Holness’ Comments A Dog Whistle: Murderers Have Nothing To Fear.…

It some­times seem like the head does not have any clue what the feet are doing in Jamaica.
You almost get the impres­sion that the tail wags the dog.
Whether it is Government’s absolute lack of spine in deal­ing with crime.
Or it’s nev­er end­ing insis­tence that it is com­ing up with crime fight­ing ini­tia­tives , then essen­tial­ly back­track by say­ing the police will not be allowed to go after dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals on it’s watch.
I was dumb­found­ed to hear Andrew Holness talk­ing about abu­sive polic­ing not being in his character.
As sim­plis­tic, patron­iz­ing and down­right igno­rant as that state­ment was it was what he said fol­low­ing that which made my blood boil.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness

The option of going out and tear­ing down peo­ple’s homes shoot­ing before being cer­tain or using abu­sive force is not avail­able to us , and for me as a per­son , that is not in my char­ac­ter, and, there­fore as leader of this coun­try , that will nev­er hap­pen under my watch”.

Frankly I have no idea where to start.
It’s real­ly easy for Holness to make stu­pid ‚dis­parag­ing, state­ments which he will absolute­ly not be able to sub­stan­ti­ate with one sin­gle iota of fact .
This is hyper­bole, and as such must be denounced for the igno­rant bull­shit that it is.
At the same time he is mak­ing this ridicu­lous state­ment he is pro­tect­ed up to his stu­pid ass by police.
This nean­derthal com­ment should be called out for what it tru­ly is, a thin­ly dis­guised dog-whis­tle to gun­men in his con­stituen­cy and oth­ers that the police will not come for them as long as he is Prime Minister.

The idea that hard nosed polic­ing is syn­ony­mous with abuse of civ­il and human rights is unin­tel­li­gent, unin­formed, and down­right dumb.
Maybe Holness should have called in some retired police offi­cers who under­stand how it’s done before mak­ing an absolute ass of him­self with that embar­rass­ing yet dis­parag­ing statement.
As I said in a pre­vi­ous Article I have nev­er seen a sit­u­a­tion where I have ever had a prob­lem with any­one when I have to do my duty as long as I respect­ful­ly explain to peo­ple what exact­ly it is I was doing and why.
Sorry maam/​sir , but I am doing this for your safe­ty” goes a long way.
Those who have a prob­lem with that are the ones who belong in jail.
Better yet, since Holness have no respect for local law enforce­ment , he could have asked some­one white from one of the coun­tries to which they go grov­el­ling for loans and grants.

I am glad Holness con­firmed what I said in an ear­li­er arti­cle . The ini­tia­tives he has announced thus far and are about to announce addi­tion­al­ly, are band aids on gun­shot wounds.
Crime is ben­e­fi­cial to all of them .

Most of you are aware of the ker­fuf­fle sur­round­ing Lisa Hanna’s com­ments that the music of Addiija Palmer should not be played on the pub­lic airwaves.
Palmer who goes by the moniker Vybes Kartel is a con­vict­ed mur­der serv­ing a life sen­tence in prison.

Palmer’s music may be char­ac­ter­ized as a mix of misog­y­ny and mur­der induc­ing dia­tribes which many appro­pri­ate­ly find offensive.
The Prime Minister who recent­ly com­ment­ed on the state of whats hap­pen­ing in the dance halls took much heat for dar­ing to have an opin­ion on the con­tent and con­se­quence of the music.

Generally I don’t give a s**t about politi­cians being ridiculed or exco­ri­at­ed. However in this case both the Prime Minister and the par­lia­men­tar­i­an are correct.
What is offen­sive is that the brain-dead zom­bies who sup­port this kind of putrid misog­y­ny and mur­der induce­ment bile under the belief that it is edu­ca­tion­al and enter­tain­ing has report­ed­ly been send­ing Lisa Hanna death threats.

