No Convicted Murderer Has The Right To Record Music.….Death Threats Out Of Order.

Recently Prime Minister Andrew Holness told young ladies quote “stop the dag­ger­ing.”
The Prime Minister, clear­ly con­cerned about the high mur­der sta­tis­tics and the numer­ous cas­es of assaults and mur­der of teenage girls and women, sought to offer some degree of guidance.

Andrew Holness

The guys who are doing this ‘Daggering’ dance, they are cre­ative, but they need to under­stand that what they are pro­ject­ing into the minds of our chil­dren is that vio­lence is accept­able. And then that becomes the pro­jec­tion of Jamaica over­seas that we are a vio­lent peo­ple. And, then, you have a dis­pute, and the only way to resolve the con­flict is what you have been taught com­ing up for years. Box him down! Stab him up!” Holness warned.
 “We have to stop this. The new dance that has evolved now… I don’t have noth­ing against the cul­ture… I am a big reg­gae fan, and I lis­ten to dance­hall. And, I tell you some­thing, we can­not allow vio­lence to take away our true cul­ture, and that is being pro­ject­ed as the cul­ture of Jamaica. We must stand up, talk to the enter­tain­ers, talk to the pro­mot­ers”.

Immediately after mak­ing the state­ments a pha­lanx of anar­chist unleashed an onslaught of out­cry against the Prime Minister with a vari­ety of ver­bal assaults.
One wrote that the Prime Minister should go fix the econ­o­my and leave dance hall alone.
Apparently, the men­tal midget does not under­stand that the Prime Minister has a respon­si­bil­i­ty to lead in all aspects of nation­al life.

He igno­rant­ly assailed the Prime Minister total­ly unmind­ful, or con­ver­sant of the fact that there can be no real eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty in this bloody car­nage which has tak­en over our country.


As if assail­ing the Prime Minister was not enough, the angry mind­less trolls who can see no fur­ther than their base desire to fill their bel­lies with food and wine then engage in ani­mal sex are out for the blood of Lisa Hanna.
Lisa Hanna is the for­mer Minister of Youth in the past Administration and mem­ber of Parliament for St. Ann South East.

Ms Hanna recent­ly called for the ban­ning from the air­waves, some music of Imprisoned DJ Adiijah Palmer O/​c Vybes Kartel she con­sid­ers improper .
It did not take long for the idol­a­trous vul­tures to begin cir­cling, wait­ing to pluck the flesh from her for dar­ing to speak out against their God, A blast­ed con­vict­ed mur­der­ing scum.
In addi­tion to the mind­less trite com­ments against Ms Hanna, the Police are report­ing that some of the hea­thens are actu­al­ly threat­en­ing her life .

Lets begin by say­ing that con­vict­ed mur­der­er Adijjah Palmer have no right to record music as an incar­cer­at­ed felon.
Allowing a con­vict­ed Murderer to con­tin­ue to live on the inside as he did out­side is a shock­ing indict­ment of the endem­ic cor­rup­tion and crim­i­nal­ly com­plic­it nature of our Government structures .
It turns the entire con­cept of puni­tive incar­cer­a­tion on it’s head.
Every Jamaican have the right to speak out about what con­tent is allowed to come out of the pub­lic air­waves vis a vis radio and tele­vi­sion.

It is exact­ly with­in the remit of the Member of Parliament to demand that the pub­lic air­waves be purged of this cor­rupt­ing filth which glo­ri­fy death, destruc­tion and the debase­ment of our women.

Dance or insanity?

In the same breath it is exact­ly the right, and indeed the duty of the Honorable Prime Minister to speak out on all issues , moral and oth­er­wise, which he believes are hav­ing neg­a­tive con­se­quences on the nation.

This car­nal assault on our sen­si­bil­i­ties have con­tin­ued unabat­ed for too long . It has exist­ed and thrived, cocooned and pack­aged under the guise of music, while lead­ers cow­er in fear of the ungovern­able mass­es , allow­ing their unbri­dled , unhinged point of view to become pub­lic policy..
Leaders have every right to get involved to ensure that san­i­ty returns to our pub­lic air­waves and pub­lic spaces.
It is not just up to them to demand an end to the vis­cous assault being per­pet­u­at­ed on our psy­che but what are allowed to be played in the dance halls as well.

For too long many in the Jamaican com­mu­ni­ty believe that they should not be held to any standard.
The polit­i­cal class, hav­ing dirty hands them­selves, have ced­ed the moral high-ground , unable to speak out or take action to cur­tail the garbage bom­bard­ing our eardrums .


Andrew Holness is the JLP Prime Minister , Lisa Hanna is the PNP’s mem­ber of Parliament. Both have felt the ire of the ungovern­able goons who have no respect for authority.
This ought to cause both lead­ers pause.
Both lead­ers are right , some­thing you will sel­dom hear me say about politicians.
Nevertheless this ought to be a wake up call for both polit­i­cal par­ties in ways that they have not been awak­ened before.

They should not allow the out­cry from a peo­ple who can­not dif­fer­en­ti­ate wrong from right to deter them from tak­ing action to bring san­i­ty to this issue and oth­ers affect­ing social order in the country.
No damn pris­on­er have any right to record music while they are incar­cer­at­ed , much less music which may be deemed offen­sive and unfit for airplay.

4 thoughts on “No Convicted Murderer Has The Right To Record Music.….Death Threats Out Of Order.

  1. So what makes your point gospel and the peo­ple igno­rant and base­less. You give the right to the PM and Lisa ( inclu­sive of your­self) but every­one else seems to be a blip which needs to be cleansed and dri­ven back through the gate. Consensus and democ­ra­cy is not achieved through a dic­ta­tor­ship but through equal­i­ty and bal­ance of perspectives.

    • There is wrong and then there is right.
      I know we are now liv­ing in a post fac­tu­al world, but I would imag­ine that at the very least you can acknowl­edge wrong and call it what it is?
      Failing which God help us..

    • What makes them igno­rant and base­less is the fact that they are leav­ing death threats for a polit­i­cal leader who dares to speak her mind. They ‚like Kartel believe in mur­der to solve prob­lems. An indi­vid­ual who is found guilty of mur­der and incar­cer­at­ed should not be free to con­tin­ue in soci­ety as before, and peo­ple who issue death threats and even ques­tion anoth­er per­son­’s right to voice this opin­ion are indeed igno­rant and baseless

  2. Shut the hell up what if it’s archived music where is your proof he is still record­ing there is high demand for his music so we need the sup­ply unlike your blog that nobody cares about keep your opin­ions to your­self we the peo­ple of Jamaica don’t care what you think #world­boss

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