Body Cam Footage Shows Officer Pepper-spraying 84-year-old Oklahoma Woman

Newly released body cam footage shows police in Oklahoma pep­per-spray­ing an inno­cent, 84-year-old woman in her own home — after offi­cers chased her son into the house.

The footage of the attack on Geneva Smith emerged Friday, just days after she threat­ened legal action over the vio­lent encounter. Smith said she did noth­ing to pro­voke the spray, and suf­fered a pan­ic attack as she lat­er sat in jail for no appar­ent rea­son. The video, obtained by Fox 23 News, shows Muskogee police offi­cers storm­ing into Smith’s home while search­ing for her son, Arthur Paul Blackmon. Police said the son drove through a stop sign, then ran away from offi­cers and into his mother’s house. In the chaot­ic clip, Smith seems clear­ly con­fused when offi­cers enter her home, search­ing for her son.

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An offi­cer even­tu­al­ly shoots the son with a Taser as he appears to hold up his hands. As Smith demands to know what’s going on, an offi­cer lat­er iden­ti­fied as Michelle Casady warns her, “Turn around and face that way, now, or I’ll spray you.” Just moments lat­er, Casady sprays Smith’s face, and the octo­ge­nar­i­an col­laps­es to the ground as she is handcuffed.

Blackmon was charged with dri­ving under the influ­ence, obstruct­ing an offi­cer, dri­ving with a sus­pend­ed license and car­ry­ing a weapon, police said. Smith, mean­while, was not charged with a crime. But offi­cers lat­er said she brought on the spray by fail­ing to com­ply with orders. An attor­ney rep­re­sent­ing the city told the Muskogee Phoenix the spray was a rea­son­able use of force “giv­en the total­i­ty of the cir­cum­stances.” The police depart­ment said it is still inves­ti­gat­ing the inci­dent.‑1.2769941
