Those Opposed To Too Much Government Also Should Be Heard:

watchful eyes
watch­ful eyes

Yesterday I wrote about the need for the Jamaican Government to stop pussy-foot­ing around and rec­og­nize law-enforce­ment for it’s val­ue to the coun­try. Even as I believe pas­sion­ate­ly in the rule of law and it’s neces­si­ty in soci­ety. I am also vis­cer­al­ly pas­sion­ate about the right of indi­vid­u­als to being secure in their per­sons. The points raised by those opposed to cam­eras in pub­lic spaces are legit­i­mate con­cerns that war­rants seri­ous dis­cus­sion and debate.The chal­lenge for law-enforce­ment par­tic­u­lar­ly in large Metropolises is, how to bal­ance a healthy respect for indi­vid­ual free­doms and pri­va­cy while at the same time mak­ing sure they are able to keep res­i­dents safe. Criminal ter­ror­ist have to get it right only once, Law-enforce­ment has to get it right a hun­dred per­cent of the time to avert dis­as­ter. Even as I extol the virtues of CCTV as one more tool in the fight against crime and ter­ror, I also believe that we should watch those who we com­mis­sion to watch the crim­i­nals. The Police state is not some­thing any of us except those with sin­is­ter motives want. As such we must be vig­i­lant in ensur­ing that even as we acqui­esce to present day neces­si­ties, we should guard­ed­ly pro­tect the tra­di­tion­al free­doms we hold dear. Terrorists who exert their will through fear, does not stop try­ing to kill and maim sim­ply because we can­not fig­ure out how to bal­ance pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty. As evi­denced with the sit­u­a­tion in Jamaica, Special Interest groups squab­ble over small stuff crim­i­nals sim­ply show their dis­dain by shoot­ing out the cam­eras placed there in down-town Kingston.

it's important to have eyes in major cities today
it’s impor­tant to have eyes in major cities today

The dis­trust that cit­i­zens have of Government and it’s Agents that they will do the right thing with footage har­vest­ed from CCTV cam­eras, is a legit­i­mate con­cern. Government Agents, the world over have nev­er failed to abuse the trust placed in them. Even in the United States some politi­cians intro­duce Bills that if passed into law would seri­ous­ly lim­it the role of Government in peo­ple’s lives. Irrespective of oth­er sin­is­ter motives they may har­bor, they under­stand as well as any­one else the need to hold Government account­able. So for inter­est groups in Jamaica who are opposed to CCTV cam­eras, I sug­gest you call your elect­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tive and let them know you want leg­is­la­tion which pro­tects the inno­cent from preda­tors , even as we ensure that Government does not tam­per with our free­doms and privacy.

Weasly Democrats/​Disgusting Republicans

A major thrust of repub­li­cans under the pres­i­den­cy of President Barack Obama is to oppose every­thing he pro­pos­es, peri­od!! It makes no dif­fer­ence that the pres­i­den­t’s poli­cies are for the good of the coun­try , includ­ing the very same racist hyp­ocrites who wear the repub­li­can label, the strat­e­gy is the same oppose, oppose, oppose. Not one repub­li­can is will­ing to step out­side that nar­ra­tive and be dif­fer­ent, they act uni­lat­er­al­ly as a cau­cus in objec­tion to the pres­i­dent of the United States.

Not so long ago I recall democ­rats lin­ing up to sign on to con­tro­ver­sial leg­is­la­tions that lit­er­al­ly shreds the con­sti­tu­tion hyp­o­crit­i­cal repub­li­cans swear to believe they believe in. Legislations like the Patriot Act lit­er­al­ly takes away sig­nif­i­cant por­tions of the rights of Americans „ yet it received sup­port from democ­rats some of whom admit­ted they did not even both­er to read the volu­mi­nous bill, a bill which stripped away the rights of the very peo­ple they represent.

Bush knew exact­ly what he was doing after the September 11th ter­ror attacks, he made sure that the attacks were kept fresh in the minds of Americans as he sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly stripped away more and more of their rights,. No one both­ered to remem­ber the old adage ” nev­er give up your rights for secu­ri­ty as you will end up with neither”.

The point though is the sol­id wall of oppo­si­tion to this pres­i­dent on the sole basis of race, exas­per­at­ed by the shame­ful and the silent acqui­es­cence of democ­rats who sit on their hands and ass­es as this pres­i­dent is pil­lo­ried from all quar­ters with lies, smear insults and racial caricatures.

It does seem that the econ­o­my is get­ting bet­ter, repub­li­cans are talk­ing about social issues, wedge issues as they are ref­ered to, gay rights, mar­riage equal­i­ty, prayer in schools, con­tra­cep­tion, this issues they like to talk about. As I stat­ed in recent blogs, repub­li­cans are now des­per­ate­ly search­ing for an issues that will stick or have some res­o­nance going into the gen­er­al elections,there are scared stiff they are los­ing the eco­nom­ic argument.

Fleisher Rove

It’s not unusu­al to see hacks like Ari Fleisher, and Karl Rove old hand from the Bush Administration on tele­vi­sion dis­re­spect­ing the pres­i­dent, and dis­tort­ing his record. I am par­tic­u­lar­ly offend­ed by Fleisher a polit­i­cal who nev­er saw any­thing wrong with any­thing Bush did, but now make a liv­ing as a con­trib­u­tor on MSNBC which he and oth­ers like him cas­ti­gat­ed as left-wing media, because peo­ple like Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow told the truth and set the record straight. I will refrain from assess­ing Rove he is sim­ply not worth it, to relate to him is to ele­vate him.

Fleisher would be well remind­ed to remem­ber his own lies in what is now com­mon knowl­edge as it relates to the Valerie Plame out­ing by oper­a­tives with­in the Bush Administration. Had a demo­c­rat done what they did that admin­is­tra­tion would have been brought to its knees and all involved, would have been thrown in prison.


But of course I digress, this morn­ing the lily liv­ered cow­ards that pass for democ­rats were out join­ing with repub­li­cans in push­ing against the pres­i­dent against the recent direc­tive giv­en to catholic insti­tu­tions to pro­vide Contraception cov­er­age in health insur­ance for women in their employ.

This is an issue which is about wom­en’s health, of course Catholic bish­ops are con­tend­ing that this forces them to pay for some­thing which is against their teach­ings and con­science. Mark you this is not a direc­tive to the church about some­thing which hap­pens in the church , it is about busi­ness­es oper­at­ed by the catholic church. In essence the catholic church wants to be exempt from pro­vid­ing women in it’s employ who may not even be catholics from get­ting con­tra­cep­tion in their health care pack­age , a move which forces them to pay for some­thing which they would be afford­ed by oth­er employers.


Bob Casey
Joe Lieberman
Joe Manchin
Ben Nelson
Bill Nelson

Reps, John Larson, Dan Lipinsky, Gerry Connolly, and for­mer gov­er­nor Tim Kaine.

Bob Casey of PA , Joe Leiberman of CT, Joe Manchin WV , Ben Nelson NB, Bill Nelson FL. These are your US Senators whom have quick­ly joined with repub­li­cans and the catholic church to fight against wom­en’s rights.

Even as these so-called democ­rats try to pro­tect their sor­ry hides , repub­li­can sen­a­tor Jim Demint of south Carolina had this to say at their c ‑pac gath­er­ing in Washington DC. Listen to Demint here, out­side the :

JON MEACHAM: Senator, you’ve been in Washington now for 12 years. Actually more, sor­ry. Have things changed in a pal­pa­ble, tac­tile way in terms of get­ting things done from when you came in? 

DEMINT: Yeah, I think they are more polar­ized. And it’s a con­trast I try to make in the book because we real­ly no longer have a shared vision. I mean, I know from busi­ness that you have peo­ple com­ing from dif­fer­ent direc­tions, they can work togeth­er if they have shared goals and a shared vision. But now we have the ten­sion between those who want cen­tral­ized pow­er, gov­ern­ment con­trol of edu­ca­tion, health care, trans­porta­tion, ener­gy, and Republicans, who are I think find­ing their foot­ing around their core prin­ci­ples of we need to devolve pow­er out of Washington, we need to decen­tral­ize, because that’s what makes America work, is the bot­tom-up approach.

So say­ing to com­pro­mise now, and I use this anal­o­gy a lot, is just like a coach telling his team to go out and work with the oth­er guys and coöper­ate with them. The Democrats are there to beat us. Every pol­i­cy that they intro­duce is to cen­tral­ize pow­er. They are com­plete­ly inca­pable of cut­ting spend­ing because their con­stituen­cy is based on depen­den­cy on gov­ern­ment and those who want more from gov­ern­ment.Msnbc​.com/​m​o​r​n​i​n​g​joe

Here ladies and gen­tle­man is the rea­son noth­ing gets done, these peo­ple do not rep­re­sent your interest.

Game Change?

Rick Santorum pulled a hat trick in Colorado, Minnesota. and Missouri, oblit­er­at­ing his rivals last night. los­ing is nev­er pain­less, but “ouch” this has got be be most painful for Mitt Romney. Mister Romney’s cam­paign has every­thing going for it. So the talk­ing heads in the main stream media tell us. Romney has lots of money„organization, and estab­lish­ment sup­port, he also has super pac sup­port which pours even more mon­ey into mas­sive adver­tis­ing cam­paigns aimed at any and every­one in the path of their can­di­date. There is just one tee­ny-wee­ny prob­lem the cam­paign needs a good can­di­date.


There seem to be a core dis-sat­is­fac­tion at the heart of the repub­li­can par­ty with Mitt Romney. We were told Romney was the inevitable can­di­date for his par­ty’s nom­i­na­tion, the next in line, the one who wait­ed his turn, now the repub­li­can par­ty want to play by a dif­fer­ent set of rules. This is not fair to mis­ter Romney after all he has changed his views to fit his par­ty, he has changed from a pro-choice, pro-civ­il union, pro-gun con­trol, pro-health care man­dates in order to be called a “con­ser­v­a­tive”.

How could this hap­pen to a good man like Governor Romney? This man ought to be the Bain of envy of all 99%s . He is rich, mar­ried to the same woman for decades, has won­der­ful chil­dren, a (chris­t­ian,) actu­al­ly not a chris­t­ian, a mor­mon, but you know what I mean!!! right? In so many ways Romney is the all American guy, the guy you want to emu­late, so what is the prob­lem? How can his par­ty pull the rug out from under him when he seemed des­tined for a coro­na­tion? Why is the repub­li­can par­ty still search­ing for a dif­fer­ent suit­or even as the wed­ding day draws near­er and near­er? Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich. Sarah Palin, Herman Caine, Donald Trump, Tim Pawlenty,Ron Paul, Chris Christie, Daniels, Jeb Bush et al, Conservatives con­tin­ue to date even though the wed­ding of con­ve­nience between itself and Mitt Romney draws clos­er. What is the rea­son why con­ser­v­a­tives con­tin­ue with this cheat­ing, Romney for all intents and pur­pos­es has done all that is required of him, lets stop with the cheat­ing and get the wed­ding underway.

The truth is, Ronald Reagan the holy grail repub­li­cans hitch their elec­toral wag­gon to, arguably could not get nom­i­nat­ed for pres­i­dent in this repub­li­can par­ty. Reagan raised tax­es, main­tained bud­get deficits, added tril­lions to the nation­al debt and grant­ed amnesty to ille­gal aliens. You tell me where would Ronald Reagan be in this par­ty of Eric Cantor, Michelle Bachman, and Jim Demint?

Romney despite his wealth, would be a good fit for the demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty, he is at heart, pro-choice, deep down he is for com­mon sense gun con­trol, he deep down believes whether we agree with gays or not, they have a right to pro­tec­tions under the law, and his mor­mon faith is actu­al­ly not scoffed at in the demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty. The Democratic par­ty has come around to being the inclu­sive par­ty that believes in tol­er­ance, there is only one prob­lem with Romney and the demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty, he does­n’t seem to care about the poor enough, he feels they should be allowed to lan­guish in their state, he also believes the very poor should be aid­ed to remain in pover­ty. Romney said he was­n’t con­cerned about them they have a safe­ty net , and if it was bro­ken he would fix it. “WOW”.

Romney in his hon­esty stat­ed cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly that he did not care about the poor, then when he real­ized how hor­ri­ble that sound­ed he attempt­ed to estab­lish some degree of bal­ance ‚he went on to say “I don’t care about the rich , what I care about is the mid­dle, the heart and soul of America”. Maybe if Romney under­stood that some of the poor were once in the mid­dle class, and with a good job they could climb back to where they were,he would care, but Romney a man esti­mat­ed to be worth a quar­ter of a bil­lion dol­lars can­not under­stand that and as such he is con­tent to let the poor remain where they are.

So now the repub­li­can par­ty has dat­ed every­one, now it’s Santorum turn, one gets the feel­ing that the par­ty is hold­ing it’s nose on this date with this lat­est suit­or. It seem to me the repub­li­can par­ty knows and under­stands the inevitabil­i­ty of this arranged love­less mar­riage between her­self and Willard Mitt Romney , and as the pre-arranged August wed­ding approach­es she is deter­mined to have as many illic­it affairs she can before suc­cumb­ing to the hoe-hum bore­dom of a life with a man she does not love.

It is a long way untill the November elec­tions, repub­li­cans will throw any and every­thing at pres­i­dent Obama, they will launch a scorched earth attack the likes of which we have nev­er seen, those who thought the elec­tions of 2008 that saw the elc­c­tion of Barack Obama was tur­bu­lent and divi­sive will be in for a sur­prise, this elec­tion will be a lot like some third world coun­tries, divi­sive can­tan­ker­ous, and down­right dangerous.

Republicans sim­ply do not believe democ­rats should gov­ern America, they have demeaned and dem­a­gogued the last three demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­dents in a way that seem com­plete­ly removed from the way the last three repub­li­can pres­i­dents have been treat­ed. One is seri­ous­ly left to won­der where America is going with this lev­el of poloriza­tion? The coun­try has already gone through one civ­il war.

America’s Continued Shame:

There is a com­mon thread that runs through­out all play­ers in the Republican par­ty which has at its core a con­cert­ed attempt to pre­tend that President Barack Obama is not pres­i­dent of the United States. Republicans have long attempt­ed to sow scorn and dis­dain on the intel­li­gent left, in an attempt to paint them as Elitists, out of touch and far removed from the American real­i­ty, “oth­er”. 

They have sought to devel­op a nar­ra­tive that is “aw shucks” argu­ing that a pres­i­dent should be a laid back per­son in the mold of say Ronald Reagan or George Bush the 43rd pres­i­dent. They sell the mer­its of a pres­i­dent who one would want to have a beer with. They have been suc­cess­ful in demo­niz­ing and label­ing Democratic can­di­dates like John Kerry, and Michael Dukakis as Massachuset lib­er­als, mak­ing the word lib­er­al a nasty stain and a neg­a­tive car­i­ca­ture. Of course two of the archi­tects of that dem­a­goguery Newt Gingrich and Bush’s brain, Karl Rove, are still a part of the polit­i­cal land­scape. Gingrich is involved in a fal­ter­ing polit­i­cal cam­paign against chief neme­sis Mitt Romney,while Rove heads up a pow­er­ful super pac that col­lects tens of mil­lions of dol­lars from wealthy donors like the Koch broth­ers and casi­no mogul Sheldon Alderson to fund right-wing can­di­dates in their quest to destroy Obama. Incredibly Gingrich is now whin­ing shame­ful­ly, his com­plaints? Negative cam­paign ads from Mitt Romney’s cam­paign and super pac. Spit in the sky it falls in your face.

The nar­ra­tive some­how places con­ven­tion­al wis­dom on its head, it con­vinces large parts of the coun­try par­tic­u­lar­ly the south­ern states that edu­cat­ed peo­ple are some­how un-American. By this rea­son­ing they have man­aged to con­vince large swaths of the pop­u­la­tion that peo­ple who play by the rules, gets an edu­ca­tion, raise a fam­i­ly, and live a decent dra­ma-free life, are some­how not American. Throw a black guy in there with a Muslim sound­ing name and the afore­men­tioned attrib­ut­es and this guy must be from Mars.

These are the same intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged folks who argue that (Global warm­ing is a hoax), This is the (drill baby drill) crowd which argues for unre­strained drilling for oil and nat­ur­al gas with­out a sin­gle thought for the envi­ron­ment. Anyone who dare men­tion the need for clean drink­ing water, clean air, and the need to pro­tect the eco sys­tem is cas­ti­gat­ed as the ene­my and an exam­ple of what is wrong with America.

There are those who pre­tend that what we are see­ing hap­pen­ing in this coun­try is just the com­mon nas­ti­ness of American pol­i­tics play­ing out. They are quick to point out that pres­i­dent Bush was treat­ed rather bad­ly by the left.


