Gang Warfare Rages In Jamaica:

This is a con­tin­u­ing in a series of blogs I will write on the saga of the esca­lat­ing crime sit­u­a­tion in Jamaica. Yesterday I point­ed to the utter incom­pe­tence of the coun­try’s nation­al secu­ri­ty min­is­ter Peter Bunting. Bunting came to the post total­ly unpre­pared. Speaking at the Police Elleston Road Facility, dur­ing a weapons destruc­tion event, around the sec­ond week of February the min­is­ter said he was informed at anoth­er event that if crime was low­ered it would help the economy !!!!

Really Peter ? You have to be told this ? how utter­ly dumb and igno­rant are you?

Today the Opposition Jamaica Labor Party blast­ed Bunting for recent state­ments he made accus­ing the JLP of not imple­ment­ing a crime pol­i­cy draft­ed in 2007. Delroy Chuck Opposition spokesper­son on nation­al secu­ri­ty blast­ed Bunting’s state­ments as arrant non­sense and point­ed out that the poli­cies were not only imple­ment­ed they were improved upon.

Bunting and Chuck

(Observer Photo)

Jamaican Cops in action

THE Opposition Jamaica Labour Party has dubbed Security Minister Peter Bunting’s accu­sa­tion that the par­ty failed to imple­ment a crime pol­i­cy draft­ed in 2007 as rub­bish. Bunting made the claim dur­ing a press brief­ing at Jamaica House yes­ter­day and drew the ire of the JLP.

Minister of National Security Peter Bunting stat­ed that the pre­vi­ous gov­ern­ment failed to imple­ment a pol­i­cy draft­ed in 2007. The Opposition said that this is arrant non­sense and a poor excuse by Bunting for the present fail­ures,” the JLP said in a release​.Read more: http://​jamaicaob​serv​er​.com

Chuck went on to say:

In respect of leg­is­la­tion the draft of the Anti-Gang Legislation was sent to Bunting and oth­er stake­hold­ers in 2011 for exam­i­na­tion and com­ment. No com­ment was ever received from Bunting or the PNP and they are only now claim­ing to be exam­in­ing this impor­tant piece of leg­is­la­tion,” Chuck said.

A total of 165 mur­ders have been tal­lied by the police since January 1 and yes­ter­day Bunting out­lined a raft of short and long-term mea­sures the state would be imple­ment­ing to col­lar crime but the JLP said Bunting’s response to the spike in mur­ders and shoot­ing is unacceptable.

It is patent­ly clear that the port­fo­lio of National Security is beyond the capa­bil­i­ties of Bunting and that Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller must imme­di­ate­ly re-exam­ine the assign­ment of this port­fo­lio, as an increase of even one mur­der or shoot­ing over 2011 is unac­cept­able to the Jamaican peo­ple,” the JLP release said.

Anyone who fol­lows these blogs knows I am no fan of Delroy Chuck but “wow” I could­n’t have put it bet­ter myself. The only prob­lem with Chuck’s state­ment is that there is an implic­it sug­ges­tion in it that Portia Simpson Miller is intel­lec­tu­al­ly capa­ble of under­stand­ing that Bunting is a dud. And even if she could under­stand it, she would not have the will or under­stand­ing of the need for change.


Bunting and the PNP could not address the doc­u­ment the for­mer gov­ern­ment sent them ‚they were too intent on pro­tect­ing the crim­i­nals in their gar­ri­son communities.Remember they vot­ed unan­i­mous­ly not to give police more time to root out ter­ror­ists after the fall of the Tivoli empire. The fact is they have six times more gar­ri­son com­mu­ni­ties than the oth­er par­ty and they had an elec­tion to win. In the mean­time Bunting and his par­ty has leaked infor­ma­tion to the press that they have no con­fi­dence in the abil­i­ties of Commissioner Ellington to do his job. Word on the streets is that they plant­ed this infor­ma­tion to once again blame the police and deflect blame and respon­si­bil­i­ty for their failures.

Commissioner Ellington Chief of defense staff Major General Anthony Anderson and Bunting(observer photo)

It will be a stretch for this lat­est strat­e­gy of the PNP to be effec­tive, Ellington has sim­ply been one of the most effec­tive com­mis­sion­ers in mod­ern his­to­ry not only in reduc­ing crime but in erad­i­cat­ing cor­rupt cops from the depart­ment. A 40% reduc­tion in crime is very sig­nif­i­cant , then again does the aver­age Jamaican under­stand this? In the mean time Bunting looks into the face of the com­mis­sion­er and tells him his job is safe .

Bunting, who was speak­ing dur­ing a Jamaica House press con­fer­ence, insist­ed Ellington enjoys the con­fi­dence of the PortiaSimpson Miller-led administration.“He has been suc­cess­ful and we expect him to con­tin­ue that suc­cess and he will have the sup­port of myself as min­is­ter and the administration.”

Since last week, word has been going around that the admin­is­tra­tion was not pleased with Ellington and the lead­er­ship that he pro­vides to the JCF. Persons close to the Government have claimed plans are afoot to replace Ellington, who was appoint­ed to lead the JCF under the pre­vi­ous Jamaica Labour Party gov­ern­ment. jamaica​glean​er​.com

In the image above Jamaican cops are seen in action under the cap­tion “Gang con­flicts rag­ing” in the (Jamaica Observer) Those con­flicts will con­tin­ue to rage in the absence of a seri­ous once and for all piece of leg­is­la­tion that puts crim­i­nals in prison and throw away the keys and a police force that is allowed to do its job law­ful­ly with­out favor or affec­tion , mal­ice or ill will.

