Kickoff For The Dems

The Democratic National con­ven­tion com­menced vir­tu­al­ly, on Monday for the very first time in history.
I believe I speak for more than just myself when I say, I had no idea what that would look like.
The vir­tu­al roll­out, how­ev­er, was, to say the least mes­mer­iz­ing, the cor­nu­copia of human faces blend­ed into a human quilt as they sang the nation­al anthem under the theme “we the people”.

The pro­gram which was mod­er­at­ed by the beau­ti­ful and tal­ent­ed Eva Longoria con­tin­ued on with a parade of American busi­ness­peo­ple who talked about their strug­gles under the Trump presidency.
Other Americans talked about the price they are pay­ing as a result of Trump’s incom­pe­tence in han­dling the pandemic.
Biden him­self inter­viewed a small pan­el of ordi­nary Americans includ­ing Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot about what they would like to see hap­pen in a Biden administration.‑0BSwQg540?t=7

One Mexican-American young lady told a tear-jerk­ing sto­ry of los­ing her 65-year-old dad to KOVID, he vot­ed for Donald Trump, and believed him when he said COVID-19 would dis­ap­pear. As a result, she told how her dad went to a karaōke event and was infect­ed with the virus. Days lat­er he was on a ven­ti­la­tor, he died alone in a hos­pi­tal with­out his family.
“My father had only one pre­ex­ist­ing con­di­tion and that was trust­ing Donald Trump.”
Quick side­bar, “why would a Mexican-American vote for Donald Trump, you know after the Mexicans are crim­i­nals, they are rapists esca­la­tor thing”?
Oh, nev­er mind.

The Biden camp rolled out an impres­sive list of Republicans who spoke out against Donald Trump and gave rea­sons why they will be vot­ing for Joe Biden.
Former Republican Governor Christine Todd Whitman, bil­lion­aire CEO and Republican mega-donor Margaret Cushing Whitman, (Meg), Former Republican Governor from Ohio John Kasich, and a real sur­prise for me, for­mer Republican Congresswoman Susan Molinaro of Staten Island.

Former pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Vermont’s Independent Bernie Sanders gave a spir­it­ed speech for the removal of Donald Trump from office. Sanders’ speech was the most direct case made by any of the pre­vi­ous speak­ers as to the rea­son that Donald Trump can­not be allowed four more years in the White House, up until Michelle Obama that is.
Additionally, Sanders chal­lenged his sup­port­ers to under­stand that every­thing they fought for would be for naught if Trump is allowed to remain in the white house.

Then Michelle Obama, Michelle, Michelle, with an intel­li­gent ora­to­ry seem­ing­ly as only the Obama’s can, she dis­sect­ed and tore away the very fab­ric of Trump’s legit­i­ma­cy, enshrined in the star­tling real­i­ty that Hillary Clinton won the pop­u­lar vote by almost three mil­lion votes.
Brick by brick, she decon­struct­ed Donald Trump’s rogue’s gallery of cor­rup­tion and evil. Racism, kids in cages, the strong econ­o­my her hus­band left, her hus­band’s response to what could have been an Ebola pan­dem­ic, America lost two souls, Vs Trump’s incom­pe­tence that has result­ed to date in the death of well over 170 thou­sand Americans and climb­ing. The econ­o­my in sham­bles, white suprema­cy, and divi­sive­ness, it was a beau­ty to behold.

Michelle Obama wooed and mes­mer­ized as only she and her hus­band can. The vir­tu­al Convention end­ed with a ren­di­tion from Billy Porter and Crosby Stills.