I just ref­ered to the for­mer leader of the free world as “pres­i­dent Bush”. When was the last time a repub­li­can ref­ered to our pres­i­dent as pres­i­dent Obama? The lunatic fringe of the repub­li­can par­ty has con­vinced some of the most intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged among their base that this pres­i­dent is not real­ly the president.

As we have seen from the moron­ic failed attempts of the birther move­ment led by ego­ma­ni­ac Donald Trump and oth­ers, to that woman in Florida who told Rick Santorum she does not refer to the Obama as pres­i­dent Obama, because he is not real­ly the pres­i­dent. She went on to tell him she won­ders why some­one does­n’t get him (ref­fer­ing to the pres­i­dent) out of there. To which the equal­ly moron­ic Santorum respond­ed “I am trying to get him out of there myself”.

The mind­set of the lunatic right imag­ines, if they are able to con­vince their equal­ly lunatic sup­port­ers that Barack Obama is not the pres­i­dent of the United States, some­how he will not be seen to be. Their strat­e­gy is tan­ta­mount to remov­ing the num­ber 44 from the Hindu-Arabic numer­al sys­tem and hope we will not notice we missed a number.

Throughout his­to­ry only 44 men has been so hon­ored to be called pres­i­dent of the United States, many has sought that office, many have failed , to date we have only had 44 men attain that lofty posi­tion, 43 white men, 1 black man. That his­tor­i­cal fact will nev­er be elim­i­nat­ed from the annals of history.

That there are peo­ple in this coun­try who pos­sess such bla­tant men­tal retar­da­tion to some­how want to sup­press the fact that a black man has attained what they said we could­n’t do is tes­ta­ment to our for­ti­tude. After 300 years of slav­ery, lynch­ing, rape, , jim crow ‚and every­thing that they could throw at us, the indomitable spirt of our peo­ple has shone through all the adver­si­ty to accom­plish what some can only dream about.

Sarah Palin Newt Gingrich

The dis­re­spect that has been shown to this pres­i­dent has been astound­ing, and has been noth­ing like we have seen before. MSNBC Martin Bashir com­ment­ed that repub­li­cans nev­er fail to refer to Sarah Palin as Governor , even though she was unable to com­plete a sin­gle term as gov­er­nor of Alaska, they also nev­er fail to refer to Gingrich as Speaker, even though he was ran out of con­gress on ethics vio­la­tion charges. Yet they are adamant in call­ing the pres­i­dent Barack Obama, a man who won by a large plu­ral­i­ty of the votes and the elec­toral col­lege to become the 44th pres­i­dent of the United States.

This nas­ti­ness is noth­ing new, we saw ele­ments of it in the race between Hillary Clinton and Obama in the pri­maries , we saw the signs , we saw the despi­ca­ble racial car­i­ca­tures, we heard the nean­derthal remarks, and they were com­ing from Democrats.

The more it seemed Barack Obama was going to be the nom­i­nee the nas­ti­er the attacks became. Thanks to the inter­ven­tion of Senator Dianne Feinstein of California after Obama secured the nom­i­na­tion it appeared that the hatch­et was buried between Clinton and Obama. I am still not con­vinced that either Hillary or Bill Clinton vot­ed for Obama.

What we saw hap­pen between Clinton and Obama was indeed small pota­toes when Sarah Palin was inject­ed into the con­ver­sa­tion. She came with a brand of nas­ti­ness that we have seen metas­ta­sized into what is now a despi­ca­ble scorched earth brand of pol­i­tics, that seem hell-bent on total destruc­tion of the oppo­nent and win at all cost. I per­son­al­ly thought that the inflam­ma­to­ry nature of the vit­ri­ol sur­prised even the man at the top of the then repub­li­can tick­et, John McCain.
Sarah Palin it appeared, did not receive the memo that black peo­ple were eman­ci­pat­ed, her entire demeanor and tone sug­gest­ed she felt this black man belonged on the plan­ta­tion, many argue it was her intel­lect or lack there­of which was at play here. Having seen and heard her dur­ing the cam­paign influ­enced me to lean toward the lat­ter argument.

Most Americans who love their coun­try and respect her insti­tu­tions includ­ing the pres­i­den­cy, find it offen­sive the way this pres­i­dent is char­ac­ter­ized and treat­ed in gen­er­al. If you ask the pres­i­dent he will most like­ly parse and brush it aside as insignif­i­cant, that is what is to be expect­ed from him he is not expect­ed to speak about it, Obama, in order to be elect­ed pres­i­dent of his own coun­try had to pre­tend he was not a black man, in essence he had to pre­tend for the con­sump­tion and ben­e­fit of the illit­er­ate to be water, colourless!!

Neither Jessie Jackson nor Al Sharpton adopt­ed this pos­ture , there is no evi­dence that either gen­tle­men were even capa­ble or desirous of adopt­ing that pos­ture, and as such we will nev­er talk about pres­i­dents Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. This fact is not nec­es­sar­i­ly an indict­ment on Mister Obama , he sought to use a dif­fer­ent path-way to get to where he want­ed to get to, we may argue with the path tak­en but I seri­ous­ly doubt that any­one would argue with the results.

I think where mis­ter Obama may have been a lit­tle naïve’, to bor­row a term from his for­mer demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­nent Hillary Clinton, is where I pre­sume he felt that after win­ning the pres­i­den­cy America would have been trans­formed into a post racial soci­ety. This naiveté’ may have emanat­ed from Mister Obama’s eth­nic­i­ty, being the off­spring of a white moth­er and a black father. The pres­i­dent is all to will­ing to point to his white fam­i­ly mem­bers, repub­li­cans are equal­ly as quick to say we don’t care. President Obama being from Hawaii prob­a­bly nev­er heard about the one drop of black blood rule which has long been part of jim crow laws and insti­tu­tion­al­ized racism in America.

The unfor­tu­nate truth about mis­ter Obama’s post racial soci­ety is that for the most part, it is a fig­ment of his imag­i­na­tion. As Dr Martin Luther King Jr. envi­sioned a coun­try where lit­tle black kids and lit­tle white kids played togeth­er over 40 years ago, we have seen the kids play­ing togeth­er but the racial hatred per­sists. We have to face the sad truths that we can­not leg­is­late moral­i­ty, we can­not leg­is­late human­i­ty, we can­not leg­is­late respect, we can­not leg­is­late Godliness. As the world wit­nessed those black stu­dents walk through a gaunt­let of hate­ful , jeer­ing peo­ple in lit­tle Rock Arkansas, despite the pres­ence of fed­er­al troops, we must come to grips with the real­i­ties that nei­ther fed­er­al troops nor fed­er­al leg­is­la­tion will change the repro­bate minds of those whom are pre­dis­posed to hate.

ap obama jan brewer nt 120126 wblog Exclusive   Obama Says Encounter With Arizona Gov. Blown Out of Proportion



No oth­er pres­i­dent and his wife has been more cir­cum­spect and dig­ni­fied in the way they have com­port­ed them­selves whilst in the White House, than Barack and Michelle Obama. In fair­ness, President George Bush and his wife Laura were won­der­ful ambas­sadors in that regard. I per­son­al­ly liked pres­i­dent Bush and his wife Laura, even though I dis­agreed with most if not all of mis­ter Bush’s poli­cies, Laura Bush was a smil­ing lev­el-head­ed human being of impec­ca­ble char­ac­ter. Thank you Laura Bush for stand­ing up for Michelle Obama when the wolves were out to devour her.

There is a def­i­nite strat­e­gy to this dis­re­spect­ful demo­niz­ing of pres­i­dent Obama, not only is it geared toward an attempt­ed de-lig­itimiza­tion of this pres­i­dent but there is a more sin­is­ter mes­sage inher­ent in the strat­e­gy. One has to ask what prompt­ed that man to open fire at the White House with an AK47 rifle recent­ly? What is the rea­son for the rise in hate groups, includ­ing neo-nazis, skin­heads, and anti-gov­ern­ment mili­tias in the United States as report­ed by the FBI.

Let me be clear, the pal­pa­ble dis­re­spect is not only con­fined to pres­i­dent Obama, it may have been ampli­fied under his admin­is­tra­tion but it sure isn’t con­fined to him . There are a long line of self hat­ing  Uncle Tom Negroes who seem all of a sud­den to have crawled out of the wood-work to speak neg­a­tive dis­parag­ing things about the pres­i­dent, I don’t have to name them they know them­selves. These uncle toms were silent dur­ing the Bush years, too scared to open their mouths about any­thing for fear they would be sent to Gitmo. Now they are out in full force crit­i­ciz­ing this pres­i­dent. None is more painful to lis­ten to than Florida con­gress­man Allen West.

Here’s what he had to say recent­ly over the weekend.

We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and my dear friend the chair­man of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain’t on the table.” He added, “Take your mes­sage of equal­i­ty of achieve­ment, take your mes­sage of eco­nom­ic depen­den­cy, take your mes­sage of enslav­ing the entre­pre­neur­ial will and spir­it of the American peo­ple some­where else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bot­tom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.“est said at a Lincoln Day Dinner for the Palm Beach County GOP,

Allen West.Florida congressman:

Then on Tuesday January 31st. Allen West attempt­ed to walk back his Uncle Tom moment of idio­cy, telling Soledad Obrien of CNN that what he was point­ing to, was that he was some­how in awe of a nation that allowed a poor boy from Atlanta Georgia to reach the heights he has reached.

Clearly Congressman Allen West is inca­pable of con­tain­ing his glee of becom­ing a Colonel in the United States Army and now a US con­gress­man, so he kicks the lad­der away that he climbed to the top on, so no one else could climb up as he has.

I won­der what con­gress­man Allen West would have done if he was born to a white moth­er and a black father who was a stu­dent from a dif­fer­ent con­ti­nent, then his par­ents divorced and he was made to move to live in anoth­er coun­try on anoth­er con­ti­nent , with his mom and a new hus­band , then brought back to live with his grand par­ents, strug­gling to define who he was, but ulti­mate­ly attend­ing Occidental col­lege in California, Columbia University, and Harvard Law school and be the Editor of the Harvard law Review. Then spend time work­ing to improve the lives of oth­ers in com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tions, then becom­ing a State Senator, then a US Senator, and final­ly becom­ing the pres­i­dent of the United States of America . And did I men­tion receiv­ing a Nobel Peace Prize? All accom­plished in under 50 years.

If Allen West a con­gress­man, is will­ing to ban­ish the most pow­er­ful man on the plan­et, the most pow­er­ful man in the United States Senate the most pow­er­ful woman in the US House of Representative, an estab­lished con­gress­woman and DCC chair from America, what would he do to us ordi­nary nobodys had he accom­plished what Barack Obama has accomplished?

During slav­ery slave own­ers used divi­sive tac­tics to keep slaves in check, some were told they were dif­fer­ent than oth­ers, usu­al­ly those who worked in the big house were made to believe they had some kind of leg up over those in the fields. This strat­e­gy worked in ensur­ing that a free flow of infor­ma­tion was forth­com­ing to “Massa” in the big house . That tac­tic helped to keep slav­ery in place for over 300 years.

Today we see that divide and con­quer still works with many who share the same skin col­or with us, if noth­ing else. This is evi­dent in black folks whom are more than hap­py to dis­re­spect his own broth­er in order to please his mas­ters. The more things change the more they remain the same. It’s in every aspect of black America, Allen west is so over­joyed that white Floridians vot­ed him into office he can­not con­tain his glee, in his hur­ry to shuck , jive and please mas­sa, he dis­re­spect oth­ers and kicks the lad­der away, not will­ing to allow anoth­er poor per­son climb up .



Did you watch the Florida Republican debates? well too bad if you did­n’t because this was one of the best com­e­dy shows I have seen in a long time.

There are only four men left in the run­ning, and by the way they are all white, not that it’s cru­cial­ly impor­tant to you but con­sid­er­ing that the coun­try has become so diverse I would have thought that the Republican Party would field a bet­ter non-white can­di­date than Herman Caine, but that’s just my opin­ion , you may have a dif­fer­ent view.


(1) Ron Paul:

This live­ly old­er gen­tle­man seem like a lov­able grand­fa­ther who speaks in cir­cles, he is wit­ty, fun­ny and real­ly has a great plat­form that res­onates with well with younger more ide­al­is­tic vot­ers, his chal­lenge is, is the sup­port he has enough to con­vince the Republican estab­lish­ment to adopt parts of his plat­form into the repub­li­can gen­er­al elec­tion plat­form? Dr. Paul a med­ical Doctor and con­gress­man from Texas real­ly is a lib­er­tar­i­an, he favors small gov­ern­ment and argues stri­dent­ly for indi­vid­ual rights, repub­li­cans for the record favors states rights not indi­vid­ual rights. The largest hand­i­cap to Paul’s break­ing through the glass ceil­ing in his par­ty, is his belief that America’s mil­i­tary should not be used in for­eign inter­ven­tions, he wants all wars end­ed and all of Americas ser­vice mem­bers abroad brought home. This does not res­onate well with The neo-cons in the repub­li­can party.

(2) Rick Santorum:

Rick Santorum two-time United States Senator from Pennsylvania is an ultra con­ser­v­a­tive who believes strong­ly in the pro­tec­tion of the state of Israel,he argues for a super pow­er­ful mil­i­tary and stat­ed unabashed­ly that he would not cut a pen­ny from the pen­tagon’s bud­get, even has he argues vocif­er­ous­ly for cuts in sec­tors that impacts the lives of the most vul­ner­a­ble amongst us. Santorum a devout Catholic is bull­ish on Immigration , he seem to talk him­self into rages of anger as he address­es the caus­es he believe in, one won­ders if Santorum’s total­i­tar­i­an all or noth­ing views, are not his great­est imped­i­ment to being tak­en seri­ous­ly, and by the way even though he claims he is a devout chris­t­ian Santorum is a liar, he cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly claimed he did not say black peo­ple while address­ing the top­ic of food stamps in Iowa, when there is ample video evi­dence that he did just what he says he did not do, I can under­stand a thief, I can always pro­tect my valu­ables from a thief , I absolute­ly can­not stand a liar.

(3)Newt Gingrich:

Newt Gingrich for­mer Republican con­gress­man from Georgia and speak­er of the House of Representatives for four years of the Clinton Presidency, a man wide­ly believed to be a gringe, and a sour-puss. Republican estab­lish­ment oper­a­tives believe Gingrich if nom­i­nat­ed by the Republican Party would be a train wreck for Republicans come November. Many believe if Gingrich is nom­i­nat­ed , not only will President Obama be returned to the White House, but it would be a dis­as­ter for down tick­et can­di­dates on the bal­lot all the way down to munic­i­pal­i­ties. Gingrich through­out his polit­i­cal car­rear has been bedev­iled with accu­sa­tions of infi­deli­ty and has even been accused to have served his wife with divorce papers whilst she was in a hos­pi­tal recu­per­at­ing from an ill­ness. Gingrich has vehe­ment­ly denied these accu­sa­tions, Gingrich has been mar­ried three times. In fair­ness to Newt it is not out of the ordi­nary for some­one to be mar­ried mul­ti­ple times, the dis­con­nect is not with the amount of times he was mar­ried but with the rea­sons for the three Marriages. There are oth­er bag­gage in Gingrich’s back­ground includ­ing his threats to lock down the Federal Government over bud­get talks with the Clinton White House, many argue that it was a ego­ma­ni­a­cal tem­pera­men­tal out­burst from Gingrich because he was not invit­ed by then President Clinton to the front of Air Force One nei­ther on the way to, or back from Israel where they attend­ed the funer­al of slain Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Gingrich had all but agreed that he was peev­ed at the President and as such decid­ed to pun­ish the whole coun­try because he was slight­ed. Gingrish was harsh­ly crit­i­cized bu many even in his own par­ty for being child­ish and petty.

(seat­tle sun​times​.com)

Gingrich is also accused of hypocrisy for per­se­cut­ing President Clinton for a sex­u­al dal­liance with White House Intern Monica Lewinsky while he was also cheat­ing on his wife. According to Marianne Gingrich Newt’s sec­ond wife when she brought up Gingrich’s hypocrisy to him, he report­ed­ly told her,” peo­ple should do as I says not as I do”. That air of supe­ri­or­i­ty has been a part of Gingrich’s per­sona to the point Santorum accused him of always being grandiose. In the end Gingrich was lit­er­al­ly ran out of the House of Representative by his own cau­cus over ethics vio­la­tions. His arch neme­sis Mitt Romney likes to remind every­one of the lat­ter on the cam­paign trail.

