Why Is Ben Sassing Trump Now?

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse did not bite his tongue when he addressed a group of his con­stituents in a tele­phone town hall meet­ing recent­ly; please tell us how you feel, Ben.
Other than the wishy-washy Mitt Romney of Utah and Susan Collins of Maine, the only oth­er US Senator who has ever dared to dis­agree with [wannabe strong­man Donald Trump] open­ly, has been [flaky Jeff Flake of Arizona], of course, he did what Trump want­ed, threw a few stones then ducked out before Trump could chop his head off.

Sasse respond­ed to ques­tions from con­stituents as to why he has open­ly crit­i­cized Donald Trump, a Republican President, for Republican polar­ized cultists, which is an almost unfor­giv­able sin.
In response, Ben Sasse told them Trump has “flirt­ed with white suprema­cists,” and “kiss­es dic­ta­tors’ butts, and mocks Christian evan­gel­i­cals in private.
I total­ly agree with Sasse on the two for­mer charges, but I am total­ly in agree­ment with Trump as it relates to Trump mock­ing Evangelicals.
White Christian Evangelicals are total idiots and hyp­ocrites to boot.
Sasse also crit­i­cized Trump’s han­dling of the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic and said Trump’s fam­i­ly had treat­ed the pres­i­den­cy “as a busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ty. “I mean, he and I have a very dif­fer­ent for­eign pol­i­cy,” Sasse said. “It isn’t just that he fails to lead our allies. It’s that we — the United States — reg­u­lar­ly sell out our allies under his leadership.”
Sasse said he crit­i­cizes Trump for how he treats women and because Trump “spends like a drunk­en sailor,” say­ing he crit­i­cized Democratic President Barack Obama for over­spend­ing as well.

Millions of Americans have already vot­ed; in fact, as I am writ­ing this piece, more than 20 mil­lion have already cast their bal­lots, so think on this.
As California Congressman, and for­mer pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Eric Swalwell have point­ed out, Ben Sasse vot­ed to acquit Trump’s impeach­ment tri­al. His vot­ing record in the US Senate, has been lock­step in line with Donald Trump’s agen­da.
If you want to see whether Ben Sasse is doing this out of a strong moral con­vic­tion, rather than deeply rapa­cious per­son­al lust, watch to see if he will cast a vote against seat­ing Amey Coney Barrett on the United States Supreme Court.

Ben Sasse is a 48-years old Yale edu­cat­ed Republican Senator who is whip-smart. Ben Sasse wait­ed until the writ­ing is now on the wall that Trump may be implod­ing to release what he believes will be retriev­able evi­dence of his oppo­si­tion to Donald Trump’s corruption.
Evidence that he believes, will cleanse him of the putrid stench of his oth­er­wise servile syco­phancy to Trump’s agenda.
Ben Sasse has not object­ed to a sin­gle one of Trump’s crimes, not on his ille­gal Muslim ban, not on lock­ing chil­dren in cages, not on his breach­es of the emol­u­ments clause, not on his killing of Iranian General Solemani, not on his attempt to destroy NATO, not on his crazy trade war on China, not on divid­ing the coun­try along racial lines, not on cozy­ing up to white suprema­cists .…..until this outburst.
So what is it that caused Ben Sasse to speak out against Donald Trump’s crimes now?

Above all things else, Sasse is a shrewd­ly intel­li­gent younger man who sees him­self going places. There will be life after Donald Trump, and some­one will need to rise from the ash­es, regard­less of when that time comes…There will be a reck­on­ing for what this iter­a­tion of the Republican par­ty has done to the country.
Sasse wants to be the phoenix that ris­es from the ash­es to rep­re­sent the par­ty when that time comes, maybe as ear­ly as 2024.
Many wel­come Ben Sasse’s com­ments, includ­ing some Democrats, who are hap­py for any­thing that looks like bipar­ti­san oppo­si­tion to what Trump represents.
Not me.
Sasse point­ed out that Donald Trump’s actions will result in young peo­ple trend­ing away from the Republican par­ty nev­er to return. He laments that the[ young peo­ple will become life­long Democrats], not the harm that Trump is doing to the country.
For Ben Sasse, like oth­er Republicans who are not mem­bers of the Lincoln Project, it is all about polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy, and hold­ing raw power.
Like the oth­er Republicans, Ben Sasse is just anoth­er two-bit polit­i­cal hus­tler.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer; he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
