White Liberals Have A Choice To Make…

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In recent times being Speaker of the United States House of Representatives has not been an easy job. Several Speakers in the not too dis­tant past have found that out rather quick­ly, not the least of whom was Newt Gingrich.
The Polarization of American pol­i­tics led by the Republicans, has made that job a lot hard­er, just ask John Boehner who bolt­ed from it and Paul Ryan who said he did not want it when he was being court­ed.
In the end, Ryan one of the least effec­tive Speakers in mod­ern times, seem all too hap­py to fol­low John Boehner’s lead and he too bolt­ed for the doors.
That is where Speaker Nancy Pelosi Democrat Speaker from the bas­tion of California lib­er­al­ism finds her­self today.
Throughout her career, Nancy Pelosi a San Francisco lib­er­al has had to deal with being vil­i­fied as far too lib­er­al in her pol­i­tics. Today as Pelosi tries to pro­tect vul­ner­a­ble first term house mem­bers who won in pre­vi­ous­ly red dis­tricts, she is find­ing that she is now a cen­trist as the left as moved dras­ti­cal­ly away to her left.
As the Republicans have moved en-block to the right, pro­gres­sive vot­ers are demand­ing that the Democrat par­ty artic­u­late and embrace more pro­gres­sive poli­cies as a coun­ter­weight to the dam­ag­ing right-wing poli­cies of the Republicans.

Historically, American Politics have always been frac­tious, the coun­try at one time was emersed in a war against itself.
Power and the desire to attain pow­er has been the dri­ving edge of the frac­tious nature of America’s polit­i­cal real­i­ty.
More and more the two polit­i­cal par­ties have been mov­ing fur­ther away from the cen­ter leav­ing an ever-dwin­dling num­ber of vot­ers in the mid­dle who think of them­selves a non-aligned or Independents.
Over the years the Republican Party has solid­i­fied itself into an uncom­pro­mis­ing par­ty of white Anglo-Saxon nativists, which makes Conservative Presidents like Ronald Reagan and GW Bush seem like out­siders on issues like Immigration and Race.
In the same breath, it has paved the way for an oppor­tunis­tic racist dem­a­gogue like Donald Trump to waltz right in and claim the party. 

Using the Primary process to flush out those they con­sid­ered not true patri­ots to the cause, and label­ing them (RINO’s), Republicans In Name Only, the mod­ern Republican par­ty has all but removed any dis­sent from its mod­ern ortho­doxy. This hard­en­ing and solid­i­fi­ca­tion of its core nativist beliefs, as enshrined in the views of Steve King Republican Representative from Iowa, quote: “We can’t restore our civ­i­liza­tion with some­body else’s babies.” When pressed to clar­i­fy his com­ments King shot back, “I meant exact­ly what I said.”
The post earned the endorse­ment of for­mer Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, who wrote “GOD BLESS STEVE KING!!!” on his own Twitter account.
America is a coun­try designed and run by white men.
President Barack Obama found that out when he tried to bring hope and change to that estab­lished order.
The Republican par­ty’s agen­da is the sta­b­lished order in America, because the ideals of America was premised on white major­i­ty rule.
When Democrats and cen­trists bemoan the fact that white women who vote Republican are vot­ing against their own self-inter­est, they are miss­ing the point that white con­trol and white suprema­cy [trumps] all oth­er con­sid­er­a­tions which would apply to those women. 

Which is why, though the right’s assault on a wom­an’s right to choose, affects white women just as it does women of col­or, and though that issue is a crit­i­cal right, which women have fought for and won, white women would rather vote Republican to advance white entitlement,and squan­der those hard-won gains, that do what’s right.
The Immigration Fever which has gripped the polit­i­cal right, and the Abortion fights, are all about push­ing back against the brown­ing of America.
If the right can pre­vent white women from hav­ing abor­tions, by acced­ing to Steve King’s the­o­ry of restor­ing white civ­i­liza­tion, and Donald Trump can reverse the brown­ing through the process of depor­ta­tions and caging, what seemed like an inevitable brown­ing of America may be stalled if not total­ly halted.

The Democrat Party is a col­lec­tion of African-Americans oth­er eth­nic groups and the not-so-Republican whites, those whites would rather not be as acer­bic or caus­tic against Blacks and oth­er minori­ties as their Republican coun­ter­parts, but that does not mean they are any less racist or pro­tec­tive of white suprema­cy.
That is why, on issues like the sem­i­nal issue of police vio­lence against Black peo­ple, white Democrats are as eeri­ly silent as Republicans are as sup­port­ive of it.
Somewhere in the mix, Hispanic and Latino votes and loy­al­ties are split between the two par­ties.
Regardless of what the Republican par­ty does to Hispanics and Latinos, the desire to be accept­ed as the next pseu­do-whites, seems to [trump] those mistreatments.

Image result for Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Rashida Tlaib

The direc­tion­al strug­gle with­in the Democrat par­ty is a symp­tom of the fore­gone. On the one hand, there are the pro­gres­sives like Ilhan Omar, Iyana Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, young bright and for­ward-lean­ing and an old guard which believes it can win elec­tions by not mak­ing waves. One would think that if no one else steps up in sup­port of these brave young women, the con­gres­sion­al black cau­cus would.
Not so, that group has cho­sen to con­sis­tent­ly hitch it’s wag­on to the old guard of the par­ty which only uses Blacks to win elec­tions then dumps them until elec­tion time comes around again.
Unfortunately for the par­ty, it does not seem to be where young pro­gres­sives are. The rise of the so-called squad of four pro­gres­sive con­gress­women, is a sign that there is a hunger for a repo­si­tion­ing of the par­ty.
The insur­gency can­di­da­cy of Vermont’s Senator Bernie Sanders in 2016 was anoth­er indi­ca­tor that pro­gres­sive vot­ers do not see the present Democrat par­ty as rep­re­sent­ing their ideals.

There is the old adage that Democrats always find ways to throw away what seems to be sure elec­tion wins.
This time may be no dif­fer­ent if the old guard con­tin­ues in its wishy-washy ways of tread­ing care­ful­ly as if on eggshells.
Even with an open racist igno­ra­mus occu­py­ing the white house, a Democratic win is not assured if the white peo­ple who sup­port that par­ty con­tin­ue to cling to the perks of white major­i­ty rule.
On the issues of income inequal­i­ty, the envi­ron­ment, race rela­tions, police abuse, hous­ing, education/​student debt, health care and a raft of oth­er press­ing issues, white lib­er­als have the pow­er to stop Trump and his minor­i­ty of igno­ra­mus­es, who sees noth­ing wrong no mat­ter what he does.
If they fail Donald Trump will be reelect­ed by a minor­i­ty of une­d­u­cat­ed whites who have no idea where their rear ends are from a broomstick. 

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, a busi­ness own­er, avid researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He also writes occa­sion­al­ly for the web­site Medium​.com.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
