Re-arranging The Deck Chairs On The Sinking Titanic.….


The Police high command continue to re-arrange the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic singing ‚“nearer my God to thee” as the stern dips further and further below the surface. The country ask for divine intervention believing God will step in and do what they must do for themselves.

When has God ever stepped in to fix what man clear­ly is equipped to do yet stead­fast­ly refus­es to do for themselves?

Just over a year after SSP Steve McGregor was giv­en com­mand of the parish of Saint James he is already out and in his place is SSP Marlon Nesbeth.
I know the so called high com­mand have the right to trans­fer offi­cers at their plea­sure but what exact­ly could McGregor have accom­plished in a year ?

Commissioner Carl Williams..
Commissioner Carl Williams..

In fact McGregor open­ly spoke to his trans­fer at his out­go­ing cer­e­mo­ny. “I implore the pow­ers that be that they should give the new com­man­der a longer peri­od than they gave me, or else he’s not going to impact the thing in any ful­some way. You can­not change the sit­u­a­tion of St James in one year. But I am not in any way daunt­ed by this reas­sign­ment. I am 110 per cent in sup­port of the High Command because they know best,”.

Oops, sor­ry Steve !!!

Oh to be a fly on the wall to be in the brief­ing room before you were give that assignment .
You did get briefed did­n’t you Steve?
Oh to be a fly on the wall to see what was the strate­gic plan giv­en to Steve McGregor to execute.
Surely there must have been a plan to tar­get cer­tain play­ers and their operations .
Surely there was a plan to tar­get spe­cif­ic spots and indi­vid­u­als using sur­veil­lance and intel­li­gence gath­er­ing through well devel­oped assets with­in the com­mu­ni­ty right?
There must have been sig­nif­i­cant assur­ances giv­en cer­tain well placed peo­ple with­ing the com­mu­ni­ties that if they coöper­ate with law enforce­ment they could be assured no one would ever know they did?
Surely these assets are appro­pri­ate­ly nur­tured and devel­oped right?
Was there even a plan?
It would be inter­est­ing to know what exact­ly was the game plan , because what­ev­er it was it did not work .

Marlon Nesbeth
Marlon Nesbeth

I feel your pain Steve but I dis­agree with you that they know best.….Oh I get it you are are being care­ful, good luck on your new assign­ment at the Territorial Operations Portfolio.

Whatever the hell that is!
What is the prob­lem with these new age police offi­cers who seem not to want to be seen in their uni­forms? I stand to be cor­rect­ed on this but across the globe when we see police offi­cers in the news they are always in their uniform.
In many cas­es even detec­tives love and wear their uni­form at times.
Do these guys con­sid­er them­selves bet­ter than the JCF why they are con­stant­ly in civil­ian clothes? That apply to you too Commissioner Williams ?

So they trans­ferred Steve McGregor out of the parish because mur­der con­tin­ue to climb not just in the tourism parish but in oth­er parish­es out­side the Kingston met­ro­pol­i­tan area. In the mean­time the police high-com­mand con­tin­ue to do the three card mon­ty , try­ing to con­vince us that crime is trend­ing down.

The fact of the mat­ter is that crime is not trend­ing down and even if there are down­ward ticks in cer­tain cat­e­gories of crime it is not as a result of any strate­gic pol­i­cy ini­tia­tive which the depart­ment can point to.
As I said yes­ter­day the reverse is actu­al­ly true in about the same time Steve McGregor took over the parish of Saint James , over two hun­dred offi­cers were added to beef of police strength in the parish .


Despite that mur­der and oth­er vio­lent crimes con­tin­ue to soar in the parish, so clear­ly any sup­posed strat­e­gy they put in place clear­ly is hav­ing the oppo­site effect than was intended.


Remember when they said they want­ed a dif­fer­ent police force, one where the offi­cers can“speeky-spok­ie”? Well we all agreed that some of the peo­ple real­ly need­ed to get a crash course in the Queens English, espe­cial­ly the kha­ki-clad brigade.
Back then the Khaki clad brigade were reviled and ridiculed because most of them could­n’t put a sen­tence togeth­er out­side the col­lo­qui­al (pat­wa) patios.
Back then police speak­ing pat­wa was seen as a sign of their intel­lec­tu­al infe­ri­or­i­ty, until of course the tap­pa­naris up by the intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to sud­den­ly deemed it cool and decid­ed it should be a language.
All of a sud­den pat­wa is no longer an aber­ra­tion to be eschewed it is now cool because the self appoint­ed elites tell us it is. Many buoyed by this attempt to dumb us down now go out of their way to com­mu­ni­cate using the dialect. It’s now a badge of cool­ness and smarts , what bull !

Well they cer­tain­ly did a good job remov­ing the” pat­wa talk­ing dunce police dem” , can’t even imag­ine how they were able to under­stand the ter­rain and topog­ra­phy of the island , much less hav­ing local knowl­edge and street-smarts to know who did what, where and when. or even how to find them and bring them to jus­tice or in some cas­es bring jus­tice to them?
In their places are some real­ly edu­cat­ed peo­ple from up at Mona who cer­tain­ly seem to think they are bet­ter than the uni­form. They seem­ing­ly do their best to avoid it as much as possible.
As a mat­ter of fact while I’m on the sub­ject the high com­mand is always berat­ing the young offi­cers about the prop­er way to appear in their uni­form. Are the rules applic­a­ble to the rank-and-file only, or is every cop a con­sta­ble accord­ing to the JCF Act?

One thing is for sure we cer­tain­ly have a bunch of offi­cers who speak the Queens English now, as a mat­ter of fact it seem that talk­ing is all they are capa­ble of .
Rest in peace Anthony Hewitt, rest i n peace Spungie, rest in peace all of the real sol­diers who knew where to find the mur­der­ing scum who would ter­ror­ize the inno­cent and take their lives.
We nev­er cow­ered in fear of no Don, we feared no low-life scum­bag who would prey on the innocent.
The ques­tion at the moment is what per­cent­age of the pop­u­la­tion is as inno­cent as it was when I walked away ? When the real police offi­cers laid down arms and walked away
A nation gets the Government it deserves, the police is an arm of government.
Maybe , just maybe the crim­i­nal lov­ing , police hat­ing mass­es deserve what it’s getting.
Just saying !!!!!