(4)Willard Mitt Romney

Then there is for­mer ven­ture cap­i­tal­ist and ex Massachuset Governor Mitt Romney. Mister Romney did very well for him­self in the busi­ness world, as a result he has pegged his pres­i­den­tial cam­paign on his expe­ri­ence and suc­cess­es in busi­ness, he brags that as a ven­ture cap­i­tal­ist he has cre­at­ed over a hun­dred Thousand Jobs. The prob­lem with Mitt’s strat­e­gy is that experts are com­ing out of the wood-work explain­ing that what Romney did at Bain Capital, as a ven­ture cap­i­tal­ist had every­thing to do with gut­ting busi­ness­es, tak­ing all Bain could get then forc­ing the com­pa­ny into bankruptcy,and noth­ing to do with job creation.Texas Governor and for­mer repub­li­can can­di­date char­ac­ter­ized what Romney did as quote ” vul­ture cap­i­tal­ism“end quote. inter­est­ing­ly enough Romney does not talk about his record as gov­er­nor of Massachuset one of the nation’s most lib­er­al states​.One won­ders whether Governor Romney feels the nation will sim­ply ignore that he is run­ning as a con­ser­v­a­tive after being the Governor of one of America’s most lib­er­al states. President Obama has repeat­ed­ly said his Federally man­dat­ed health-care plan was craft­ed from Governor Romney’s health plan in Massachuset. Romney has vehe­ment­ly argued that he would not have imposed his plan on the entire coun­try, whether this will gain trac­tion in a gen­er­al elec­tion I don’t know, what I do know is that it makes it increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult for Romney to draw a sharp enough con­trast between him­self and pres­i­dent Obama in an elec­tion year when the coun­try is deeply polar­ized and the repub­li­can par­ty has been pushed far to the right by the tea par­ty. Romney’s repub­li­can rivals for the nom­i­na­tion are not mak­ing it any eas­i­er for him, Santorum in par­tic­u­lar , has made it the cor­ner­stone of his attack on Romney. Santorum feels that soon­er or lat­er Newt Gingrich will implode and he will be seen as the con­ser­v­a­tive alter­na­tive to Gingrich, hence he con­tin­ues to plug away at the con­nec­tion between pres­i­dent Obama’s health planned dubbed Obama-care and Mitt Romney’s plan in Massachuset dubbed Romney-care.


While the pres­i­dent was criss­cross­ing the coun­try talk­ing to work­ers about income inequal­i­ty, and high­light­ing the inher­rent injus­tice in the tax code which has Warren Buffett pay­ing a low­er tax rate than his sec­re­tary, repub­li­can mega mil­lion­aire Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich and the rest of the repub­li­cans were argu­ing about who had mil­lions invest­ed in Fannie May and Freddie Mac, or who would have a colony of Americans liv­ing on the moon by 2020 ‚nev­er mind we are broke and bor­row­ing mon­ey from the Chinese to pay our bills.

President Obama has posi­tioned him­self as a cham­pi­on and a fight­er for the 99%, whether his fresh­ly pop­ulist mes­sage will res­onate with a pub­lic weary from a slug­gish econ­o­my, lay-offs, and for­clousures is yet to be decided,there are many events  which may beat Obama in the fall of 2012 , Europe melt­ing down, Israel attack­ing Iran, a ter­ror attack on the home­land, a major blun­der on Obama’s part and a pletho­ra of oth­er events. If none of the afore­men­tioned hap­pen, President Obama will be guar­an­teed anoth­er term in the white house if this is the best the repub­li­can par­ty can do.

Race To The Bottom:

What is it that makes so may repub­li­cans such racist repug­nant liars ? I am not say­ing that all peo­ple who vote for that par­ty are racists or indeed liars, but damn have you heard the things they say about President Obama? How do they feel that this path advances the his­to­ry or the integri­ty of America? The fact is this is exact­ly what they did to Dr. King in this coun­try, now every lying repub­li­can gets up on stage and invokes the name of Dr. the rev­erend Martin Luther King. In fact some of them vot­ed against a fed­er­al hol­i­day in hon­or of Dr. King.

It does seem to me that repub­li­cans are engaged in a race to the bot­tom, many Americans white and oth­ers read­i­ly agree and attest to the fact that slav­ery was an ugly blight on America, many read­i­ly agree that Jim Crowe was a shame­ful scar. People not stuck in the past who have the ben­e­fit of edu­ca­tion are ashamed of peo­ple like Bull O’Connor, George Wallace, and a pletho­ra of oth­er faces of the shame of America. I almost feel ashamed as a mem­ber of the human race for peo­ple like that woman in Florida who had this to say to Rick Santorum:

I nev­er refer to Obama as ‘President Obama’ because legal­ly he is not,” the uniden­ti­fied woman told Santorum. “He con­stant­ly says that our Constitution is passé and he total­ly ignores it, as you know. He does what he darn well pleas­es. He is an avowed Muslim. And my ques­tion is, why isn’t some­thing being done to get him out of our gov­ern­ment? He has no legal right to be call­ing him­self President.”http://​www​.youtube​.com

Rick Santorum is irrel­e­vant and des­per­ate­ly look­ing for some trac­tion so when asked by Journalists why he did not cor­rect the woman he respond­ed thus.

Why do you guys ask these ‘gotcha’ ques­tions, like it’s my job to go out and cor­rect every­body who says some­thing I don’t agree with?” Santorum said to reporters after the event. “I don’t think it’s my respon­si­bil­i­ty. Why don’t you go out and cor­rect her? It’s not my respon­si­bil­i­ty as a can­di­date to cor­rect every­body who makes a state­ment that I dis­agree with.”(abc​c​news​.com)

Here’s a fact for Santorum and that woman in Florida who claim the pres­i­dent is a mus­lim, Article 6 of the con­sti­tu­tion says that there shall be no reli­gious test for pub­lic office, and yes that includes the Presidency, and while we are at it , it is fun­da­men­tal­ly un-American for any­one to be dis­crim­i­nat­ed against because of their religion.

Prehistoric igno­rant relics of the past and their can­di­dates who take dead babies home and plays with the corpse, some sup­port priests who molest lit­tle boys and think it is ok as long as the Pope bless­es it. They must be stopped and the filthy ran­cid rhetoric they ped­dle shoved into their faces. They have the nerve to sug­gest that this pres­i­dent is divid­ing the coun­try with the pol­i­tics of envy, some nerve. When Barack Obama was elect­ed to the pres­i­den­cy he took with him a tor­rent of good will , as a result of the good will peo­ple felt towards Obama, they also gave the House and Senate to democ­rats. Not since Bill Clinton’s first term did democ­rats have such pow­er in Washington. if Barack Obama was a European style pres­i­dent as the talk­ing points of the repub­li­can par­ty sug­gest, would he not ram through his agen­da? For over a year Democrats con­trolled the House, Senate, and the Executive Branch, this pres­i­dent made repeat­ed over­tures to repub­li­cans to work with him to move the coun­ty for­ward. He did so to the extent that many in his own par­ty thought his lev­el of benev­o­lence and com­mit­ment to bi-par­ti­san­ship was anti­thet­i­cal to their objec­tives. Many in the pres­i­den­t’s base was mad as hell at him for what they con­strued to be weak­ness for his con­tin­ued over­tures to repub­li­cans. Time and again The pres­i­dent tried to work with house repub­li­cans only to have his over­tures rebuffed and his hand slapped away. I for one thought that his con­tin­ued attempts to work with repub­li­cans was weak­ness, and the pres­i­dent lost some of the belief I had in him. This I might add is the feel­ing of a lot of peo­ple I talk with.

President Obama deliv­er­ing the state of the Union Address/​Raleigh Telegraph photo:

One may not like the pol­i­tics of for­mer pres­i­dent George Bush, but he was decid­ed­ly focused on what he want­ed accom­plished , and democ­rats were not going to obstruct his agen­da. Americans like their pres­i­dent deci­sive , they attribute deci­sive­ness with strength, it may not nec­es­sar­i­ly be cor­rect but that is how we judge strength. In the end pres­i­dent Obama have been forced to use exec­u­tive orders to get any­thing done. This is exact­ly what the racist lunatic right want­ed from the begin­ning, they begun to label Obama as “oth­er” from the start, as they engaged on a cam­paign of obstruc­tion, prob­a­bly nev­er before seen in this coun­try. Many, prob­a­bly includ­ing the pres­i­dent would like to cov­er their eyes to the stark real­i­ties of the rea­son behind this assault.


What would com­pel chief Republican cur­mud­geon Mitch McConnell to say that his num­ber one pri­or­i­ty is to make the pres­i­dent a one term president?

What com­pels lunatic fringe nut wind-bag Rush Limbaugh to say he hopes the pres­i­dent fail?

I could go on and on detail­ing the rancid,vile and vit­ri­olic lan­guage that is a sta­ple of lit­er­al­ly all repub­li­cans when­ev­er they dis­agree with the pres­i­dent, but you get the pic­ture. These are peo­ple who claim to love their coun­try, they wrap them­selves in the flag and berate oth­ers with faux accu­sa­tions of not lov­ing America, yet they say they want the pres­i­dent to fail, these peo­ple are trai­tors , they are quite will­ing to see their coun­try destroyed because there is a black guy at the helm of the Executive branch of Government. There are oth­er cur­mud­geons , it is instruc­tive that the only black mem­ber of the supreme court, asso­ciate jus­tice Clarence Thomas does not see fit to attend a joint sit­ting of con­gress for the state of the nation address from the pres­i­dent of the United States.

Bush appointee Samuel Alito has aligned him­self square­ly on the side of the neo-cons on that body , a body where all Americans once felt they had a chance to get final and impar­tial jus­tice. This group now con­sist of Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas. To his cred­it Chief Justice Roberts irre­spec­tive of his pol­i­tics have cho­sen not to play those games. One would have thought that Someone like Mitch McConnell’s job would have been to serve the peo­ple of the state of Kentucky and the nation and not to set­tle pri­vate hatred or to indulge in spite­ful tit for tat ini­ti­at­ed by the right-wing fringe.

I can under­stand Tim Thomas goalie of the NHL’s Boston Bruins, or NASCAR’S Greg Biffle and Tony Stewart crass­ness in not turn­ing up to the white House to be con­grat­u­lat­ed by President Obama. This is to be expect­ed from those two sports, any­one sur­prised by that is divorced from real­i­ty in America. The tra­di­tion of sports stars get­ting invit­ed to the White House to be con­grat­u­lat­ed by the sit­ting pres­i­dent is a time-hon­ored tra­di­tion, mem­bers of sports teams are usu­al­ly thrilled to get invit­ed to the white House to be con­grat­u­lat­ed by the pres­i­dent, irre­spec­tive of their pol­i­tics. It’s respect for the pres­i­den­cy, its respect for the pres­i­dent. Opting out demon­strates a gut­ter coarse­ness that is rem­i­nis­cent of what would have been expect­ed of the peri­od between slav­ery and the 1960’s.

What I can­not under­stand is the dis­re­spect and lack of civil­i­ty of the likes of Colorado Republican rep­re­sen­ta­tive Doug Lamborn who did not show up for the state of the Nation address by pres­i­dent Obama. As I point to these repub­li­can hacks who will inevitably be mere igno­ble foot­notes in his­to­ry, I must piv­ot and use this oppur­tu­ni­ty to segue and pay my respects to Arizona Democratic con­gress-woman Gabrielle Gifford, a tru­ly patri­ot­ic America who turned up to lis­ten to the coun­try’s chief exec­u­tive tell the coun­try about the state of affairs and where he intends to take the country.

See more here: (abc​news​.com)

The brave and indomitable Gabrielle Gifford.

Congress-woman Gifford was crit­i­cal­ly wound­ed when an assailant shot her as she attend a meet and greet in her district.Several peo­ple were killed and injured in that assault and even though crit­i­cal­ly wound­ed from a bul­let to her head Mrs Gifford fought her way back and valiant­ly showed that she would not be defeat­ed by ter­ror. A true American hero if ever there was one.


Pompous self-aggran­diz­ing Newt Gingrich and flip-flop­ping liar Mitt Romney trot from state telling repub­li­can pri­ma­ry vot­ers that when the pres­i­dent talks about fair­ness in the income tax struc­ture in this coun­try he is actu­al­ly engag­ing in class war­fare. This is irony of the worst kind, because repub­li­cans are the par­ty that is locked in a strug­gle with the White House over not rais­ing tax­es on aver­age mid­dle class and work­ing Americans,but refus­es even to approach the table to dis­cuss repeal­ing Bush-era tax cuts for mil­lion­aires and bil­lion­aires. If ever there was class war­fare in this coun­try this is it, the arro­gance of repub­li­cans and those who pay to put them in pow­er to take care of their inter­ests and the insult­ing notion that if we con­tin­ue to make the super rich even more rich we will all be bet­ter from the crumbs that fall off their tables. The fact is it has been tried since Nixon to Reagan to Bush and still we have not seen where that works, the truth is the reverse is true the poor gets poor­er and the rich gets rich­er. Experts declare there are over two tril­lion dol­lars in the hands of rich busi­ness peo­ple, yet we do not see them rush­ing to hire, so that peo­ple’s lives can be bet­ter in this coun­try. con­verse­ly when we put mon­ey into the hands of aver­age peo­ple they go out and spend that mon­ey , it cre­ates jobs, brings more mon­ey into the trea­sury, and invari­ably finds its way back to the top as it always does. That’s the way to empow­er peo­ple not to make them beg­gars wait­ing for crumbs from the tables of the rich.

While the repub­li­can machine was gear­ing up to dis­re­spect where they should dis­agree if war­rant­ed, the pres­i­dent of the United States was issu­ing orders to US Navy seal team 6 to go res­cue two Americans held for ran­som in Somalia by pirates. Navy seal team 6 is report­ed­ly the same élite team of seals who elim­i­nat­ed Osama Bin Laden. We give the Seals the great­est respect they deserve and as pres­i­dent Obama says his detrac­tors should learn from these heroes on how to work togeth­er to build America. Republican can­di­dates run­ning for pres­i­dent and the sur­ro­gates who appear on cable tele­vi­sion par­rot­ing the lies they adopt as talk­ing points does­n’t even have the integri­ty to give cred­it where cred­it is due, do they think that all Americans are total­ly stupid/​Do they not know that despite a strug­gling econ­o­my peo­ple are cog­nizant of the fact that Osama Bin Laden is dead: most of Al Qaeda’s top oper­a­tives are dead: Libya is lib­er­at­ed with­out one American life lost: three mil­lion jobs cre­at­ed and the econ­o­my pulled back from the brink of the precipice: General motors and Chrysler saved from bank­rupt­cy and returned to prof­itabil­i­ty after just 3 years , con­trary to what Mitt Romney Vulture Capitalist said should be done: Romney said they should be allowed to go into bank­rupt­cy. Never mind the total destruc­tion that would have been wrought on state economies. The list of accom­plish­ments of this pres­i­dent is aston­ish­ing­ly incred­i­ble con­sid­er­ing that he is work­ing with a racial­ly obstruc­tion­ist congress.


It’s impos­si­ble to see what the strat­e­gy is for the repub­li­can par­ty going forward,they have repeat­ed­ly dis­re­spect­ed black peo­ple and as a con­se­quence they have lit­er­al­ly giv­en up on win­ning any sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of the black vote. To his cred­it Former President Bush our 44th President made over­tures to the African-American com­mu­ni­ty as well as the Hispanic com­mu­ni­ty, this was not fol­lowed upon or encour­aged by his par­ty after he demit­ted office. With the excep­tion of a few uncle tom self hat­ing blacks there real­ly is no black sup­port for repub­li­can can­di­dates that would make much of a dif­fer­ence. Newt Gingrich famous­ly stat­ed that Spanish is the lan­guage of the ghet­to, he is now try­ing to woo lati­no vot­ers in the state of Florida, he should find it an uphill bat­tle with Puerto Ricans liv­ing in that state, but it will prob­a­bly be a wash tak­ing into con­sid­er­a­tion the Cuban-American pop­u­la­tion in Florida that gner­al­ly align itself with Republicans. Recent indi­ca­tions how­ev­er indi­cate that there are sig­nif­i­cant shifts in the lati­no vote in Florida as there is a size­able influx of more demo­c­ra­t­ic lean­ing Puerto Ricans and oth­er lati­no immi­grants from oth­er coun­tries. see sto­ry here: (huff​in​g​ton​post​.com)

Mitt Romney has stat­ed stri­dent­ly he would veto the dream act if he is elect­ed pres­i­dent. The dream act if passed would have allowed chil­dren of immi­grants who entered the coun­try ille­gal­ly with them as babies to go to school and become assim­i­lat­ed into American soci­ety. Despite the fact that these chil­dren could not seri­ous­ly be pun­ished by any­one with an iota of brain-cell in their cra­ni­um, repub­li­cans call it amnesty and has stead­fast­ly refused to sup­port this piece of com­mon sense leg­is­la­tion. As com­mon sense as this bit of leg­is­la­tion is, there is an even big­ger issue which will deve­l­ope into a seri­ous and unten­able prob­lem as time pro­gress­es. Children who are not able to go school to get the edu­ca­tion they need,so that they may live out their God giv­en tal­ents will be angry. they will be angry because the only coun­try they have ever known has dis­tinct­ly said to them we do not want you here , we do not want you in our schools, and we do not care about you. these will be some very angry peo­ple who will invari­ably feel that their lives have been severe­ly ham­pered, America will have a prob­lem with these peo­ple and bet­ter be pre­pared for the con­se­quences. Dogma and ide­ol­o­gy can­not be that impor­tant that it elim­i­nates intel­li­gent dis­course, or lim­its com­mon sense deci­sions. If America has learned any­thing it should be that America got great because of it’s immi­grant com­mu­ni­ty, it’s diver­si­ty, and it’s con­stant stream of fresh ener­getic crop of hard work­ing immi­grants enter­ing it’s shores, not despite it. President Obama made that absoloute­ly clear in his recent state of the union speech. As a River becomes a rag­ing infer­no from the mul­tutide of trib­u­taries and streams that dumps into it, so does America con­tin­ue to grow from the con­stant infu­sion of tal­ent , intel­lect, and ener­gy. Given a chance repub­li­cans would build a wall around America close her ports to all but white peo­ple and take America back to the dark ages of slav­ery. they ought to be ashamed of themselves. 

