Who Will Tell The Emperor He Is Naked?

In the meantime,Police identify victims of Westmoreland triple murder.

Yesterday I talked about the fact that INDECOM has become the best asset the crim­i­nal under­world in Jamaica has at its dis­pos­al.
There is always push-back when we talk about the Independent Commission of Investigations(INDECOM).
This is so because over the last four decades Jamaica swung so far on the anti-police-o-meter[sic] , that Jamaicans can­not under­stand that INDECOM in its present con­struct is a swing way too far in the oth­er direc­tion.
It is with­in that envi­ron­ment that one has to keep say­ing to the indoc­tri­nat­ed pop­u­lace, that we are not opposed to over­sight of police. It is with­in that envi­ron­ment that even serv­ing police offi­cers are not opposed to over­sight.
It is not what they want to hear how­ev­er, telling them that police offi­cers past and present and even future cops under­stand the idea of account­abil­i­ty.
But they can­not let go of the nar­ra­tive they have cul­ti­vat­ed for them­selves, that we aren’t opposed to over­sight, because once they do so, they will have to deal with the point by point argu­ments that police offi­cers past and present have made in rela­tion to the INDECOM Act, which makes the agency problematic.

For starters, when there is an [inde­pen­dent] agency look­ing at the actions of the police, actions which for years some have argued were exces­sive and out of the bounds of nor­mal pro­to­cols, it is a good thing.
What isn’t a good thing, is when the [inde­pen­dent agency] start­ed out as a mon­ster and has metas­ta­sized into an uncon­trol­lable out of con­trol par­tial­ly tax­pay­er-fund­ed weapon of self-inter­est.
No police offi­cer can col­lect a state­ment from an onlook­er at an event hap­pen­ing in the street and on the strength of that affi­davit alone, hope to gain a con­vic­tion in a court of law.
In the bro­ken, left­ist courts sys­tem we have, even with good evi­dence mur­der­ers are allowed to walk free on the flim­si­est of tech­ni­cal­i­ties.
On the oth­er hand, INDECOM gets a state­ment from a (paid mourn­er), who said he/​she saw a police offi­cer shoot an (inno­cent unarmed choir­boy), who was on a (fast track to the University of the West Indies), in his bed­room at (three in the morn­ing) and its enough to arrest and con­vict a cop.
While we are on the sub­ject let me insert this bit of irony for posterity.

Constable Chucky Brown was sen­tenced to life in prison with no pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole until he has served 51 ‑years in prison.
Chucky Brown, the gullible eas­i­ly manip­u­lat­ed ham was remov­ing mur­der­ers from the streets.
Gangsters who kill inno­cents with­out com­punc­tion, babies includ­ed, on the rare occa­sion they are found guilty, gets sev­en years and are gen­er­al­ly out in four, if the court of appeals does not let them out before that.
No mur­der­er to my knowl­edge, has ever received that kind of sen­tence. Yet it is a shin­ing exam­ple of where the coun­try is in its sup­port and tol­er­ance to crime

As bad as that is, cops today may be bet­ter served by watch­ing the clock and doing the bare min­i­mum. This is a good way to avoid and nav­i­gate the mine­field that the JLP and PNP have cre­at­ed for police offi­cers in our coun­try.
Even offi­cers who are out on traf­fic duty should con­sid­er not both­er­ing the law­less taxi and bus oper­a­tors.
Because of course, issu­ing a tick­et to an errant bus oper­a­tor who has mul­ti­ple unpaid tick­ets and con­fis­cat­ing his bus is an encounter which will cause a mob of law­less blood-thirsty ani­mals to threat­en your life.
Not to men­tion that the law­less cretin will attack you forc­ing you to have to defend your­self.
And God for­bid, that he died because you auto­mat­i­cal­ly just com­mit­ted an extra-judi­cial killing. (We’ll get back to that).
It will be fol­lowed by false state­ments to INDECOM, we’ve all heard the state­ments of events seem­ing­ly from an alter­nate uni­verse.
There will be zero state­ments from the inter­lop­er at 103 Old Hope Road in sup­port of offi­cers and there will be no state­ment urg­ing cit­i­zens to obey the laws.
It will absolute­ly not elic­it out­rage from Jamaica House, because the occu­pant of that office from his child­hood years thought of the police as the bad guys.
The Commissioner of police can­not speak out because he is the arche­type of the sys­tem they cre­at­ed.
Those in JAMAICA House will not speak out, they cre­at­ed the sys­tem. And the oth­ers who lay in wait to seize pow­er, won’t con­demn it either, the sys­tem works just fine for their exis­tence.
Somehow, they will con­vince you that they are work­ing for you but the police are so cor­rupt that the sys­tem is not work­ing as it should.

