Black Christians Being Fooled By Republicans On The Issue Of Abortions.….….

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In recent times I have writ­ten about the lies in the cul­ture wars Republicans are wag­ing, par­tic­u­lar­ly as it relates to the issue of abor­tions. In so doing I have sought to point out the glar­ing incon­sis­ten­cies between what they say they are fight­ing for, and their actu­al deeds, which shows that they are lying hypocrites.
As I have point­ed out, Republicans led by the heretics in the so-called white evan­gel­i­cal faith, are sole­ly con­cerned about abor­tion, because white women are not hav­ing enough babies to main­tain the numer­ic white strength in America that they need to main­tain white supremacy.

On the issue of Immigration, they want that lim­it­ed if not total­ly dried up for the same rea­son. Black and brown immi­grants tend to be more exposed and there­fore less closed-mind­ed, so they are gen­er­al­ly less like­ly to vote for a white right-wing par­ty that hates peo­ple of color.
Even in cas­es where the immi­grants do come in and sell their very souls to the Republicans, a‑la the major­i­ty of the Cubans in south Florida, — [a‑la Raphael Cruz & Liddle Marco Rubio, et al[sic], they are tol­er­at­ed for their votes, not accept­ed as real Americans.

(Steve King R Iowa)

Here is Steve King, a Republican con­gress­man from Iowa in a tweet in March of 2017: Wilders under­stands that cul­ture and demo­graph­ics are our des­tiny. We can’t restore our civ­i­liza­tion with some­body else’s babies.
Donald Trump, in a con­ver­sa­tion in which he referred to peo­ple arriv­ing in the United States from coun­tries that are large­ly Black and Brown, referred to those coun­tries as *shit­hole coun­tries*. He asked: ” Why can’t we have peo­ple from Norway?
Norway is a homoge­nous­ly white European nation, so there you have it.

The decep­tion in the fight against abor­tions that have been wrapped in reli­gious pack­ag­ing for moral valid­i­ty, is easy to unmask, not by what they are say­ing, but by what they are doing.
It not only reveals the lies and hypocrisy but unrav­els the whole cha­rade that is behind the white evan­gel­i­cal movement.
Unfortunately, there is a bunch of Black Church folk who have also fall­en vic­tim to this fraud, and have thrown their sup­port behind the Republican Party, a par­ty that is anti­thet­i­cal to their inter­ests, yet it has been able to fool some into believ­ing that on the dual issues of abor­tions and reli­gion they should sup­port that party.
On the sem­i­nal issues that affect Blacks in their dai­ly lives, the Republican par­ty has stead­fast­ly posi­tioned itself against Black Americans. On race and police vio­lence, on repa­ra­tions, on edu­ca­tion, hous­ing, on health­care, on afford­able hous­ing, clean drink­ing water, on vot­ing rights.
On issue after issue, the Republican Party has posi­tioned itself square­ly between the for­ward progress of Blacks and where they need to be.

On the most basic of sus­te­nance that is food stamps and oth­er dietary sup­ple­men­tary pro­grams that have been cre­at­ed to aid the poor­est and most vul­ner­a­ble, Republicans have opposed giv­ing those dietary sup­ple­ments to chil­dren in order for them to survive.
Blacks are among the poor­est peo­ple in the coun­try, so when Republicans oppose dietary sup­ple­ments for the poor­est among us they are say­ing they do not care whether Black babies live or die.
When Police mur­der young Black men and boys Republicans change the sub­ject to law and order. What they are say­ing is that they do not care if Black men and boys live or die.

A few days ago I wrote about some folks in the Black com­mu­ni­ty pre­tend­ing to [be woke].….. then there are the celebri­ties as well, some of whom take it upon them­selves to speak for Black peo­ple, when they them­selves are inca­pable of artic­u­lat­ing a full sen­tence on their own behalf.
Trump and Republicans dis­re­spect Lebron and Steph and oth­ers who do not buy into his racist bull­shit, but his cam­paign invit­ed [Ice cube] or what­ev­er his name is, to sit down on behalf of Black people.
Who does Ice Cube speak for?

Kenneth Williams

The tragedy with watch­ing these events, is the clar­i­ty with which the truth unfolds, but because many of these negroes do not both­er to read they fall for every shiny object.
Why would any­one sit down with Trump and his cam­paign giv­en his record of racism and lies? Nothing that comes out of him is cred­i­ble, every­thing that comes out of him is decep­tive and self-serving.
And so while these Christians and oth­er negroes are run­ning around talk­ing about sup­port­ing Trump and the Republican par­ty, the true agen­da of the Republican par­ty is on full dis­play in places like Arkansas for all to see. Not to men­tion what his per­son­al Attorney William Barr is doing in the Department of Justice to send Blacks back to the plantations.

Arkansas has car­ried out its fourth exe­cu­tion with­in a week, bring­ing to a trou­bling end the state’s con­tro­ver­sial attempt to run a “con­vey­or belt of death” in an aggres­sive burst of killings unseen in the US for more than half a century.
 Kenneth Williams was pro­nounced dead at 11.05 pm local time at the end of a 13-minute lethal injec­tion that result­ed in dis­turb­ing signs of dis­tress on the part of the prisoner.
Eyewitnesses in the death cham­ber report­ed that his whole body shook with 15 or 20 con­vul­sions just min­utes into the pro­ce­dure, and that he con­tin­ued to breathe heav­i­ly even after a par­a­lyt­ic was inject­ed into him to ren­der all move­ment impos­si­ble.
Despite pleas from fam­i­ly mem­bers of the vic­tim not to exe­cute Williams Asa Hutchinson hur­ried­ly had him killed, and the Republican-dom­i­nat­ed Supreme Court refused to hear their case for a stay, much less for clemency.

It is not a ques­tion of whether one believes in the death penal­ty or not, it is a ques­tion of how Republican Governors in Republican-run states are eager and will­ing to kill Black inmates with cal­lous dis­patch, and a Republican-dom­i­nat­ed Supreme Court with the likes of Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh who refus­es to even hear their appeals.
Experts point­ed to sev­er­al issues in these killings, includ­ing the drugs of choice which they argue cause unnec­es­sary suffering.
According to report­ing from the Guardian, Kenneth Williams made a lengthy state­ment before he was killed. He apol­o­gized to all his vic­tims’ fam­i­lies, and said: “I was more than wrong. The crimes I per­pe­trat­ed against you all were sense­less, extreme­ly hurt­ful, and inex­cus­able. I humbly beg your for­give­ness and pray that you find the peace, heal­ing, and clo­sure you all deserve.”

People are free to vote for the par­ty of their choice, peo­ple are free to sup­port whomev­er they chose but for some of you who pur­port to speak for the Black com­mu­ni­ty, please do the hon­or­able thing and tell the peo­ple you are seek­ing to influ­ence that you are just dogs chas­ing bones.
Tell the truth that you have been promised some­thing and that’s the rea­son you are run­ning around behind Republicans. But what­ev­er you do, please do not try to dis­tort real­i­ty with your lies.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