Where are the Colin Powel’s and the Chuck Hagels , where is even John Mc Cain who told that woman “no maam, no maam he is a decent fam­i­ly man, cit­i­zen we just have dis­agree­ments ?(youtube​.com)

Stolen Jeep?

Yesterday I told you the truth about (JEEP) the crash pro­gramme acronym the Government of Jamaica rode to pow­er on December 29th of 2011.

Today we learn there is a prob­lem with the design of JEEP, in that the Labor Party now say the blue print for the pro­gramme was theirs.

According to Samuda, the Ministry of Finance had ini­ti­at­ed a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), fol­low­ing upon which a mem­o­ran­dum of under­stand­ing was signed on December 5 last year by the Ministry of Transport and Works, National Works Agency (NWA) and the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) to imple­ment a com­pre­hen­sive road main­te­nance pro­gramme on the north­ern coastal high­way from Negril to Port Antonio.“Participating in the sign­ing were the then min­is­ter of trans­port and works, Shahine Robinson; the act­ing head of NSWMA, Colonel Allan Douglas; and Earl Patterson, [act­ing] CEO of the NWA,” Samuda said..jamaicaob​serv​er​.com.

It this sto­ry is true and from all indi­ca­tions it is, then the Jamaican peo­ple just got duped. I am not sure what the impact this pro­gramme will have on the coun­try’s unem­ploy­ment, what I do know is that the longer this pro­gramme lasts the worse off the coun­try will be. There are indi­ca­tions the Government wants this hand­out pro­gramme to run for two years , it is imper­a­tive that the gov­ern­ment lay out with speci­fici­ty what the cost will be before one gul­ly is bushed or one drain cleaned. It is impor­tant that the peo­ple are aware of how much in the hole they will be for this with noth­ing tan­gi­ble to show for it.

The clean­ing of drains,or the removal of growth from gul­lies should be either addressed with resources in the sol­id waste bud­get, or should be done with a set-asides, which deals specif­i­cal­ly with those func­tions. Those func­tions are impor­tant for secu­ri­ty rea­sons, as well as pro­tec­tion of the envi­ron­ment. However as impor­tant as they are those func­tions can­not be paid for with bor­rowed money.

How will this Government square what is a trans­par­ent act of pork bar­rel give-away with lend­ing insti­tu­tions which will stri­dent­ly demand cuts in the pub­lic sec­tor in order that the coun­try may qual­i­fy for loans? I warned that this par­ty was not a changed par­ty, I warned they had no new ideas, what they were obsessed with was attain­ing pow­er. If this is the best this par­ty has to offer the coun­try then Jamaica is in for a seri­ous time going for­ward. The tragedy in all of this many as can be seen from the blog posts feel that this is a net pos­i­tive for the coun­try, of course most of our peo­ple are inher­ent­ly inca­pable of mak­ing informed deci­sions with­out the dis­tor­tion of polit­i­cal taint.

Countries that want to be sol­vent must oper­ate like well run busi­ness­es and homes, most busi­ness­es and fam­i­lies are not allowed to car­ry deficits. If the electricity,water cable, or phone is not paid for it gets turned off. The same rules should apply to gov­ern­ment, I am not advo­cat­ing turn­ing out the lights , but gov­ern­ments should live with­in their means. If one con­tin­ue to throw mon­ey into projects which yield no returns on those invest­ments it’s just a mat­ter of time before he runs out of mon­ey. This is as sim­plis­tic as it gets, do not throw bor­rowed mon­ey away doing what ought to have been done with nor­mal resources from reg­u­lar taxation.

The PNP clear­ly had no plan to run on with the excep­tion of the Emergency Employment Programme. The ques­tion is ‚if as the Labor par­ty stat­ed it was their plan all along and that the fund­ing for it would have come from the (IDB) bor­rowed mon­ey , but not mon­ey siphoned from Infrastructural devel­ope­ment, why did the for­mer Government not acti­vate the plan? Whether this fias­co was dreamed up by the JLP,or the PNP is imma­te­r­i­al it does not mat­ter. Whether it was dreamed up to get votes,ease the unem­ploy­ment prob­lem, or as we have seen thus far, pay­ment to be doled out by politi­cians to par­ty hacks, it will be one more nail in the cof­fin of our coun­try that will sell us down the destruc­tive path of servi­tude to the resur­gent Chinese.


Jamaica’s new­ly elect­ed Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller told that coun­try she is ready to launch cer­tain aspects of the Jamaica Emergency employ­ment Programme (JEEP) .Miller rode to vic­to­ry on the promise she would be using this pro­gramme much vaunt­ed by her par­ty, to pro­duce jobs for unem­ployed peo­ple in the coun­try. Simpson Miller address­ing mem­bers of the exec­u­tive coun­cil of her par­ty told them that she would like­ly launch cer­tain aspects of the pro­gramme on Wednesday of this week.

Simpson Miller Azan: MP’s to select JEEP employ­ees. Jamaicagleaner​.com

Miller went on to say that the roll out would like­ly see 700 hun­dred jobs cre­at­ed over sev­en parish­es that’s 100 jobs per parish.

What is the cri­te­ria that will be the qual­i­fi­er for secur­ing those jobs?

What kinds of jobs will they be?

Will the jobs, irre­spec­tive of kind or qual­i­ty, be doled out to par­ty hacks?

One hun­dred jobs per parish will not ease the chron­ic unem­ploy­ment in the coun­try, it is how­ev­er a step in the right direc­tion. The source of my wor­ries is not with how many jobs will be cre­at­ed, or who will get those jobs, impor­tant though those two con­sid­er­a­tions are.


In January, the Government held talks with China regard­ing re-direct­ing mon­ey from funds loaned for the Jamaica Development Infrastructure Programme towards JEEP .

This is astound­ing in my esti­ma­tion, it is arguable a bad pol­i­cy that Jamaica have been pur­su­ing when it decid­ed to bor­row mon­ey from China as part of its devel­ope­ment goals, the fact is China is awash with cash and as part of any loan guar­an­tee demands that coun­tries bor­row­ing its mon­ey actu­al­ly use some chi­nese work­ers on projects in order to put Chinese work­ers to work. This is sound pol­i­cy for China , it lends mon­ey, col­lects inter­est on its mon­ey, and puts its work­ers to work, it is a win , win for China. There is real­ly not a lot of choice in this regard as unpalat­able as it is for Jamaica as it is for oth­er coun­tries like the United States. The Chinese have the cash and we need money.


: As bad as bor­row­ing mon­ey from the Chinese and employ­ing their nation­als is, it is par­tic­u­lar­ly alarm­ing to me that now these funds will be mis­ap­pro­pri­at­ed from doing tan­gi­ble infra­struc­tur­al work that will be part of the cat­a­lyst that must pro­pel Jamaica into the first world. Let me say this, this is clear and unequiv­o­cal crash pro­gramme dis­guised as some­thing else, it will be dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly giv­en to PNP sup­port­ers as pay­ment for their vote, and to buy vote for future elec­tions, this is vin­tage PNP strat­e­gy, this JEEP pro­gramme is dif­fer­ent in that we will have used the Chinese’ mon­ey we will have noth­ing to show for it , no roads no bridges, and we will be slaves to them for this money.

The coun­try’s Transport and works Minister Richard Azan revealed that Members of Parliament will play what he called an inte­gral part in select­ing employ­ees of (JEEP). Are you kid­ding me? I have been warn­ing long before the elec­tions of 2011 that Miller has no under­stand­ing of how a mar­ket econ­o­my works , she under­stands very lit­tle about what is required to pre­pare the coun­try for the 21st cen­tu­ry , as such it would be impos­si­ble for her to come up with ideas or strate­gies which would pro­pel the coun­try into the 21st cen­tu­ry. Miller under­stands the pol­i­tics of the 70’s, patron­age pol­i­tics, gar­ri­son pol­i­tics, nepo­tism, (her fam­i­ly mem­bers in her cab­i­net) she can­not help her­self that is who she is, the only prob­lem is that her time has come and gone. I stat­ed in no uncer­tain terms that this much hyped JEEP would be noth­ing more than a return of crash pro­gramme, as an Elementary school stu­dent in the 70’s, I was a wit­ness to his­to­ry, I saw the Armies of PNP sup­port­ers sit­ting on walls, rid­ing around on motor­cy­cles, and lean­ing on brooms, wait­ing for their cheques for doing noth­ing . Manley bank­rupt­ed the coun­try with this mon­ey give-away to PNP sup­port­ers .Miller is here to fin­ish the destruction.


As I point­ed out on many occa­sions in these blogs this is what Portia Simpson Miller was up to, it was what she cam­paigned on , it is pol­i­tics at its most base, most crass and most parochial. It wa designed to pay for votes, it is not a seri­ous attempt at job cre­ation, it is a bud­get bust­ing give-away. Money in JDIP will even­tu­al­ly run out, after all it is not an infi­nite source, bor­row­ing to build and repair infra­struc­ture is some­thing we can live with. Infrastructure built and main­tained is an asset, Politicians dol­ing out bor­rowed mon­ey to par­ty hacks as pay­ment for vot­ing for them is the most despi­ca­ble act the Miller Government could vis­it on the Jamaican peo­ple. Those who vot­ed for this gov­ern­ment are not fools, many peo­ple are hun­gry or with­out jobs. To some­one with­out a job or food on the tables it is rather appeal­ing when some­one promis­es the prospect of a job. This approach how­ev­er is an affront and a slap in the face of Jamaicans. On the face of it there seem to be legit­i­ma­cy how­ev­er when looked at in a his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive there is a les­son all of us must have learned from the mis­takes of the past . Those who for­get the mis­takes they made are bound to repeat them.

Portia Simpson Miller have had 4 years after her par­ty lost to the labor par­ty to avail her­self to the real­i­ties of the 21st cen­tu­ry, crash pro­gramme hand­outs and “shar­ing man­goes with the rest of the world” can­not be the path for­ward for Jamaica. We live in the age of infor­ma­tion tech­nolo­gies , math and sci­ence must be in the fore­front of what we teach in our schools and uni­ver­si­ties. If our young peo­ple are going to com­pete in the world polit­i­cal lead­ers must under­stand that our peo­ple must be edu­cat­ed and pre­pared for the jobs in com­put­er engi­neer­ing, research,and writ­ing soft­ware programmes.

If the monies to be used for JEEP was not bor­rowed mon­ey I would still have prob­lem with the return of this pro­gramme to Jamaica . It is an affront and an insult to the intel­li­gence of all Jamaicans, and is noth­ing more than a cheap insult­ing abuse of the Jamaican peo­ple by cor­rupt manip­u­la­tive politi­cians who take the Jamaican peo­ple for absolute fools.

Is This The Best Republicans Have To Offer ?

The Republican pri­maries are on in earnest, the only woman who entered the pri­maries exit­ed after a dis­mal show­ing in the Iowa cau­cus­es, Iowa of course is the state in which she was born. I always won­dered about Michelle Bachman and her iron-lady approach but I’ll come back to her lat­er .It seem that after all of the can­di­dates have had their brief romance with repub­li­can pri­ma­ry vot­ers the field is down to Romney , Santorum, Paul, and to a less­er extent Gingrich , the lat­ter is now wag­ing a kamikaze cam­paign against Romney for his neg­a­tive ads against Gingrich in Iowa, which lit­er­al­ly knocked him out of con­tention for the Republican nom­i­na­tion . Gingrich pret­ty much knows he can­not win the nom­i­na­tion but seem quite will­ing to go down in flames , tak­ing Willard Mitt Romney with him.

I pre­dict­ed the implo­sion of Herman Caine long before he actu­al­ly implod­ed and point­ed to the rea­sons he would implode, the truth of the mat­ter is that repub­li­cans can­not stom­ach pow­er­ful black peo­ple, yes „ yes I know , what are you talk­ing about? the last repub­li­can admin­is­tra­tion had pow­er­ful black peo­ple , remem­ber Powell and Rice? Yes I remem­ber Powell and Rice very well , Powell was shut out of Bush’s inner cir­cle and lit­er­al­ly lost the President’s ear for the greater part of his tenure as Secretary of state. Dick Cheney won that tus­sle, Powell lost most of the lus­ter and shine he had as the sole mem­ber of Bush’s admin­is­tra­tion who could gar­ner any respect in the world when he told the United Nationsthat Iraq had weapons of mass destruc­tion, and that the Iraqi’s were oper­at­ing mobile labs which they moved from place to place to avoid detec­tion . Powell’s grave brief­ing came replete with maps and graphs detail­ing how the Iraqis were deceiv­ing the world while at the same time were in pos­ses­sion of weapons that could result in a mush­room cloud. Wooooo I shud­der just think­ing about it , well we all know those were fig­ments of the imag­i­na­tion of the hawks in the Bush admin­is­tra­tion who want­ed war at all cost and would not be stopped in their drum­beat and march to war with the peo­ple of Iraq. lat­er as that lie unrav­elled the nar­ra­tive became one of Régime change. Those out­right lies and dis­tor­tions has cost America count­less bil­lions in trea­sure, thou­sands of ser­vice men and women killed and maimed and noth­ing to show for it, make no men­tion of the hun­dreds of thou­sands of Iraqis who were killed for no oth­er rea­son oth­er than they were liv­ing in their own coun­try. The nar­ra­tive is now that the Iraqi peo­ple were lib­er­at­ed and are bet­ter now that Saddam Hussein their pres­i­dent who was hanged, is gone. Never mind that the Iraqi peo­ple nev­er asked for help in remov­ing their sup­posed despot­ic leader.Dick Cheney in his book lam­pooned both Powell and Rice with a kind of dis­re­spect that one would expect to hear lev­eled at a Democrat, in his book Dick Cheney for­got all about Ronald Reagan’s 11th com­mand­ment , “nev­er speak ill of anoth­er repub­li­can” oth­er so-called black repub­li­cans have been treat­ed hard­ly any bet­ter Michael Steele was boot­ed as head of the Republican National com­mit­tee imme­di­ate­ly his par­ty won back the House from democ­rats in 2010.


But I am not here to talk about black repub­li­cans and their fol­lies today, what I real­ly want to talk about are the repub­li­can can­di­dates. I must say that even though I am repulsed by Republicans, and I have no stom­ach for Democrats , I do admire Ron Paul for his lib­er­tar­i­an phi­los­o­phy. I too believe in small gov­ern­ment, and less or no mil­i­tary inter­ven­tions in for­eign lands,I am not sure of some of the peo­ple who sup­port Doctor Paul who seem to believe in seg­re­ga­tion, in fair­ness Dr. Paul stood up at the debate sat­ur­day night January 7th and declared Dr. King and Rosa Parks to be his heroes for stand­ing up to seg­re­ga­tion, none of the oth­er jok­ers stand­ing on the stage offered a sin­gle word in sup­port of Paul’s full-throat­ed dec­la­ra­tion of love for Dr. King, and Rosa Parks. Whether Dr. Paul’s state­ments reflect­ed an epiphany or reflect­ed a depar­ture from views he orig­i­nal­ly held is imma­te­r­i­al in my view. The fact that he had the con­vic­tion of char­ac­ter to make that state­ment in that forum I thought was a coura­geous act.