Nevertheless, as a friend point­ed out yes­ter­day our police are the National Scapegoat. They manip­u­late the pub­lic into think­ing that all the prob­lems of crime and dis­or­der are because of cor­rupt police. The pub­lic is not dis­cern­ing enough to rec­og­nize that the sys­tem is deeply flawed. The same police that get cussed and dissed here, shine in the UN Peacekeeping mis­sions and var­i­ous Caribbean ter­ri­to­ries. This is due to good laws, reg­u­la­tions, infra­struc­ture, poli­cies, pro­ce­dures and hav­ing the right peo­ple in the right place at the right time.
We chose based on crony­ism, nepo­tism and oth­er trib­al char­ac­ter­is­tics and pro­vide out­dat­ed ram­shackle “sys­tems” to take care of busi­ness. It’s like using the Wright Brothers air­plane to car­ry pas­sen­gers in the jet age”. 

For years, decades even, unin­formed dem­a­gogues have made a name for them­selves, and cre­at­ed and made anti-police dog­ma the nation’s largest growth indus­try.
From Flo O’Connor to Wilmott Perkins, From Ronald Thwaites to Horace Levy, from Barbara Gloudon to Carolyn Gomez to every oth­er mal­con­tent look­ing for a ride to infamy, they have made attack­ing the police their cause celeb.
But it’s not just about those indi­vid­u­als who have lived off the police, entire agen­cies and dis­ci­plines have also jumped on the band­wag­on and helped to bring the coun­try to where it is today.
The media knew full well that the all too pre­dictable demon­stra­tions which fol­lowed the unfor­tu­nate shoot­ing of thugs who chal­lenged the police and lost, were staged.
They knew that the peo­ple were forced to go out and say that they wit­nessed the shoot­ing. Never mind that the inci­dent hap­pened in the mid­dle of the night usu­al­ly in some house the police went to look for a want­ed thug.
The Media knew the sto­ries were con­coct­ed and the demon­stra­tors were some­times paid for or the par­tic­i­pants threat­ened to go out and lie.
None of the afore­men­tioned made a damn dif­fer­ence. The mass hys­te­ria and the buzz it cre­at­ed was good for rat­ings and that was all that mat­tered.
But the chick­en has now come home to roost. None is exempt, even the pro­tect­ed polit­i­cal class is no longer exempt.
Whether it’s a Member of Parliament get­ting stabbed to death in his home, or eight get­ting shot in Westmoreland yes­ter­day the chick­ens have f*****g come home to roost. 

But if we set aside the Media’s role in the pro­lif­er­a­tion of lies and mass hys­te­ria, I would like to once again look at the term (extra­ju­di­cial killing) which has been the fire­wall for the anti-police crowd.
I can­not say that there haven’t been extra-judi­cial killings in the JCF. God knows some of the peo­ple who have infil­trat­ed the agency have com­mit­ted all kinds of crim­i­nal acts, it is pret­ty dif­fi­cult to mount a defense of polic­ing some­times.
Like every oth­er crime cred­it­ed to police an extra-judi­cial killing here and there, may very well be in there with the rest of them.
And that is all it took for the anti-police trolls to co-opt the term and use it to describe every inci­dent in which the police are forced to defend them­selves in the third most vio­lent nation on earth.

Let that sink in for a moment.
The peo­ple who talk the most about “EXTRA-JUDICIAL KILLINGS’ have zero con­cepts of what con­sti­tutes the same.
Worse yet, they have nev­er served in law enforce­ment and do not under­stand the rules of engage­ment, or the life and death deci­sions offi­cers are forced to make in mil­lisec­onds.
That does not stop them from speak­ing about the sub­ject with author­i­ty in their lit­tle cir­cles, on their sil­ly lit­tle tele­vi­sion pro­grams, in their lit­tle con­fer­ence rooms, and on the radio as they pon­tif­i­cate to the Lumpenproletariat.
Never mind that their pon­tif­i­ca­tion is based on what they read from the tiny lit­tle cir­cles in which they exist, based on no cred­i­ble under­stand­ing of what it is like to make life and death deci­sions in under a sec­ond.
What they have effec­tive­ly done is to cre­ate an end­less cycle of talk­ing points neg­a­tive­ly car­i­ca­tur­ing the police as vio­lent unchecked killers who kill inno­cent peo­ple.
The police, not hav­ing the means to respond, became the hat­ed vil­lains, in a soci­ety now inun­dat­ed with vio­lent mur­ders, rapes, and oth­er vio­lent crimes.

Every one of the bot­tom-feed­ers who has made names for them­selves from demo­niz­ing the police has reaped boun­ti­ful rewards for their actions.
National hon­ors, seats in par­lia­ment, and oth­er perks have been bestowed on them all. And so the next gen­er­a­tion of bot­tom feed­ers are already in the pipeline wait­ing to feed on the dead car­cass which the police force has become.
The Emperor’s ass is show­ing but don’t tell him it is. No one lined up to watch the spec­ta­cle haugh­ti­ness and self-aggran­dize­ment cre­at­ed, has the char­ac­ter to say this is crazy you are naked.
No one is coura­geous enough to tell the Emperor that when we had name brand cops, inno­cent dead Jamaicans were way down and dead and incar­cer­at­ed crim­i­nals were way up.
Because the naked Emperor is con­vinced still, that if we love the crim­i­nals they will change their ways. If we look after their rights they will decide to become mod­el cit­i­zens.
As the death toll of the inno­cent ris­es, the gangs are get­ting more embold­ened and the bod­ies are pil­ing up.
The Emperor’s ass is showing.