Lisa Hanna

Yesterday I wrote that no Prisoner has the right to make music while in Prison. Prisoners who are sen­tenced to hard labor should be doing hard labor in what­ev­er form the Corrections depart­ment deem law­ful­ly appropriate.
That does not include sit­ting in a jail house mak­ing records which fur­ther den­i­grate and erode soci­etal norms .Some have argued that they should be allowed to make music and the pro­ceeds of that music giv­en to the vic­tims of crime.
I disagree.

Allowing these mur­der­ous cretins the oppor­tu­ni­ty to do so makes heroes and role mod­els of them, some­thing to which they have no right.
There is a fun­da­men­tal dis­con­nect in the under­stand­ing of many Jamaicans who fail to under­stand that prison was not designed to be coun­try clubs.
When you com­mit a crimes and is found guilty by a court of law you have for­feit­ed many of the rights you once enjoyed;
There is no agree­ing with my posi­tion on this then say­ing, “But”.
There are no Buts.…


Responding to reports that Palmer was still mak­ing and dis­trib­ut­ing music and that the music though offen­sive was still being played on the pub­lic air­waves the Broadcasting Commission the body charged with deter­min­ing what should and should not be allowed on the air­waves said this.
To be clear, as it con­cerns con­victs, their priv­i­lege or abil­i­ty to cre­ate music whilst incar­cer­at­ed is gov­erned by cor­rec­tion­al rules.”

True , no one should be con­fused about that . Even though we all know that the cor­rec­tions depart­ment has been one of the most cor­rupt Government agency on the Island.

The Commission went on :“We were made to under­stand that the Correctional Services were inves­ti­gat­ing the alle­ga­tions and that no deter­mi­na­tion had been made on the mat­ter,”(In ref­er­ence to evi­dence that Palmer was mak­ing music in Prison)
The Commission also stat­ed that they learnt that the prison rules were under review to deal specif­i­cal­ly with that issue.
Laughable, don’t be sur­prised to learn that Kartel is actu­al­ly being tak­en out of prison to record his music and do what­ev­er the hell else he choses.

Now we get to the meat and pota­toes . A ( http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​B​r​o​a​d​c​a​s​t​i​n​g​-​C​o​m​m​i​s​s​i​o​n​-​d​e​n​i​e​s​-​a​c​c​o​u​n​t​a​b​i​l​i​t​y​-​f​o​r​-​V​y​b​z​-​K​a​r​t​e​l​-​s​-​m​u​s​i​c​-​o​n​-​a​i​r​w​a​ves ) on Saturday went to great pains to explain the following
Quote : There is no pro­vi­sion in law bar­ring the trans­mis­sion of music, sim­ply because it was cre­at­ed by a con­vict­ed per­son. Only if it were proved that the music was cre­at­ed in con­tra­ven­tion of a law gov­ern­ing the Correctional Services and a broad­cast­er know­ing­ly facil­i­tat­ed that con­tra­ven­tion, could there be a law­ful deter­mi­na­tion that the broad­cast­ing rules were breached.

If my mem­o­ry serves me right I believe the brouha­ha was about the con­tent of the music?, Where the music is made is a periph­er­al issue because the artist is a con­vict­ed mur­der­er who should not have the priv­i­lege of mak­ing music whilst incarcerated.
Where is the broad­cast Commission by the way ?
Do they reside on the plan­et Uranus?
How come they are not con­ver­sant with the cor­ro­sive smut which is being prop­a­gat­ed as music on the Public airwaves?
Or are they too busi­ly con­sumed with their lit­tle coun­try-club life styles, that they have no time to do what they are charged with doing?

The issue is no longer about lyri­cal con­tent , but what occurs in the dance-halls ..

Of course there are no pro­vi­sions in law bar­ring the trans­mis­sion of music sim­ply because that music was cre­at­ed by a con­vict­ed person.
The issue is about the musi­cal con­tent, not it’s place of ori­gin. Secondly there should be a law pre­vent­ing con­vict­ed mur­der­ers from doing more dam­age to soci­ety by unleash­ing this putrid bile they put out as music.
That“s the issue.….