Of course Ron Paul’s com­ments came while the newest dar­ling of repub­li­can pri­ma­ry vot­ers Rick Sontorumhas deter­mined that he would get noticed that he would dis­re­spect African-Americans as much as pos­si­ble if that is what it takes to get noticed by the nut jobs on the right. Santorum clear­ly said in rela­tion to wel­fare at a lily-white event in Iowa “I don’t to make black peo­ple’s lives bet­ter by giv­ing them oth­er peo­ple’s mon­ey , I wan­na give them the oppor­tu­ni­ty to go out and make their own mon­ey”. Never mind that 84% of wel­fare recip­i­ents in the state of Iowa are white, and Santorum was­n’t even asked about black peo­ple.http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​v​=​y​Y​S​P​q​s​V​R​M​t​g​&​f​e​a​t​u​r​e​=​p​l​a​y​e​r​_​d​e​t​a​i​l​p​age


Quite the oppo­site to Ron Paul’s brav­ery , Santorumlied out­right about being caught between two sen­tences, two thoughts, two words,he said quote I have watched the tape and I am quite sure I nev­er said black ‚no one in the room heard me say black peo­ple ‚end quote. As a for­mer detec­tive I tell my wife all the time that the best way to get real truth­ful infor­ma­tion from crim­i­nals is to let the perp speak with as lit­tle inter­rup­tion as pos­si­ble from the inter­view­er, crim­i­nals will tell on them­selves giv­en a chance. Even if we allow lying Santorum to con­vince us that he was caught between thoughts , why would black be in his thoughts at the time the issue of wel­fare come up? The truth is that is their nar­ra­tive, they found out dur­ing the Clinton years and Newt Gingrich’s con­tract on America that the bulk of wel­fare recip­i­ents were actu­al­ly white mid­dle age women, despite this hate mon­gers like Santorum and oth­ers con­tin­ue to wage this cam­paign of false­hood and lies.I have watched and list­ed to the tape over and over and over numer­ous times and the only thing I came away with is how could Santorum come away from watch­ing this tape and claim that he did not say black peo­ple. He revealed him­self to be noth­ing more than a despi­ca­ble racist liar. Maybe vot­ers should take a clos­er look at this freak fringe can­di­date who wants to wage war on oth­er coun­tries, take away a wom­ans right to choose , dis­crim­i­nate against gays and les­bians, and give away cor­po­rate wel­fare to the filthy rich and large cor­po­ra­tions. This guy is not only dan­ger­ous but freakish.

Most of us have respect admi­ra­tion and love for women , we cheer when women accom­plish feats that were once thought to be only achiev­able by men, we love them , they are our wives, girl­friends, sis­ters, mothers,aunts , teach­ers and our nurs­es, we love them because they com­fort us, we have grown accus­tomed to her lov­ing ten­der care , but we also make the grave mis­take in believ­ing that they would take that car­ing ten­der touch to lead­er­ship posi­tions in pol­i­tics or busi­ness. Many have felt the hands of a female boss­es and have no such mis­con­cep­tion. Michelle Bachman it appeared, felt that she should launch a cam­paign of dis­re­spect against President Obama from day one of the pres­i­den­t’s term, her approach was to refer to the pres­i­dent as Barack Obama no men­tion of the title “President“Even the most ardent haters of for­mer pres­i­dent Bush acknowl­edged him as pres­i­dent. This approach by Bachman served as a tem­plate for the rest of repub­li­can whack jobs when refer­ring to the pres­i­dent not to refer to him as President Obama, but as sim­ply Barack Obama. Make no mis­take that dis­re­spect­ful approach is anoth­er in the series of acts aimed at de legit­imiz­ing the pres­i­dent which fol­lowed the failed brither débâ­cle which revealed pro­po­nents as igno­rant racist neanderthals.

It is com­mon now even for mem­bers of the media, except when they are report­ing the news to sum­mar­i­ly refer to the pres­i­dent as sim­ply Barack Obama, the com­man­der-in-chief of the most pow­er­ful nation pos­si­bly in the his­to­ry of this plan­et, gets no respect. yet any small town may­or is duly ref­ered to as may­or fol­lowed by his or her name, even an alleged racist sher­iff from Arizona is giv­en mas­sive air­time and addressed by his title even though he is under fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tions for all kinds of breech of con­duct vio­la­tions as it relates to detainees and how they are appre­hend­ed and incarcerated.


Willard Romney the can­di­date that says any­thing what each crowd or inter­view­er wants to hear said recent­ly , “We have been fight­ing over the last three years to make sure that this pres­i­dent does not get to enact his agen­da”. This is in line with Mitch McConnell’s state­ment that his pri­ma­ry func­tion is to ensure that pres­i­dent Obama is a one term pres­i­dent, the grand poo­ba of repub­li­can , wind-bag Rush Limbaugh said at the onset of pres­i­dent Obama’s term he hopes the pres­i­dent fails, nev­er mind that if the pres­i­dent fails the coun­try fails, how does repub­li­cans who pre­tend to have a monop­oly on patri­o­tism explain these dia­met­ri­cal­ly oppos­ing posi­tions. The real prob­lem with the com­ments of snake oil sales­man Mit Romney is that he stat­ed cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly that he and oth­ers have been fight­ing to ensure that the pres­i­den­t’s agen­da does not get enact­ed, refer­ring to John Huntsman being in China car­ry­ing out the agen­da of the Obama admin­is­tra­tion. I have just one ques­tion regard­ing this state­ment , was­n’t the pres­i­dent elect­ed to exact­ly enact the agen­da he put for­ward to the American peo­ple? If the answer is yes, whose inter­est does Mit Romney rep­re­sent if he does not want the agen­da of the vast major­i­ty of the American peo­ple who elect­ed Barack Obama enacted?

With The first pri­ma­ry of the sea­son com­ing up Tuesday January 10th in the Granite State of New Hampshire and South Carolina fast approach­ing it seem there is hard­ly any com­pe­ti­tion left for Willard Mitt Romney. Romney has been run­ning for President for the last 6 years, he has lots of mon­ey , and his super pacs are spend­ing mil­lions more with­out Romney hav­ing to declare where the mon­ey is com­ing from. In all fair­ness democ­rats pres­i­dent Obama also have super pacs that rais­es and spend mon­ey on his behalf.


Mitt Romney has been able to assail pres­i­dent Obama’s record with­out any push­back from the lily liv­er­ied demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty that has stead­fast­ly refused to stand with this President. The media for its part has been com­plic­it in let­ting Romney get away with not tak­ing ques­tions from the press, and not ask­ing ques­tions of him that are mean­ing­ful on the rare occa­sions they have a chance to ques­tion him. He has been allowed to con­tin­ue to recite the same tired old attack lines against the pres­i­dent , cliché after cliché with­out being forced to defend the myr­i­ad flip-flops he has done on lit­er­al­ly every issue, one moment he is on record for a wom­an’s right to choose the next he is pro-choice, one moment he is for civ­il unions, the next moment he is not. For this guy it sim­ply is a mat­ter of where he is and to whom he speaks. He is like liq­uid , he takes the shape of what­ev­er con­tain­er he is poured into. Is that what America wants in her President?

It will be inter­est­ing to see what the win­ner of this car­ni­val will run on as the econ­o­my is rebounds, because as sure as night fol­lows day they dare not open their mouths about for­eign pol­i­cy with this pres­i­dent. I am just not sure hatred of Barack Obama and obstruc­tion­ist tac­tics will be enough to win for Republicans.

Disingenous Hypocrites!

Portia Lucretia Simpson Miller did not con­cede the General Elections of 2007 to Bruce Golding even when it was clear that she had lost. As a mat­ter of fact Golding was obvi­ous­ly still smart­ing from that slight as he brought the mat­ter to the fore at a JLP ral­ly pri­or to the December 29th elec­tion. Miller for her part retort­ed that she had treat­ed Bruce Goling cor­dial­ly dur­ing his tenure as Prime Minister. Never mind that Golding nev­er accused her of inci­vil­i­ty toward him dur­ing his tenure as PM, he specif­i­cal­ly spoke to what he saw as a depar­ture from estab­lished pro­to­cols. Conversely Miller launched a vul­gar broad­side of a tirade in which she vowed not to con­cede any­thing, and pledged to be the worst night­mare of the new­ly elect­ed Government of Bruce Golding.

She did not leave it there, she start­ed with an imme­di­ate cam­paign to dele­git­imize the new Government by hav­ing the rapa­cious pha­lanx of tri­al lawyers asso­ci­at­ed with that par­ty file motions in the courts chal­leng­ing the legit­i­ma­cy of some mem­bers of the Labor Party who held dual cit­i­zen­ship to sit in Parliament. Jamaica’s con­sti­tu­tion express­ly pre­vents any­one with dual cit­i­zen­ship from sit­ting in the nation’s par­lia­ment. The JLP with their share of lawyers must have know that this would be a poten­tial prob­lem that would not stand, and if they did not know this, prob­a­bly were not ready to take the reins of gov­ern­ment despite being in the wilder­ness of oppo­si­tion for an unprece­dent­ed 18 12 years. As a result of the PNP’s chal­lenge a few mem­bers of the new admin­is­tra­tion were in fact decer­ti­fied by the courts and found inel­i­gi­ble to sit in par­lia­ment. Each par­lia­men­tar­i­an decer­ti­fied was returned to par­lia­ment in by-elec­tions . Interestingly the PNP also had mem­bers who were in con­tra­ven­tion of that sec­tion of the constitution.


As soon as Golding announced his 18 per­son cab­i­net Portia launched a broad­side against the Prime Minister, lam­bast­ing him as being extra­vant in hav­ing an 18 per­son cab­i­net when the coun­try was strug­gling. The Irony of that piece of hypocrisy was that the coun­try had just hand­ed lead­er­ship to the Labor Party , after the PNP’s 18 12 year run. Being that as it may, one would imag­ine that Queen Portia fresh from her coro­na­tion would be remind­ed that she had crit­i­cized Golding for hav­ing a too large cabinet.

So what did Portia Simpson Miller do? A day after her coro­na­tion, she went ahead and named a 19 per­son cabinet.



(Jamaica glean­er photo)

How does this new Government explain this or is it even true? Well see for yourselves.

Cabinet min­is­ters

1. Dr Peter Phillips
2. Peter Bunting
3. Roger Clarke
4. Ronnie Thwaites
5. Lisa Hanna
6. Robert Pickersgill
7. Fenton Ferguson
8. Anthony Hylton
9. Derrick Kellier
10. Noël Arscott
11. Dr Omar Davies
12. Wykeham McNeill
13. Phillip Paulwell,
14. Dr. Morais Guy
15. Horace Dalley
16. Natalie Neita Headley
17. Senator A.J Nicholson,
18. Senator Mark Golding
19. Senator Sandrea Falconer

State min­is­ters

1. Luther Buchanan
2. Arnaldo Brown
3. Sharon Folkes Abrahams
4. Ian Hayles
5. Colin Fagan
6. Richard Azan
7. Damion Crawford
8. Julian Robinson

Yup it is true, this is the new and improved People’s National Party, this is the par­ty that has just been returned to pow­er, shame­less, uncon­scionable, and off to the races, there will be no out­cry because this par­ty can­not do any wrong for the mass of the peo­ple, the élite that sup­ports them, or those who ben­e­fits finan­cial­ly. the PNP elites have the gift of gab they will some­how try to pull the wool over the eyes of inde­pen­dents and labor par­ty sup­port­ers who will most cer­tain­ly have a prob­lem with this hypocrisy.

Republicans now in the pri­ma­ry stage of select­ing a can­di­date to run against President Obama, are hop­ing that the American econ­o­my will con­tin­ue to be lethar­gic come next November’s elec­tion, they have noth­ing else to run on but a stag­nant econ­o­my. They are bet­ting against their coun­try so they can defeat one man because of his race. After all they can­not speak about for­eign pol­i­cy which was their strong suit, for decades they were able to paint Democrats as weak on for­eign pol­i­cy, when the truth is their for­eign pol­i­cy was one of unnec­es­sary saber rat­tling, bel­li­cose lan­guage when address­ing those they did not like and wag­ing wars over­seas that were total­ly unnec­es­sary, and inad­vis­able, and which end­ed up lit­er­al­ly destroy­ing the American economy.

Republicans can­not talk about for­eign pol­i­cy because Obama got Bin Laden, and brought the troops home from Iraq, he saw the demise of Khadafy and arguably restored America’s cred­i­bil­i­ty abroad to the extent that is pos­si­ble, depend­ing where one is refer­ring to. The lat­est Jobs num­ber showed 200,000 new jobs cre­at­ed last month and true to form the GOP can­di­dates will give the pres­i­dent no cred­it for the con­tin­ued good show­ing on the eco­nom­ic front, Santorum stu­pid­ly claimed the good job num­bers sug­gest that investors are tak­ing the hir­ing plunge because they believe the Republicans will take the white house. Snake oil sales­man Willard Romney said the econ­o­my is doing bet­ter despite the poli­cies of pres­i­dent Obama. I thought the com­ments of the oth­ers were incon­se­quen­tial as they will not be the nomine for that party.

President Obama has lit­er­al­ly pulled the American econ­o­my from the brink of dis­as­ter and has presided over steady growth which saw 3 mil­lion new jobs cre­at­ed in the pri­vate sec­tor, yet his reelec­tion is far from assured. As is the sit­u­a­tion in Jamaica where the labor par­ty returned the econ­o­my from sus­tained neg­a­tive growth despite a hor­ri­ble world reces­sion to three quar­ters of pos­i­tive growth but was uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly kicked out of office, Obama runs the risk of being a one term pres­i­dent because of myopic vot­ers with short term memory.

Portia’s log­ic.

Miller response to ques­tions as to how she explained the size of her cab­i­net when she crit­i­cized Mister Golding’s cab­i­net size said this, quote” “I have added some young per­sons so that they can begin to under­study the seniors. What I am try­ing to do now is suc­ces­sion planning.
“I am deal­ing with suc­ces­sion plan­ning. And, if you check my size and the num­ber of peo­ple that won elec­tions for the People’s National Party, it is quite dif­fer­ent from Mr Golding’s”

This bit of sim­ple mind­ed non­sense would be com­i­cal if it was­n’t so insult­ing. One would have to con­clude that there is a cor­re­la­tion between the amount of seats won by a par­ty and the amount of min­is­ters , junior min­is­ters, and min­is­ters with­out port­fo­lios nescessary.The PNP won 42 seats in the House of Representatives to the Jamaica Labor Party’s (JLP) 21 seats.
In 2007, Golding’s JLP won 32 seats to the People’s National Party’s 28 in the then 60-seat House.
Miller either believe that there is a con­nec­tion between the two or seri­ous­ly have a seri­ous dis­dain for the intel­lect of those who can actu­al­ly think for themselves.

There has always been an attempt on the part of the cultists who sup­port that gut­ter par­ty to try to link peo­ple who do not ascribe to their depen­den­cy syn­drome as some­how anti-Jamaican or anti-poor peo­ple. That nar­ra­tive has served the PNP well since it’s incep­tion, they have mas­tered the art of fake car­ing, fool­ing the une­d­u­cat­ed mass­es into believ­ing that they have their inter­est at heart . By using scarce taxpayer’s funds they have for decades worked at the craft of buy­ing loy­al­ty through free­bies and patron­age. Today what they have is a fren­zied mas­sive horde of cultist fol­low­ers who real­ly beleive they are mes­si­ahs. Never mind that there is noth­ing that that par­ty can point to out­side of hand­outs, that would rea­son­able make the argu­ment for the fren­zied almost drug crazed like sup­port they receive.

The truth is most of us come from real­ly poor back­grounds, we are ambi­tious peo­ple who once just want­ed to work, acquire an edu­ca­tion, have chil­dren, and give them a bet­ter life than we had. After the socialist/​communist rhetoric of the 70’s which stip­u­lat­ed that those who did­n’t like their non­sen­si­cal poli­cies should hop onto one of the five flights a day to Miami the psy­che of our nation changed for the worse. Not only did those peo­ple leave , so did their cap­i­tal, so did investors, but worst of all most of the skilled and edu­cat­ed proffe­sion­als took flight. Many peo­ple sim­ply walked away from their beau­ti­ful, homes in fear for their lives, those homes were prompt­ly cap­tured by PNP goons and. Such was the indoc­tri­na­tion of the poor­er mass­es that those who worked hard and accom­plished, were evil cap­i­tal­ists who should share what they have with those who sat on their rear ends and did noth­ing. The Jamaica of today is a direct result of that hog­wash redis­tri­b­u­tion­ist garbage.

