White Man Runs Red Light, Causes Accident, Shoots And Kills Black Woman With Her Hands Up…

Writer Shaun King, Atlanta, Ga
Writer Shaun King, Atlanta, Ga

Early Saturday morn­ing, Deborah Pearl, a 53-year-old African-American moth­er and employ­ee of a Cleveland area Harley Davidson Diner in Northeast Ohio, was on her to way work.

At 7:20 a.m., as she was dri­ving her Ford Taurus, she had no idea that she was liv­ing her very last moments on this earth. Matthew Ryan Desha, a 29-year-old white man, ran a red light at an inter­sec­tion and hit Pearl’s car with his Jeep.

After his car flipped many times and hers was pushed into the inter­sec­tion, what hap­pened next was like some­thing out of a hor­ror movie. Many of them injured in a truck acci­dent gen­er­al­ly do not sur­vive in such scenarios,

As Deborah Pearl got out of her car to assess the sit­u­a­tion, Matthew Desha did as well. Except he also grabbed his 5.56-millimeter high pow­ered assault rifle. According to wit­ness­es, Pearl then pro­ceed­ed to put her hands in the air in attempt to save her life from the armed stranger who had nar­row­ly avoid­ed killing them both in the crash just sec­onds earlier.

KING: Ask Leslie Jones — racism and big­otry are get­ting worse

Deborah Pearl, 53, was shot and killed after a two-car collision in Ohio.

Deborah Pearl, 53, was shot and killed after a two-car collision in Ohio.


It mat­tered not to Matthew Desha. A wit­ness who called 911 report­ed hear­ing him fire off at least 12 shots. At first, the appeared to be ran­dom. The 911 caller heard Deborah Pearl, who was a sit­ting duck at that point, begin scream­ing. Desha then began aim­ing and fir­ing at her. While it has not yet been released how many times she was hit, when police arrived the scene, Deborah Pearl was found there on pave­ment mor­tal­ly wound­ed and bleed­ing out.

Devastated and shocked, her hus­band and oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers came to the scene, and, under­stand­ably so, could not even muster up the words to explain how they were feeling.

Matthew Desha was arrest­ed near the scene. Early Monday morn­ing he was charged with the mur­der of Deborah Pearl. Police have not men­tioned a motive for the bru­tal mur­der, but the entire scene is rid­dled with awful implications.

Matthew Ryan Desha, 29, has been charged with murder after police say he shot and killed Deborah Pearl, 53, following a two-car collision in Ohio.

Matthew Ryan Desha, 29, has been charged with murder after police say he shot and killed Deborah Pearl, 53, following a two-car collision in Ohio.

Just this past June, “police charged 29-year-old Matthew R. Desha with one felony count of car­ry­ing a con­cealed weapon and one mis­de­meanor count of pos­ses­sion of drug para­pher­na­lia. A search of the North Ridgeville, Ohio, man’s car turned up a loaded 9 mm hand­gun and three addi­tion­al loaded mag­a­zines, along with straws with sus­pect­ed drug residue and oth­er contraband.”

Church shoot­er wait­ed for vic­tims to close eyes: survivor

Clearly, that arrest was­n’t enough to have this man ful­ly disarmed.

My mind imme­di­ate­ly goes to Kalief Browder, who was arrest­ed on sus­pi­cion of steal­ing a back­pack.Kalief spent three years in jail await­ing tri­al for that charge before sim­ply being released when the case was dismissed.
Read more here: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/king-white-man-car-crash-shoots-kills-black-woman-article‑1.2769936
