Black Woman Filmmaker Who Produced Film About Police Brutality Gets Attacked By Police

Brittany Chrishawn, the pro­duc­er of the award-win­ning police bru­tal­i­ty film “Illville,” gets attacked and left with bro­ken teeth after police tres­pass on her property.
Brittany Chrishawn, an award-win­ning African-American film­mak­er and social jus­tice advo­cate who pro­duced a film that explores police bru­tal­i­ty, has been bru­tal­ized her­self by police offi­cers in Jacksonville, Florida. Her film Illville most recent­ly won an award at The Cannes International Pan African Film Festival 2020.

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The police allege that Brittany assault­ed an offi­cer with a plas­tic spoon while he was seat­ed in his car in her dri­ve­way, but there’s video footage show­ing the offi­cer get­ting out of the car to col­lect the plas­tic spoon from the ground to use as evi­dence against her.
We live in a time where police mis­con­duct has been exposed for the epi­dem­ic that it is, but far too many sto­ries of vic­tims who’ve sur­vived police bru­tal­i­ty go untold, and these are the vic­tims who have to endure fight­ing wrong­ful con­vic­tions with­out the strong sup­port of the pub­lic eye and nation­al media out­lets. This sto­ry deserves the public’s atten­tion because vic­to­ry with this case will pro­vide a bench­mark for peo­ple of col­or who may be sub­ject­ed to this type of police mis­con­duct in the future. It will be a great step for­ward in this age-old fight for basic human/​civil rights.

On May 13th, 2020, JSO offi­cer Carmona parked in Brittany’s dri­ve­way for no legal rea­son; the police report claims he thought the prop­er­ty was vacant so he parked there to check his email. Brittany Chrishawn Williams-Moore approached the officer’s vehi­cle to ask the offi­cer if she could help him, but she end­ed up hav­ing to call 911 to report the offi­cer for refus­ing to give a rea­son for him being there and refus­ing to leave.

But when more offi­cers arrived on the scene, Brittany was arrest­ed with the use of exces­sive force by mul­ti­ple male offi­cers, one of them being JSO Officer Tyler Landreville who’s known for hav­ing already killed 2 African American men in Jacksonville – Vernell Bing in 2016 and Frankie Feliciano in 2019.

We both felt the same fear that we imag­ine all black peo­ple feel right before they die at the hands of law enforce­ment,” said Ausar Moore, Brittany’s hus­band who wit­nessed the encounter.

He con­tin­ues, “I was a lit­tle relieved when the super­vis­ing offi­cer and oth­er offi­cers arrived at the scene. But instead of the super­vi­sor mak­ing offi­cer Carmona leave, two offi­cers includ­ing one who pre­vi­ous­ly killed two African-Americans in Jacksonville ran into our house with­out a war­rant, tack­led my 97-pound wife, and banged her head against our wood­en floor break­ing her two front teeth in half. Until this day, she is still suf­fer­ing from injuries relat­ed to the inci­dent such as a dis­or­der called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) which is dubbed ‘the sui­cide dis­ease’. I am dis­gust­ed with how this sys­tem rou­tine­ly oppress­es peo­ple of col­or and shar­ing our sto­ry is the best way I know to cor­rect the flaw with­in the legal system.”