The archi­tect of that débâ­cle Michael Manley returned to Jamaica at the end of the 1980’s with his tail, between his legs, armed with mea cul­pa, and was prompt­ly returned to office by the cultists. Ironically the cam­paign song the PNP used against Edward Seaga through­out the 70’s was a song by George Nooks called” my father born ya” Manley left for green­er pas­tures dur­ing the admin­is­tra­tion of Edward Seaga, and returned only to once again seek pow­er, after he attained the pow­er by once again being returned to office, he left due to fail­ing health this time to England where he lived until he passed away. Seaga, lam­bast­ed, berat­ed, ridiculed , and scorned as an out­sider who was­n’t born in Jamaica, have not left dur­ing all the loss­es he took a the hands of the cultists, and still resides in Jamaica.


The suc­cess­ful class war­fare that the peo­ple’s nation­al par­ty has engaged in over the years has dri­ven away tremen­dous­ly tal­ent­ed peo­ple from Jamaica’s shores, cre­at­ed a nation of depen­dent peo­ple and has set our coun­try back so far small­er coun­tries like Barbados are very close to first world sta­tus with no indi­ca­tions if our peo­ple will ever see a first world unless they emi­grate. Once again all of the old cor­rupt orange clad gang­sters are back at the tiller, hav­ing anoth­er go around for their friends and asso­ciates ben­e­fit at the expense of the illit­er­ate masses.



The JLPNP On Crime!

Below are two excerpts from the man­i­festos of the Jamaica Labor par­ty and the People’s National Party of Jamaica as usu­al we choose to show you the evi­dence tell you what we think , but we also under­stand that you are much smarter and much more capa­ble of assess­ing the infor­ma­tion, and inform­ing your­selves. This infor­ma­tion mas made pos­si­ble by the Jamaica Observer​.com.


IN putting for­ward its plan to con­tin­ue its dri­ve to reduce crime, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) not­ed that high crime has cre­at­ed a soci­ety bogged down by fear to the point of being under pro­duc­tive and less patri­ot­ic. It also point­ed to crime cre­at­ing an atmos­phere that has put off for­eign vis­i­tors and investors. Claiming cred­it for a 36 per cent reduc­tion in major crimes since 2007, the JLP said it had already begun improv­ing the effec­tive­ness of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) by improv­ing its mobil­i­ty; enhanc­ing the phys­i­cal infra­struc­ture and strength­en­ing its human resource capac­i­ty and effec­tive­ness. It also said it had been enhanc­ing the Ministry of National Security’s pro­gramme for social inter­ven­tion, crime pre­ven­tion and com­mu­ni­ty safe­ty since it took office. The JLP admin­is­tra­tion has iden­ti­fied 10 ini­tia­tives on which it intends to focus in its next term, should it be returned to office at the polls. Efforts will be focused on deep­en­ing the imple­men­ta­tion of com­mu­ni­ty polic­ing includ­ing increas­ing police work­ing part­ner­ships with res­i­dents, the pri­vate sec­tor, schools, tourism and farm­ers. There will also be greater police involve­ment in diver­sion and man­age­ment of youth at risk of offend­ing, youth deemed uncon­trol­lable, youth oper­at­ing at the low­er lev­els of gangs or who have com­mit­ted low-lev­el offences, the man­i­festo sets out. Another pil­lar of the JLP’s anti-crime plan will be the estab­lish­ment of what it calls “resourced mul­ti-agency response organ­i­sa­tion­al net­works, focused on crime pre­ven­tion and com­mu­ni­ty safe­ty and capa­ble of sup­port­ing social inter­ven­tion and oth­er crime pre­ven­tion ini­tia­tives, pri­mar­i­ly at the parish lev­el”. The JLP says it will work to increase cit­i­zens’ trust in the police even as it con­tin­ues its trans­for­ma­tion of the cul­ture of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) through the cul­ture change com­mit­tees and work­shops set up ear­li­er this year. Additionally, the par­ty says it intends to over­see a merg­er of the Private Security Regulations Authority (PSRA) and the Firearms Licensing Authority (FLA), a rec­om­men­da­tion of the Public Sector Transformation Programme. The Police Services Commission (PSC) and the Police Civilian Oversight Authority (PCOA) are also to be merged, cre­at­ing a new Police Authority. “This new arrange­ment will also see the com­mis­sion­er of police (while main­tain­ing ‘oper­a­tional respon­si­bil­i­ty’) being held to account for the exer­cise of his func­tions and those ser­vices the police force pro­vides to the pub­lic,” the JLP man­i­festo out­lines. This new enti­ty will enjoy the con­sti­tu­tion­al pro­tec­tion afford­ed to the present Police Services Commission. The author­i­ty will also be respon­si­ble for mon­i­tor­ing the imple­men­ta­tion of poli­cies relat­ing to the man­age­ment of the police force and the man­age­ment and use of finan­cial and oth­er resources. It will, in addi­tion, mon­i­tor and assess the per­for­mance of the police and their effec­tive­ness. In terms of bor­der secu­ri­ty, a sec­ond-term JLP admin­is­tra­tion would expand the Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA) Border Management System and strength­en the agen­cy’s inves­tiga­tive capac­i­ty to end cor­rup­tion in the cit­i­zen­ship appli­ca­tion process. The JLP is also promis­ing to strength­en the Department of Correctional Services (DCS); reg­u­lar­is­ing the trans­fer of respon­si­bil­i­ty of remand from the JCF to the DCS in lock-ups. The mobil­i­ty of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) is to be strength­ened by the pro­cure­ment of troop car­ri­ers, patrol vehi­cles, admin­is­tra­tive vehi­cles and util­i­ty-type vehi­cles of which an esti­mat­ed 200 are need­ed. The Maritime Awareness and Response Capabilities of the JDF will also be boosted.

The PNP on Crime

THE Opposition People’s National Party (PNP), if giv­en the man­date to gov­ern the coun­try come Thursday, has said it will pur­sue a three-pronged approach to nation­al secu­ri­ty in order to effec­tive­ly address the scourge of vio­lent crime​.It cit­ed in its man­i­festo, pre­sent­ed two weeks ago, that for many years Jamaicans have lived under the threat of vio­lence and crim­i­nal­i­ty on a scale that has neg­a­tive­ly impact­ed the nation­al psy­che and stymied eco­nom­ic growth and invest­ment. The par­ty said it intends to try to fix that by focussing on three areas: mak­ing insti­tu­tion­al improve­ments, tar­get­ing organ­ised crime, and fos­ter­ing greater trust of law enforce­ment among the pop­u­lace. Specifically, a future PNP Government, the par­ty says, will strength­en the human and insti­tu­tion­al capac­i­ty of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) with the inten­tion of ensur­ing it main­tains high pro­fes­sion­al stan­dards. The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) is also to be a major focal point for a PNP admin­is­tra­tion which has said it is already push­ing for the estab­lish­ment of a Police Management Authority (PMA). This new body is intend­ed to be a statu­to­ry author­i­ty with juris­dic­tion over the con­sti­tu­tion, man­age­ment, admin­is­tra­tion and reg­u­la­tion of the police force. The PNP not­ed that set­ting up this new agency will require the repeal of the Jamaica Constabulary Force Act, the Special Constables Act and the District Constables Act. Other leg­isla­tive mea­sures will need to be under­tak­en in order to trans­fer the func­tions of the Police Services Commission and the Police Civilian Oversight Authority to the PMA. This move is part of plans the Opposition says it has to fur­ther mod­ernise the police force. This mod­erni­sa­tion will entail tar­get­ing organ­ised crime which, accord­ing to its man­i­festo, is some­thing the PNP said it has a proven track record of fight­ing. The par­ty point­ed to what it said were “some high­ly pub­li­cised inter­dic­tions and inter­ven­tions, with­out any exter­nal prompt­ing”. “In recog­nis­ing the typ­i­cal transna­tion­al char­ac­ter of organ­ised crime, the pre­vi­ous PNP Government embarked on a delib­er­ate pol­i­cy of co-oper­a­tion between local law enforce­ment bod­ies and inter­na­tion­al enforce­ment part­ners, to ensure the extra­di­tion of crim­i­nal ‘dons’ to coun­tries with evi­den­tial­ly stronger juris­dic­tion­al claims against them,” the man­i­festo reads. “This has always been done with­out any com­pro­mise to our sov­er­eign­ty; and in prac­ti­cal acknowl­edge­ment of the enor­mous resources avail­able to transna­tion­al crim­i­nals; but, with an unre­lent­ing resolve to secure their con­vic­tion by all avail­able legal and con­sti­tu­tion­al means.” In putting forth its plans to deal with crime, the PNP said it intends to reduce dis­trust between cit­i­zens and law enforce­ment, which, it not­ed, “goes hand in hand with the ‘informer fi dead’ sub­cul­ture”, and makes effec­tive polic­ing very dif­fi­cult. The PNP, if it forms the new Government, has said it will seek to change this sub­cul­ture “by chang­ing the approach of the lead­er­ship of the police to one which embraces ser­vice, account­abil­i­ty and a de-cen­tral­i­sa­tion of author­i­ty,” reads the doc­u­ment. As such, the par­ty says, the JCF will be repo­si­tioned as a civil­ian law enforce­ment organ­i­sa­tion. Special units capa­ble of deal­ing with sit­u­a­tions of extreme vio­lence are to be set up to oper­ate in tan­dem with the JDF. A new PNP admin­is­tra­tion has also com­mit­ted to over­see­ing the devel­op­ment of a ter­tiary-lev­el Forensic Science Programme to pro­vide train­ing for a pro­fes­sion­al cadre of foren­sic sci­en­tists and crime scene inves­ti­ga­tors. This, it said, will help law enforce­ment to keep pace with the chal­lenges of increas­ing­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed crim­i­nals. The PNP, in recog­ni­tion of the rate of recidi­vism in Jamaican pris­ons, said it will focus on reha­bil­i­ta­tion, re-social­i­sa­tion and re-train­ing of inmates. Additionally, it said it intend­ed to help equip them with con­flict-res­o­lu­tion skills, as well as focus on the improve­ment of con­di­tions in cor­rec­tion­al facil­i­ties.Read more at jamaicaob​serv​er​.com

It’s inter­est­ing to see that both polit­i­cal par­ties now have a strat­e­gy to fight crime, dur­ing my 10 year tenure in the JCF I sw first hand the dis-ser­vice being done to the coun­try because of a sus­tained lack of com­mit­ment to crime erad­i­ca­tion, and the sup­pres­sion of vio­lent behav­iour. As a result we have seen at least two gen­er­a­tions emerge who see vio­lence and crim­i­nal behav­ior as a viable and accept­able way of life, the coun­try also stand to lose anoth­er gen­er­a­tion of tod­dlers to crime, vio­lence, and car­nal­i­ty, a gen­er­a­tion with no val­ues or morals.It’s inter­est­ing to see that come elec­tion time the Jamaica Labor Party through the National Security min­is­ter is now telling the Police that he will be look­ing out for their inter­est . Where was the Minister when the Government of Bruce Golding dis­re­spect­ed pub­lic sec­tor work­ers by refus­ing to have the appro­pri­ate high lev­el nego­tia­tors who can actu­al­ly make deci­sions for the Government meet with work­ers. This despite the fact pub­lic sec­tor work­ers had con­tracts that were binding.

The oth­er par­ty, the PNP in my view is a trea­so­nous par­ty to Jamaica , when the state­ment above is looked at there is noth­ing in there for law enforce­ment offi­cers, what it offers is to fur­ther erode their author­i­ty to do their jobs , cre­ate anoth­er over­sight agency to fur­ther com­pli­cate mat­ters , does noth­ing to reduce or even address crime, cre­ate ani­mos­i­ty ( see INDECOM) fur­ther bur­den tax­pay­ers, and increase crime. This how­ev­er is noth­ing new for them , this trea­so­nous, anti-lawen­force­ment excuse for a par­ty refused to vote in sup­port of our police and mil­i­tary the time they need­ed to do their jobs by extend­ing the lim­it­ed state of emer­gency (SOE) .

Let me be clear in no oth­er coun­try in the world (not a rouge state) would this be tol­er­at­ed , irre­spec­tive of their pol­i­tics, Government and oppo­si­tions alike under­stand the need for the rule of law to be para­mount, after all if the rule of law is usurped and anar­chy takes its place what will oppo­si­tion par­ties look­ing to gain state pow­er pre­side over. The People’s National Party has been a blight and a scourge on the Jamaican Nation and will con­tin­ue to be for as long as there are more low infor­ma­tion peo­ple look­ing for handouts.

I have lots more to say about these two state­ments put out about crime by both par­ties time how­ev­er does not allow me that lux­u­ry today, elec­tion day. Go out and vote and vote for our coun­try’s future.


It’s the sil­ly sea­son in Jamaica. Once again Jamaicans allow them­selves to be whipped into a fren­zy in sup­port of one of the two polit­i­cal gangs that take turns ruin­ing .… I mean run­ning Jamaica. This hap­pens every four or five years despite protes­ta­tions from many that they do not see nei­ther the win­ners or losers in their com­mu­ni­ties after the elec­tions untill the next cycle comes around. So the sto­ries have start­ed com­ing in about the ston­ing of busses filled with peo­ple on their way home from a meet­ing held in Mandeville Manchester called to announce the date of the elec­tions. There are also reports of one man being shot and killed after that same meet­ing, I mean, seri­ous­ly people?

Portia and comrades having a good time
Portia and com­rades hav­ing a good time

The Jamaican Dollar fluc­tu­ates some­where between 83 – 85 to one US$ this means the dol­lar is real­ly worth­less, even in Jamaica traders and ped­dlers ask for US dol­lar in pay­ment for goods and ser­vices, infla­tion has dri­ven the price of food and oth­er con­sumer goods through the roof, crime cor­rup­tion and ter­ror are rampant.These are just some of the issues plagu­ing our once beau­ti­ful par­adise. Many argue they don’t care what’s going on Jamaica is nice, and I con­cur of course our coun­try the beau­ti­ful land of wood and water is just as beau­ti­ful, if of course one choos­es to ignore the fact that too many of our trees has been cut down so we have small­er rivers and streams as a result of less rain­fall when com­pared to three decades ago , but I digress.

It is not the coun­try it’s always the people.

The Observer Editorial of today Tuesday December 20th prais­es RJR for not air­ing the JLP’s adver­tise­ment show­ing Portia Simpson Miller rant­i­ng and rav­ing about not being afraid of quote “no bwoy, nu gal, nowhere” .

RJR right to sus­pend Portia trac­ing ad.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com.

In his Editorial the writer went to pains to try to absolve Portia of respon­si­bil­i­ty for the words com­ing from her very lips.

These com­ments were not untrue quotes assigned to her mali­cious­ly, they were not doc­tored and damn sure are not incor­rect , yet this opin­ion shaper went to lengths to con­vince vot­ers that quote ” The peo­ple will judge Mrs Simpson Miller as to her char­ac­ter, as they did in 2007. The JLP needs to have a lit­tle more faith in the good sense of the Jamaican vot­er. What a load of crock the actions of chil­dren from as far back as grade school now forms part of that child’s per­ma­nent record, it deter­mines what high school or col­lege that child is accept­ed into , it deter­mines what that child will be when he/​she grows up , yet some­how the words and actions of Portia Simpson should be ignored and cov­ered up. Portia Simpson Miller has allowed the ghet­to to shape her as much as any­thing else, as a young detec­tive I observed her in front of the Whitehall Avenue school roll and bawl in the mid­dle of the streets because her red ban­dan­na wear­ing thugs were not allowed to steal bal­lot box­es from the school, nev­er mind that her con­stituen­cy is bor­der­ing Spanish Town Road, and White Hall Avenue is in Saint Andrew North. Whatever we do in life fol­lows us for the rest of our lives Simpson Miller is no excep­tion. Gary Allen and oth­ers are noth­ing more than lit­tle Gods in their lit­tle ponds in Jamaica , small fish in their lit­tle holes mak­ing deci­sions of what peo­ple are allowed to hear and what they aren’t allowed to hear , for­tu­nate­ly there are choic­es now , peo­ple do not have to lis­ten to RJR now do they?


Jamaicans will go to the polls on December 29th 2011.

December 29th is a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone for me as that is the date of my birth. I have a prob­lem with Prime Minister Holness call­ing elec­tions on my birth­day, I’m not hap­py about that kind of mad­ness on my spe­cial day. Ok that was a joke, but seri­ous­ly though over the years I have added my voice in the call for fixed elec­tion dates. It seem juve­nile and almost child­ish for some­thing as seri­ous and Jermain to our coun­try’s sta­bil­i­ty as elec­tions to be left to the whim and fan­cy of one per­son. I am yet to hear a rea­son­able argu­ment that sup­ports the sta­tus quo.Conversely it has been a tool for Prime Ministers to use when it suits them , and at a time when the polls are in their favor.

