall-off in seri­ous crimes but cau­tioned against com­pla­cen­cy. “It is inescapable that the yeo­man efforts of the force, with lim­it­ed resources, have final­ly begun to bear fruit. It’s ear­ly days, and much more needs to be done. And the com­mis­sion­er and his team will now renew their efforts in mak­ing Jamaica the pre­ferred place to work, invest, live, and retire,”.

As Jamaicans who love our coun­try and want a coun­try free from crime I believe we can all asso­ciate with the pipe-dream of the min­is­ter but it is only that thus far a lofty dream, unat­tain­able in the present environment.
The JCF must learn to adapt to the real­i­ties of being asked to reduce crime in a crim­i­nal­ly com­plic­it soci­ety, one in which not even the judges on the bench believe ful­ly in what it takes to have a nation of laws.
It must also learn to micro-tar­get crime and crim­i­nals, cut­ting off the heads before they metastasize.
The depart­ment has stead­fast­ly main­tained that the lot­to-scam is to be blamed for the extra­or­di­nar­i­ly high rate of homi­cides and shoot­ings in the Island>
I am tempt­ed to believe there may be some mer­it to those asser­tions as it relates to Saint James alone but that’s it.
If lot­to-scam­ming is the issue then micro-tar­get scam­mers. Know the head , know the shoul­der , know the legs then embark on a sys­tem­at­ic process of decap­i­ta­tion of the mon­ster. prove to us you not only know the rea­son for the mur­der num­bers but you have the capac­i­ty to do some­thing about it.

If the efforts of the police were respon­si­ble for the slight drop in homi­cides across the board why would the sus­tained con­cen­tra­tion of over 200 offi­cers to the sin­gle parish of Saint James not elic­it the same result or better?
Conceivably it makes sense to sim­ply chalk up the slight­ly low­er num­ber of dead peo­ple to luck, par­tic­u­lar­ly since more peo­ple have been shot and shot at.
The police can do all they can but unless the nation dis­plays a sig­nif­i­cant­ly dif­fer­ent atti­tude than it’s present embrace of crim­i­nals, plac­ing an offi­cer on ever street cor­ner will not change a sin­gle thing.

This was exact­ly what prompt­ed my response yes­ter­day in which I ques­tioned the met­ric used in arriv­ing at these low­er numbers.

Crime Trial Lawyers And Human Rights Lobby.…

The addi­tion of 200 more chairs to a sink­ing Titanic will not stop the Titanic from going under. The Nation’s laws are archa­ic (zero deter­rent effect)> The Nation is far too lib­er­al in it’s con­cern for crim­i­nals. There is far too much con­cern for those who com­mit crimes as against those who are vic­tims of crime. There is no nation­al will to erad­i­cate crime. Too many pow­er­ful peo­ple are heav­i­ly invest­ed in crime. The entire jus­tice sys­tem is inept, incom­pe­tent and corrupt.

There needs to be a nation­al strat­e­gy which assid­u­ous­ly and strate­gi­cal­ly tar­gets crim­i­nals, those who aid, abet, and engage in crim­i­nal con­duct. This must be done through appro­pri­ate leg­is­la­tion. We must stop lis­ten­ing to tri­al lawyers, dirty politi­cians and the hordes of vul­tures who make a liv­ing tear­ing down the rule of law while hid­ing behind human rights.
The most fun­da­men­tal right giv­en man is the right to life by his cre­ator. Doesn’t it seem strange that those who pur­port to defend human rights only defend the rights of killers but nev­er have a kind word for the vic­tims and their families?
How much longer can a soci­ety con­tin­ue to be igno­rant-sheep used and abused by those who ben­e­fit from crime and pover­ty yet suf­fer none of it’s atten­dant consequences?
Police can­not reduce crime while Government sits on the side­lines and civ­il soci­ety does every­thing in it’s pow­er to empow­er criminals.
Until this approach is under­tak­en they can con­tin­ue to piss in the wind.
