Why Did “WAP” Make Them So Mad?

By Nathalie Baptiste Reporter Nathalie Baptiste

Last week, rap­pers Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion released a col­lab­o­ra­tion called “WAP,” which stands for “wet-ass pussy,” and American Flag Emoji Twitter went apoc­a­lyp­tic. The rap super­stars’ lat­est song was a cel­e­bra­tion of vagi­nas, sex­u­al arousal, and their use of either to get men to buy them rings and pay their tuition. Many peo­ple streamed the song and watched the music video lament­ing the fact that the virus would keep us from prop­er­ly enjoy­ing it with our friends. Conservatives treat­ed the song as some kind of per­son­al affront.

This was odd. Surely “WAP” wasn’t the first explic­it song they’d ever heard. Why the melt­down when there is so much oth­er stuff going on? I think I have an idea, and it has some­thing to do with all that oth­er stuff. The song was about Black bod­ies, and in the past few months, white con­ser­v­a­tives have made it clear that our bod­ies are sup­posed to be for labor, not for our own enjoyment.
Just look at these respons­es. DeAnna Lorraine, who pre­vi­ous­ly ran for Congress against Nancy Pelosi, called the song “dis­gust­ing and vile” and linked Cardi B to Democratic senators.

Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion just set the entire female gen­der back by 100 years with their dis­gust­ing & vile “WAP” song.
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DeAnna Lorraine

Remember, Bernie Sanders cam­paigned with Cardi B. Kamala Harris called her a role mod­el. The Democrats sup­port this trash and depravity!

James Bradley, who is cur­rent­ly run­ning for Congress in California, claimed he “acci­den­tal­ly” heard a song that had yet to be released on the radio and decid­ed to drop some racist tropes about Black dads.

Perhaps most com­i­cal of all was Ben Shapiro, con­ser­v­a­tive talk show host and avid tweet­er, read­ing the lyrics aloud on his show. Shapiro was so hor­ri­fied by such a brazen dis­play of women enjoy­ing sex that he cen­sored the word pussy, giv­ing meme mak­ers the gift of the phrase “wet-ass p‑word.”

The mes­sage seemed to real­ly offend the talk show host. “Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussy,” Megan Thee Stallion raps. “This is what fem­i­nists fought for!” Shapiro says incred­u­lous­ly. “This is what the fem­i­nist move­ment was all about.”

While Shapiro and the oth­ers were busy wring­ing their hands about fem­i­nists indoc­tri­nat­ing chil­dren with scary rap lyrics, the coun­try remains in seri­ous cri­sis, espe­cial­ly for Black and Brown people.