In the greater scheme of things it real­ly is not as seri­ous as some who argue against it would have you believe, at least in my mind , and I would be open to hear­ing and assim­i­lat­ing more argu­ments in sup­port of our posi­tion. It is impor­tant but for me it does not par­al­lel the need for con­sti­tu­tion­al reform and a com­plete de-annex­a­tion from Britain. I do believe a date cer­tain would be more ben­e­fi­cial to the finan­cial mar­kets and the busi­ness sec­tor, nei­ther of which par­tic­u­lar­ly likes dis­qui­et or uncer­tain­ty. It seem to me it would also cause those han­dling the peo­ple’s busi­ness to bring greater stew­ard­ship and pro­fes­sion­al­ism to their jobs, unless of course they choose to com­mit polit­i­cal suicide.

One thing is cer­tain as a specie we con­tin­ue to give up free­doms that made our lives fun and inter­est­ing, the lat­i­tude a prime Minister has in call­ing elec­tions with­in a cer­tain time but not a spe­cif­ic date will prob­a­bly be tak­en away because of the games­man­ship that has become syn­ony­mous with that lat­i­tude. Simple lux­u­ries like hav­ing a cell phone in one’s car has been abused by those who talk and text while they dri­ve , has attract­ed sig­nif­i­cant penal­ties to those conveniences.

So as we pay a price for talking/​texting while dri­ving, our Prime Ministers may very soon lose the lat­i­tude of being the decider of when elec­tions are called.


I want to bring a cou­ple of thoughts to the atten­tion of Jamaicans and oth­ers who have an inter­est in whats going on in our country.


Gleaner pho­to

The first is the offer Prime Minister Holness has made to the leader of the Opposition Portia Simpson Miller to walk in some com­mu­ni­ties char­ac­ter­ized as gar­ri­son com­mu­ni­ties or zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sions. There has been many and var­ied opin­ions on whether this pro­posed sym­bol­ic ges­ture will accom­plish any­thing. Some have argued that time has passed and what is need­ed now is con­crete action. Those are legit­i­mate arguments,but are not argu­ments that negates the pos­i­tive out­come for the coun­try that would emanate from peo­ple liv­ing in the inner cities and all over Jamaica to see the top two polit­i­cal lead­ers walk­ing and talk­ing as friends. Some have argued that Bob Marley brought Manley and Seaga togeth­er yet polar­iza­tion per­sists, what they fail to under­stand or acknowl­edge is that events would have poten­tial­ly been vast­ly dif­fer­ent and many more lives lost had that event not occurred. We are not going to try to nuance that to death what we will say is that if it does­n’t hurt whats the prob­lem in doing it for the coun­try? To date Mrs. Simpson Miller has not seen fit to engage this new Prime Minister in the hand of fel­low­ship that he extend­ed to her, choos­ing to attach a bunch of pre­req­ui­sites before her par­tic­i­pa­tion in any march.


Bruce Golding

Former Prime Minister Bruce Golding lashed out at Portia Simpson Miller at the JLP con­fer­ence at the National Arena on Sunday November 20th. In an address Golding lashed Miller for what he char­ac­ter­ized as a breach of pro­to­cols estab­lished by all for­mer Prime Ministers gone before in call­ing the win­ner and con­ced­ing defeat when they lost .Golding went on to say that the media had grown impa­tient with him not arriv­ing at the Belmont Road Head quar­ters of the JLP on the night he won the elec­tion. he stat­ed he held back from going to Belmont Road as the nor­mal con­ces­sion phone call did not come from Mrs. Simpson Miller.

Mrs. Miller for her part shot back that she had always treat­ed Mister Golding with respect through­out his time as Prime Minister , and empha­sized that she even attend­ed his inau­gu­ra­tion. She stat­ed that because of the close­ness of the race and oth­er issues which she intend­ed to address in the courts she decid­ed not to concede.

Click to show "Portia Simpson Miller" result 3

Portia Simpson Miller

Supporters of Mrs Miller con­tend this is sour grapes on the part of Golding, and that this is in the past. Is it

On the night after she lost the elec­tions Portia Simpson Miller in a rather bel­li­cose and bel­liger­ent speech stat­ed that she would con­cede noth­ing to the labour par­ty and that she would be their worst night­mare. Presumably Mrs Miller was refer­ring to the dual cit­i­zen­ship issue with three of the JLP’ can­di­dates which was an issue as far as the con­sti­tu­tion of the coun­try is con­cerned. Jamaica’s con­sti­tu­tion clear­ly states that any­one hav­ing alle­giance to a for­eign pow­er can­not sit in Parliament. The PNP which Miller heads also had can­di­dates that had dual cit­i­zen­ship. Mrs Millers argu­ments are legit­i­mate but did not pre­clude her from con­ced­ing to the Prime Minister elect whilst let­ting him know that she intend­ed to see the mat­ter through in court.

In fact con­ced­ing vic­to­ry in no way takes away her right to chal­lenge the results of the elec­tion in a court of law,neither does it pre­vent her from receiv­ing her just redress should a court find in her favor. The fact is it was a bad deci­sion ‚one which I am sure Portia regretted.


There is still sub­stan­tial squab­bling going on about the for­mat of debates by the can­di­dates, or even whether there should be any debates at all. The new­ly installed Prime Minister has indi­cat­ed his will­ing­ness to debate the leader of the oppo­si­tion before a nation­al tele­vised audi­ence. Now grant­ed there is no law that dic­tates that can­di­dates seek­ing the high­est elect­ed office in the coun­try should debate. It should not be a prob­lem for any­one want­i­ng to lead the coun­try to let peo­ple know how they will han­dle the job. Detractors of the debate that every­one seek­ing a job has to inter­view for that job , some­times doing two or there inter­views in the process before being seri­ous­ly con­sid­ered for that posi­tion. What makes politi­cians any dif­fer­ent? no won­der when they are elect­ed they believe the laws do not apply to them.

From all indi­ca­tions Mrs Miller would like a debate where she is a part of a team of can­di­dates where she can be shield­ed by her col­leagues, the leader of the coun­try must be smart and assertive he/​she will have no cov­er in seri­ous inter­na­tion­al nego­ti­a­tions, Portia must debate the issues one and one with Andrew Holness and let the chips fall where they may, she does not get to say what she will or will not do.

have your say

Why Portia Cannot Relenquish Garrison.

Conventional wis­dom amongst Jamaicans is that ever per­son from Jamaica sees pol­i­tics through green or orange lens­es . Even the most casu­al com­ment or obser­va­tion in a pub­lic forum draws the most stark and angry attack.

For decades after our so-called inde­pen­dence our peo­ple have slaugh­tered each oth­er to keep politi­cians in office, this is true of sup­port­ers of both polit­i­cal par­ties, hav­ing spent a decade on the front lines dodg­ing bul­lets from the weapons both sides sup­plied to young une­d­u­cat­ed and vul­ner­a­ble youths, I am not par­tic­u­lar­ly endeared to either polit­i­cal gang. At the same time I am rather intol­er­ant of fly by night vil­lage lawyers who have opin­ions based on noth­ing more than par­ty alle­giance. Having spent so much of my life liv­ing and work­ing in Jamaica I am acute­ly aware of the chal­lenges inher­ent in try­ing to change or alter the opin­ions of many Jamaicans, the truth is too many are lost to igno­rance, arro­gance, or both. As a nation, the next best thing is to try to impact the chil­dren in a pos­i­tive way in an effort to change the mind­set going for­ward if the coun­try is to be com­pet­i­tive, or even main­tain some resm­blance to a demo­c­ra­t­ic nation going for­ward. I read sev­er­al blogs and pub­li­ca­tions dai­ly, some of them includes the Jamaican dai­ly and oth­er pub­li­ca­tions from the United States and oth­er parts of the world, on the occa­sions where Jamaicans are allowed to com­ment, I am always dis­ap­point­ed by their inabil­i­ty to sep­a­rate them­selves from the blink­ered hand­i­cap of the nar­row parochial con­straints of PNP,JLP pol­i­tics. Clearly the Orange and Green has evolved from a fun­gus that was vis­i­ble from the out­side to a dis­ease that is now in their blood stream. Those of us who dare point out the prob­lems asso­ci­at­ed with their polit­i­cal idols are attacked as sup­port­er of the oth­er side, even if one has a record of point­ing to the prob­lems of both sides. It is inescapable then to avoid being labeled a par­ti­san, so I am pre­pared when­ev­er I write to be labeled a par­ti­san as long as the argu­ments I put for­ward are sup­port­ed by data and facts.


As I have said pre­vi­ous­ly, know­ing this makes me res­olute about not wor­ry­ing about the cyn­ics, and the crit­ics, I remain com­mit­ted to work­ing with and dis­cussing ideas with intel­li­gent open-mind­ed Jamaicans in the dias­po­ra and at home.


On Sunday October 23rd 39-year-old Andrew Michael Holness was installed in a cer­e­mo­ny at Kings House as Jamaica’s 9th and youngest ever Prime Minister. Holness gave a lengthy speech lit­tered with obser­va­tions and vision for the coun­try. One of the things he said he would do is ask the leader of the Opposition to walk with him in a sym­bol­ic show of uni­ty toward dis­man­tling (Garrisons), zones of polit­i­cal exclusions,with a view to end­ing gar­ri­son pol­i­tics once and for all in Jamaica. Garrison Politics has been a shame­ful blight on the country.




a body of troops sta­tioned in a for­ti­fied place.
the place where such troops are stationed.
any mil­i­tary post, espe­cial­ly a per­ma­nent one.
verb (used with object)
to pro­vide (a fort, town, etc.) with a garrison.
to occu­py (a fort, post, sta­tion, etc.) with troops.
to put (troops) on duty in a fort, post, sta­tion, etc .(source dic​tio​nary​.com)
A gar­ri­son in the Jamaican sense ful­fill all of the char­ac­ter­is­tic com­po­nents stip­u­lat­ed in these definitions,in Kingston and Saint Andrew, as also Saint Catherine, these zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sion lit­ter the land­scape, and as it would for an oppos­ing army breech­ing a gar­ri­son as stip­u­lat­ed above, the con­se­quence of such actions will­ful or unwit­ting will almost result in death. The dif­fer­ence between Jamaican Garrisons and the for­ti­fi­ca­tions men­tioned in the def­i­n­i­tion is that the gar­risons in Jamaica do not need walls, how­ev­er the lines of demarka­tion are fierce­ly guard­ed by well armed punks with high-pow­ered weapons, and a seem­ing­ly unend­ing sup­ply of ammu­ni­tion sup­plied by their bene­fac­tors. The leader of the polit­i­cal Opposition famous­ly said her con­stituen­cy has no walls, in her mind the absence of a wall means it isn’t a gar­ri­son! We’ll get back to that.
The year 1980 saw one of the great­est peri­od of polit­i­cal upheaval in Jamaica’s his­to­ry, over 800 peo­ple were report­ed­ly killed as a result of polit­i­cal vio­lence, these num­bers attrib­uted to any oth­er coun­try would be char­ac­ter­ized as civ­il war in pro­por­tion, not so in Jamaica, killing is a way of life, it is accept­ed , pro­mot­ed in music, glo­ri­fied in the media and on polit­i­cal cam­paign stumps. Killing and maim­ing is a cel­e­brat­ed way of show­ing one’s girth and clout in the streets, this vio­lence begets more vio­lence in order to sus­tain itself, the result up to the end of 2009 by police sta­tis­tics is over 1600 mur­dered in a coun­try of under 2.8 mil­lion peo­ple. So what is a Garrison in the Jamaican sense ? Well after Jamaica was uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly cut from the apron strings of England her colo­nial mas­ter, our peo­ple were asked to gov­ern them­selves after hun­dreds of years of colo­nial dom­i­na­tion, the coun­try received no repa­ra­tions for the assault and abuse , Jamaica like oth­er for­mer colonies was sim­ply cast aside to fend for itself. Scarce resources like hous­ing, and jobs became a bar­gain­ing chip for politi­cians to dole out to those who showed alle­giance to their polit­i­cal par­ty depend­ing on which par­ty is in pow­er, in oth­er word a pseu­do colo­nial depen­den­cy , just on a dif­fer­ent scale.
This manip­u­la­tion of scarce resources for polit­i­cal gain cre­at­ed enmi­ty between the fac­tions aligned to the two polit­i­cal par­ties ‚the (PNP)People’s National Party the brain child of National Hero Norman Washington Manley whose son Michael Manley as Prime Minister was to lead Jamaica through its rough­est polit­i­cal peri­od, and the (JLP) the brain child of his cousin Alexander Bustamante, also one of Jamaica’s nation­al heroes.
Norman Manley a Queens Counsel british trained lawyer and Bustamante a street savvy Trade Unionists are seen as the found­ing fathers of the coun­try after Independence, many old­er Jamaicans devel­oped a love and undy­ing alle­giance to both men depend­ing on their beliefs many would die for them, as that gen­er­a­tion passed a more mil­i­tant gen­er­a­tion of politi­cians emerged in the per­sons of Michael Manley and Edward Seaga, the polit­i­cal rhetoric was ramped up and became more bel­li­cose, this hard­ened the posi­tions of both camps, and their fol­low­ers became more vio­lent, the lines of demar­ca­tion became more stark, and as before many would die for them and many has killed for them. It became com­mon­place for pub­lic funds to be used by those in office to take care of those who did the grunge work to put them in pow­er, this cre­at­ed a vicious sys­tem where peo­ple saw their very sur­vival, their very abil­i­ty to be able to afford food as tied to their par­ty get­ting in pow­er and stay­ing there. Needless to say those on the oppos­ing side are quite pre­pared to do what it takes to expel those in pow­er and install their bene­fac­tors. Politicians of both par­ties were more than hap­py to deliv­er the means for the peo­ple to kill oth­ers who were opposed to their brand of pol­i­tics, as a result the streets were flood­ed with guns and entire areas became no go for any­one even sus­pect­ed of being a sup­port­er of the oth­er side. An inno­cent exer­cise as the wear­ing of the wrong col­or can get one rid­dled with bullets.
Criminal thugs who deliv­er votes to the polit­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tives by means of intim­i­da­tion, arson, rape, and mur­der became a part of the cul­ture ‚they are accept­ed cel­e­brat­ed and revered, ref­ered to as com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers, and even Dons, when in truth these men were lit­tle more than mur­der­ing punks who preyed on the inno­cent and the defense­less. they received Government con­tracts even though they knew noth­ing about con­struc­tion or in most cas­es had no train­ing in the dis­ci­pline for which they received the con­tracts, this has become a cesspool of cor­rup­tion and an immense drain on the scarce resources of the coun­try. Jamaica is in debt to the tune of Billions of American dol­lars, yet the aver­age per­son on the streets has no way of mea­sur­ing how those monies they, their chil­dren and their chil­dren’s chil­dren will have to pay back has pos­i­tive­ly impact­ed their lives. As we speak the Contractor General Greg Christie is fight­ing a los­ing bat­tle in get­ting both par­ties to enact leg­is­la­tion giv­ing teeth to the office of Contractors General , which would enable him to effec­tive­ly inves­ti­gate, issue sub­poe­na and arrest trans­gres­sors in the award­ing of pub­lic con­tracts. They stead­fast­ly refuse to give him and future CG’s that pow­er, the fact is they are the ones who are ben­e­fit­ting from these nefar­i­ous and dis­gust­ing acts of thiev­ery that is bank­rupt­ing the coun­try and are not about to grant any­one the pow­er to arrest them or quote“stop dem food”.
As time pro­gressed the thugs who run the com­mu­ni­ties on a day to basis real­ized they real­ly did not need the politi­cians for any­thing more than polit­i­cal cov­er from law enforce­ment, this result­ed in a dan­ger­ous flip in the bal­ance of pow­er between the don and the politi­cian, the tail was effec­tive­ly wag­ging the dog. The Jamaican film Shottas par­o­dies the sit­u­a­tion per­fect­ly, the pro­lif­er­a­tion of ille­gal drugs , mar­i­jua­na and cocaine changed the dynam­ics in the 1980’s and 90’s many com­mu­ni­ty enforcers became rot­ten rich men who need­ed no hand­outs from politi­cians and as such did not have to lis­ten to them. they con­trolled the politi­cians, hand­ed out treats to com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers, whilst at the same time exert­ing tight con­trol over the peo­ple liv­ing with­in these communities,the con­trol includ­ed rape of their chil­dren boys and girls, many peo­ple sent their chil­dren from their com­mu­ni­ties and report­ed them miss­ing to the police in order to save them from vicious sex­u­al abuse at the hands of com­mu­ni­ty enforcers. The pow­er cre­at­ed an aura and a mys­tique of invin­ci­bil­i­ty than caused one Don to over-reach, which may have cul­mi­nat­ed in the untime­ly depar­ture of a Prime Minister from Office. He found out too late that his abil­i­ty to pro­tect an enforcer did not extend beyond Jamaica’s shores.
Being a Garrison mem­ber of Parliament has sev­er­al perks, some of which means nev­er hav­ing to wor­ry about relin­quish­ing pow­er, con­stant­ly feed­ing at the pub­lic trough. receiv­ing un-earned nation­al hon­ors, con­stant­ly being show­ered with adu­la­tion and praise, and all that politi­cian has to do is pre­tend to care and offer plat­i­tudes to mem­bers of the con­stituen­cy. There is no one that this char­ac­ter­i­za­tion fits more than the leader of the oppo­si­tion Portia Simpson Miller, she insists there are no walls in the con­stituen­cy of south-west St Andrew she has rep­re­sent­ed for over 35 years, from majes­tic Gardens to Whitfield Town, to the bot­tom of Maxfield avenue, west along Spanish Town Road the rot and decay is pal­pa­ble, I am told the con­stituen­cy was a pris­tine place pre-Portia, how­ev­er the brand of pol­i­tics she brought to that area has turned the area into a ghost town that remains so to this day, it has how­ev­er kept her in office, notice I omit­ted the word “elect­ed” .She and her hus­band has also been bestowed with the high hon­or of “Most Honorable”. Only in Jamaica.
This brings us to the Prime Minister’s sym­bol­ic ges­ture to Miller, a let­ter ask­ing her to walk the gar­risons with him, a first step that would show that there is no need to kill each oth­er in the name of politics.
Miller hes­i­tat­ed, I pre­sumed untill some­one must have coined a response for her, in response here’s what she told the Prime Minister, Quote“a mere walk through the com­mu­ni­ties would not achieve the desired out­comes ‚while I am not opposed to par­tic­i­pat­ing in the tour with the prime min­is­ter, such an ini­tia­tive should be sup­port­ed by a pro­gramme of social trans­for­ma­tion.”
Hah pre­con­di­tions ! Simpson Miller has been in rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al pol­i­tics from I was a child, she has risen to the top of the food chain to being Prime Minister the high­est elect­ed office in the land. Even though she attained the Office the same way Holness did , by default she was in office for two years. She has been a part of sev­er­al PNP admin­is­tra­tions , the last last­ed for 1812 years. Throughout all of this she nev­er saw fit even when she had the ulti­mate pow­er as Prime Minister of the coun­try to effect change, Miller was unable to show the nec­es­sary lead­er­ship that would affect social trans­for­ma­tion.
Andrew Holness has been in office for all of 3 weeks, yet Portia Simpson Miller wants him to ensure social trans­for­ma­tion before she can agree to a sim­ple and sym­bol­ic walk of unity.
Portia Simpson Miller has rep­re­sent­ed the south St Andrew con­stituen­cy since Andrew Holness was 4 years old, today the peo­ple in that con­stituen­cy who may have sur­vived the killings and pover­ty that is the norm there are worse off than they were 35 years ago before the arrival of hur­ri­cane Portia. Miller has had the lead­er­ship reins of the coun­try and we have seen noth­ing to point to that would cause us to believe she under­stand the chal­lenges of the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry or has the req­ui­site skills to nav­i­gate the com­pli­cat­ed waters of inter­na­tion­al diplo­ma­cy nec­es­sary to secure fund­ing, and devel­ope­ment for our people.
Social trans­for­ma­tion is impor­tant, it was impor­tant when Miller entered the polit­i­cal game, it is impor­tant today, but it cer­tain­ly will not be achieved overnight, nei­ther will launch­ing a so-called ini­tia­tive change the cir­cum­stance of peo­ple need­ing inter­ven­tion in their com­mu­ni­ties. A leader must be able to attend to sev­er­al things at the same time, a sym­bol­ic walk through the gar­risons and a social inter­ven­tion pro­gramme are not mutu­al­ly exclu­sive, they can be accom­plished simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, (ride and whis­tle). This leads us to the con­clu­sion that Portia Simpson Miller talks the talk but when the time comes for her to walk the talk she is nowhere to be found. It is imper­a­tive that the Jamaican peo­ple and more so those who are encap­su­lat­ed with­in those zones of exclu­sions under­stand that their future is, as it has always been, in their hands and their hands alone. Neither Sister P nor Prince Andrew has the solu­tion to their prob­lems, peo­ple liv­ing there for over 50 years have seen Andrew Holness come into this world and attain the office of Prime Minister at the ten­der age of 39 and their cir­cum­stance remains the same , it is time for them to shrug off the bondage of alle­giance they have to both par­ties and decid­ed­ly carve a path for them­selves and their children.
As I have stat­ed before, Garrisons are the same as slav­ery, those caught with­in the psy­cho­log­i­cal walls of those com­mu­ni­ties are deprived of the every­day ameni­ties oth­ers take for grant­ed. clean drink­ing water, afford­able hous­ing, education,health-care, clean air, prop­er police and fire ser­vices, these are some of the most basic things that most peo­ple take for grant­ed but are absent from most gar­ri­son com­mu­ni­ties, in Jamaica gar­ri­son com­mu­ni­ties and the police have a need­less acri­mo­nious rela­tion­ship that is built on dis­trust of each oth­er, a dis­trust foment­ed and fed by the very politi­cians who rep­re­sent the garrisons.
Poverty is not hered­i­tary, it is not genet­ic, peo­ple from the rur­al parts of the coun­try has proven that, left alone to be all they can be Jamaicans from all parts of the coun­try have escaped pover­ty , and have risen to the halls of pow­er and the zenith of suc­cess in Education and Business, cows do not feed and wait for the grass to grow under their feet so they can eat again, they keep mov­ing, no one should allow geo­graph­i­cal bound­aries set by oth­ers who do not live with­in those said bound­aries to dic­tate how they live their lives. Untill peo­ple edu­cate them­selves and make politi­cians like Simpson Miller per­sona non gra­ta (not wel­come) in their com­mu­ni­ties they will con­tin­ue to be behold­en to the dic­tates of those invis­i­ble walls. And yes Portia your con­stituen­cy has walls you are just unable to see them.
Andrew Holness if he is seri­ous must under­stand that the change he seek will not come from the likes of Simpson Miller ‚the old guard,they were schooled in the old ways , they are a part of the prob­lem ‚not the solu­tion , if progress is to be made the train must be rolled around them,begin with a mas­sive pro­gram of mobi­liza­tion to a nation­al awak­en­ing, love of God pride in coun­try and duty to our fel­low-man , if you can inspire the nation you will have a chance to make difference,do not wait on Portia, or you wait in vain , Portia is the Garrison, the gar­ri­son is Portia.
have your say.

