Trump Thugs Threaten & Intimidate Many Armed, No Arrests Made, Anti Racism Demonstrators Arrested Instead…

Trump car­a­van shuts down New York city’s white­stone bridge even as it had a police escort. It must be remem­bered that the New York Police Department (NYPD’s) Union that rep­re­sents Rank and file cops unan­i­mous­ly endorsed Donald Trump.
As you rec­on­cile that fact, it is impor­tant to process that with the fact that the NYPD arrest­ed ten peo­ple Sunday after­noon dur­ing an anti-Trump protest near High Line Park in Chelsea.

This was the Mario Cuomo bridge in New York on Sunday afternoon.

The harass­ing behav­ior is not only hap­pen­ing in New York City, where the Police Department has all but made itself a part of the Trump cam­paign and, and has waged a lit­er­al war on pro­tes­tors of Trump’s poli­cies and Police criminality.

Biden cam­paign bus encir­cled by dozens of Trump hood­lums, many armed with semi-auto­mat­ic weapons tried to force the bus off the road in Texas.

Democratic law­mak­ers were on board and plan­ning to speak at a since-can­celed event in the Austin sub­urb of Pflugerville. Austin City Councilor Sheryl Cole called it “a 1st for me.”
Please remem­ber that in the six­ties, black free­dom rid­ers were harassed, beat­en, and mur­dered in the very same south, in many cas­es with the aid of local police.

On local politi­cian, Rafael Anchía, accused “armed Trump trolls” of “harass­ing” the bus and “ramming vol­un­teer vehi­cles.” He also said Eric Trump had incit­ed “this vio­lence” on Facebook. Trump’s oth­er son, Don Jr., tweet­ed a video urg­ing Trumpers to appear at a Kamala Harris event in Texas: “Hey Laredo, Don Jr. here,” he said. “I heard you had an awe­some turnout for the Trump Train. It’d be great if you guys would all get togeth­er, head down to McAllen, and give Kamala Harris a nice Trump Train wel­come.” In sep­a­rate inci­dents, pro-Trump pro­test­ers have sur­round­ed a Joe Biden event in Minnesota, shout­ed at ear­ly vot­ers in Virginia, and threat­ened a reporter film­ing a pro-Trump ral­ly in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Read more Election 2020 sto­ries.) accord­ing to news​er​.com.

Cars attend­ing an Anti-Communist Caravan for Freedom and Democracy and in sup­port of Donald Trump, lined up to enter the Magic City Casinos park­ing lot at 450 NW 37 Avenue before start­ing the car­a­van route through sev­er­al Miami streets on Saturday, Oct. 10, 2020.
Read more here: https://​www​.miami​her​ald​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​l​o​c​a​l​/​c​o​m​m​u​n​i​t​y​/​m​i​a​m​i​-​d​a​d​e​/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​2​4​6​3​8​2​8​3​0​.​h​t​m​l​#​s​t​o​r​y​l​i​n​k​=​cpy.

It is remark­able to rec­on­cile that despite the many instances of Trump’s thugs threat­en­ing Biden sup­port­ers, there has not been a sin­gle arrest report­ed from these encounters.
Juxtapose that with the shock­ing vio­lence that police Departments all across the coun­try inflict on peace­ful pro­tes­tors against police vio­lence and Trump’s racist policies.
Many peace­ful demon­stra­tors have been killed by police, oth­ers have lost their eyes, and even more, have been bru­tal­ized and arrest­ed sim­ply for exer­cis­ing their right to peace­ably protest.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
