Democratic Party Slow-walked It’s Supporters Into Voting By Mail, That May Be The Difference This Election Cycle…

It is now down to a sin­gle day before the world knows out­right or has an idea whether American Democracy is dead, or that the process of rebuild­ing trust in the Democratic process will begin on January 20th, 2020.

Donald Trump and his cohorts in Republican-run states have made no secret about doing all that they can to make sure that peo­ple that may vote against them do not get to vote.
That is not how democ­ra­cies work, but that memo has not got­ten to the likes of Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbot, who decreed that there should be only one bal­lot drop-box per county.
This includes the Democratic strong­hold of Harris County; it is the state’s largest coun­ty by pop­u­la­tion — one of the most pop­u­lous in the coun­try is a land­mass of 1777 square miles. Harris County must now reduce its 12 drop-off loca­tions down to one.
The State’s Republican supreme court upheld Abbot’s decision.

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Donald Trump knew that syco­phants like Abbot and oth­er Republicans, would allow him to destroy the American exper­i­ment because of their rapa­cious desire to main­tain polit­i­cal pow­er. He push­es the enve­lope so that peo­ple like Abbot and oth­ers will do the destruc­tion at the state lev­el. Simultaneously, the courts he has stacked with unqual­i­fied lack­eys will val­i­date their actions as constitutional.
It is not a the­o­ry; it is exact­ly what they are doing this cycle.
Not only has Donald Trump demo­nized the elec­toral process to cast doubt on it, but he also put Louis Dejoy, one of his lack­eys, and big donors, in charge of the postal ser­vice. Louis Dejoy imme­di­ate­ly set about to dis­rupt mail deliv­ery by remov­ing some oper­a­tional appa­ra­tus that are crit­i­cal com­po­nents that inex­orably slow down the mail.
Even after a court-ordered Dejoy to replace the com­po­nents that he removed, there is still no real sense as to whether (a) they have been replaced, or (b) even if they have been rein­stalled, if it will be in time to facil­i­tate smooth deliv­ery of the mail across the coun­try in a time­ly fash­ion to ensure that mail-in bal­lots arrived at states boards of elec­tions on time to be count­ed in this year’s pres­i­den­tial elections.

Throughout this elec­tion cycle, Donald Trump has demon­strat­ed that he is total­ly hell-bent on dis­rupt­ing the elec­tions in a bid to have the vote result­ing in a sec­ond term for himself.
The lev­el of cor­rup­tion, intim­i­da­tion, and cal­cu­la­tive maneu­ver­ing he has employed in his bid to affect the out­come of the elec­tions in his favor is like noth­ing we have seen before.
It is brazen, despot­ic, and unprece­dent­ed in its audac­i­ty. Shockingly, the whole world watch­es as Republicans are all in on help­ing Donald Trump to take down the word’s old­est democ­ra­cy, and why?
Donald Trump has giv­en them that which no Republican pres­i­dent in mod­ern times had, the abil­i­ty to dis­crim­i­nate against racial minori­ties with­out consequence.
Trump has now remade the fed­er­al judi­cia­ry in a sin­gle term, 13 of all the mem­bers on the Federal bench was put there by Donald Trump. That includes three on the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amey Coney Barrett.

Democrats, for their part, walked right into the trap Donald Trump laid for them. Not only has the Biden Campaign and the head of the DNC slow-walked Democratic vot­ers into vot­ing by mail, but they did so know­ing full well that Donald Trump was work­ing fever­ish­ly and assid­u­ous­ly to ensure that the postal ser­vice would be unable to deliv­er mail-in-bal­lots in time for them to be counted.
In some states, unless votes arrive by elec­tion day, even if they are post-marked as hav­ing being mailed before elec­tion day, they will be tossed out.
The Democratic insis­tence on walk­ing vot­ers into a burn­ing build­ing defies log­ic and com­mon sense. Biden, the Democratic nom­i­nee, has naive­ly insist­ed that he is run­ning his cam­paign the way he would gov­ern if he is elect­ed pres­i­dent of the United States.
The fact that the Biden cam­paign and the DNC would encour­age Democratic vot­ers to vote by mail, know­ing all that Trump has been doing to ensure that bal­lots did not arrive in time to be count­ed is beyond insane.

There are myr­i­ad ways by which mailed-in bal­lots may be dis­qual­i­fied; with that in mind, it is hard to under­stand the Democratic strat­e­gy of con­tin­u­ing to encour­age vot­ers to vote by mail. Trump has already installed his judges at all lev­els of the Federal judi­cia­ry to car­ry out his strong­man wish­es, not to men­tion the par­ti­san Republican judges that already pop­u­lat­ed state courts, even in blue Democratic states like New York, and California.
People are stand­ing in line to vote for four-five, and even sev­en hours; on the oth­er hand, peo­ple are going about their busi­ness­es, wear­ing masks, or not, social­ly dis­tanced, or not, life is not back to what it was pre-COVID-19, but peo­ple are liv­ing their lives.
If peo­ple are get­ting on with their lives, there is no rea­son that they can­not stand in line to pick the next president.
Whatever neg­a­tive sce­nar­ios occur after Tuesday’s elec­tions-relat­ed to mail-in bal­lots, Biden and the DNC should blame no one but themselves.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