The Implosion Of Herman Caine:

My com­ments are not sci­en­tif­ic ‚and should be viewed with­in the sim­ple prism of an ordi­nary per­son with a pletho­ra of opin­ions and noth­ing more. My com­ments are sup­port­ed by data where prac­ti­ca­ble , but should not be con­fused with any­thing sci­en­tif­ic or sophis­ti­cat­ed. I am not a trained Journalist and as such my state­ments must be assim­i­lat­ed in the organ­ic con­text in which they were intended.

On October 12th 2011 I post­ed a blog about black con­ser­vatism in America as I saw it from my lay perspective.

The post was titled Black Republicanism in America, I made the bold state­ment then that Herman Caine Former God father piaz­za CEO would not be the Republican Nominee for pres­i­dent. My state­ments were bold ‚because oth­er than the nar­ra­tive I laid out in that post I had no inside infor­ma­tion that would oth­er­wise cause me to come to that conclusion.

Herman Caine Rick Perry Mitt Romney

For those who are not reg­u­lar read­ers of my blogs this would be a good time to go back to that blog and acquaint your­selves with the com­ments in that post. I was real­ly angry at Caine for run­ning around the coun­try dis­re­spect­ing hard-work­ing Americans who are find­ing it hard to find work or make ends meet. Caine stat­ed with­out equiv­o­ca­tion that it was no one’s fault but their own,referring to out of work Americans. This rep­re­sent­ed ‚at least to me the most arro­gant ‚ego­ma­ni­a­cal dis­re­spect that could be heaped on the mid­dle class in this coun­try. This rep­re­sent­ed what has become com­mon-place behav­ior for those on the extreme right in their rapa­cious dis­dain for the mid­dle class.

Herman Caine strut­ted around mak­ing grand state­ments about things he did not take time to acquaint him­self with. He stout­ly declared he would not be the fla­vor of the month when his poll num­bers start­ed head­ing north,and those of Michelle Bachman were rapid­ly head­ing toward the south pole. It would have served mis­ter Caine well had he availed him­self to the fact that China test­ed their first nuclear device from as far back as the 1960’s . It would have been use­ful if Caine knew that China’s econ­o­my is intrin­si­cal­ly tied to ours and it is in their inter­est to have us as a trad­ing part­ner, rather than an ene­my. Caine would have been well served had he known that the Chinese have made no move despite their humon­gous army and mil­i­tary might ‚to extend their geo­graph­i­cal bor­ders mil­i­tar­i­ly. Mister Caine would have been well served had he under­stood that send­ing war­ships to the Persian gulf to agi­tate a war with Iran is a bad idea for world peace , and serves no use­ful pur­pose but to fur­ther the finan­cial inter­est of the super rich and the mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex. MisterCaine would have been well served had he not demon­strat­ed con­tempt for his race and the tra­vails we have endured, sim­ply because he has accom­plished some finan­cial stability.

It is no sur­prise then that as I pre­dict­ed that Caine was des­tined for fail­ure, that the inevitable implo­sion of Herman Caine has began.I have heard a lot of adjec­tives used to describe Caine usu­al­ly flow­ery ones from the patron­iz­ing whack jobs on the right . They most­ly refer to him as a smart like­able guy,ok ‚I am not about to say whether he is like­able or not, I have nev­er met the guy, I have read that he attend­ed col­lege and did pret­ty well for him­self as a busi­ness man, but smart?

How smart could Caine be if as head of God fathers piaz­za he was accused of sex­u­al­ly harass­ing female sub­or­di­nates ‚the case was settled,he’s run­ning for pres­i­dent of the United States and (1) did not expect the sto­ry to come out , and (2) did not have a pre­pared response? Did some­one say he was a smart guy? I beg to differ!

Newt Gingrich Charles Krauthammer

Come on Herman which is it ?you went from not know­ing about any sex­u­al harass­ment,to hav­ing a vague rec­ol­lec­tion of an incident,to there was one instant where you were stand­ing next to a woman and you said to her “you are about the same height as my wife” to you know of no pay out, to know­ing that a pay­out was made , but you hoped it was­n’t much , to it was just the equiv­a­lent of a few months salary, which is it? Sexual harass­ment claims are a com­mon occur­rence in the work-place some are true , some are fab­ri­cat­ed for mon­e­tary rea​sons​.It is under­stand­able that under all cir­cum­stances if an alle­ga­tion was made that in the inter­est of the com­pa­ny the mat­ter would have been set­tled, whether Caine was guilty or not, there is no win­ning when one gets accused of these kinds of charges. I have no knowl­edge of mis­ter Caine’s guilt or innocence,but I under­stand his desire to keep the inci­dent out of the pub­lic’s domain,in the inter­est of his fam­i­ly and his campaign.

But here is a nov­el idea , how about when asked about the issue, Caine had looked into the cam­era and said to the reporter, “Yes as head of the restau­rant asso­ci­a­tion of America there were alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al harass­ment made against me by low­er lev­el staff mem­bers of the com­pa­ny ‚these kinds of things hap­pen ever day and com­pa­nies have devised ways to deal with them, one such way to deal with them is to offer the accusers some mon­ey to make the mat­ter go away,one may argue it is extor­tion , but when you have a rep­u­ta­tion to uphold you do not want to get bogged down in a messy court case to clear your name, it’s the nature of the beast”.

Mister Caine the smart busi­ness-man/politi­cian did not do this, he pro­ceed­ed to deny and obfus­cate. Charles Krauthhammer not­ed con­ser­v­a­tive icon stat­ed that Caine seemed to be wing­ing it, in ref­er­ence to non­sen­si­cal answers Caine has been giv­ing on the stump to sim­ple ques­tions. And of course faced with the bub­bling caul­dron of a scan­dal that this mat­ter has now inevitably mor­phed into, Krauthammer could not resist ask­ing the bonan­za ques­tion of Caine on (Fox mis­in­for­ma­tion) quote ” Do you believe that race has any­thing to do with this see­ing you are a black con­ser­v­a­tive)? Caine’s response floored me, Quote “Yes I think so but I have no evi­dence to sup­port my belief”. Really ?.…..Ok, so how does race plays into this as far as Caine is con­cerned ? First one would have to assume that the infor­ma­tion was leaked by some­one white, who has an inter­est in see­ing Caine destroyed, sure­ly Democrats would sure­ly like to see Herman Caine matched up against Barack Obama, so that rules out the democrats.This brings us back to the present class of repub­li­can clowns , Caine’s friends. Caine has now blamed a staffer in Rick Perry’s cam­paign who worked on a pre­vi­ous cam­paign of his , Caine stat­ed emphat­i­cal­ly that it had to be that staffer who leaked the infor­ma­tion as he had con­fid­ed that infor­ma­tion to him when he was in his employ. Needless to say that for­mer staffer appeared on nation­al tele­vi­sion and debunked the notion that Caine ever told him any such thing ‚which made it impos­si­ble for him to be the source of the leak, Perry also denied that he had any knowl­edge of the alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al harass­ment in Herman Caine’s past.

These devel­op­ments have revealed Caine to be either pet­ty , a liar or both. If as he claims, Caine told that for­mer staffer of the alle­ga­tions against him when he was in his employ, how could he tell reporters he had no knowl­edge of any alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al har­ras­ment against him? This has led me to say some­thing I take no plea­sure in say­ing, Herman Caine has proven him­self to be a liar. Herman Caine has fall­en on his own sword faster that even I had imag­ined, this is kar­ma per­son­i­fied. I believed he would fiz­zle, and trust me fiz­zle he will, I just nev­er thought it would be as a result of any­thing in his past, I tru­ly believed he would be for­got­ten soon, as a result of the fact that the present ver­sion of what obtains for the repub­li­can par­ty, behold­en hook line and sinker to the ultra right, and mired in a ide­o­log­i­cal puri­ty search, are unhap­py with the stan­dard-bear­er Mitt Romney, and are as a result search­ing for an alter­na­tive. Hence their brief romance with Bachman , Perry and now Caine. I’m not opposed to Herman Caine sole­ly because of his pol­i­tics . I am opposed by his pol­i­tics, but I am more revolt­ed by his crass elit­ist dis­re­gard and dis­re­spect for the mid­dle class. He has demon­strat­ed a brand of craven dis­dain, attrib­ut­able only to the present day repub­li­can par­ty, and their fel­low sup­port­ers on the fringe right, who believe, “I made it, damn every­body else”.

One would have thought some­one like Herman Caine, a prod­uct of mid­dle America of African American Ancestry, who wit­nessed his par­ents toil to send him and his broth­er to good schools so that they can expe­ri­ence the American dream, would have a greater appre­ci­a­tion for the work­ing class . Caine has art­ful­ly removed the lynch­ings , Jim crow, Bull O’Connor dogs and cops, seg­re­gat­ed water foun­tains restau­rants and oth­er ameni­ties, sep­a­rate but equal,and all of the trav­es­ty and shame vis­it­ed on black Americans, effec­tive­ly eras­ing those atroc­i­ties from African-American his­to­ry as if they nev­er hap­pened or con­tin­ue to hap­pen. Yet he has the temer­i­ty and gall to attribute his present trou­bles to racism. This is the same Caine who said he saw no racism at tea par­ty ral­lies, some of which were lit­tle more that glo­ri­fied Klan ral­lies.

Herman Caine can­not be allowed to have it both ways, he has dis­re­spect­ed the black com­mu­ni­ty, but wants to claim racism where none exists. Herman Caine the nov­el­ty, has no more use for the black com­mu­ni­ty than Clarence Thomas does. A pres­i­dent Caine would be a dis­as­ter for the black com­mu­ni­ty, As such our com­mu­ni­ty should not allow him to hide behind us, using us as cov­er to accom­plish the goals of the far right, goals that do not line up with our aspi­ra­tions. As a mat­ter of fact his goals and aspi­ra­tions do not line up with the 99% of work­ing peo­ple in this country.
