C‑TOC Uncovers Camp Believed To Be Used In Drugs For Guns Trade.…


Between the hours of 4:30 am and 9:30 am, Sunday, July 14th a joint police Military team from C‑TOC with sup­port of JDF assets from Air and two Coast Guard ves­sels car­ried out Special Operations in a sec­tion of the Swamps Behind Dagger Bay in search of Players in the gun for drugs trade between Jamaica and Haiti. ille­gal Haitian, guns, and ammu­ni­tion. The trade in met­al or preky­ba meta­lais as they call it is also quite pop­u­lar.

During the oper­a­tion the team found two(2) huts in the swamp equipped with elec­tric­i­ty and oth­er pow­er devices like solar pan­els. A total of one hun­dred and forty-five (145) assort­ed car­tridges of ammu­ni­tion bro­ken down as follows:

twen­ty-sev­en (27) 5.56 mm Cartridges, eight (8) 7.76 mm car­tridges, sev­en­ty-nine (79) .38 car­tridges, six (6).45 car­tridges, two(2) 9mm car­tridges, twen­ty two (22) 12 gauge car­tridges, one (1) .40 car­tridges, six (6) rifle mag­a­zine, sev­en (7) cel­lu­lar phones, One (1) LG tablet , one(1) DEL laptop.

One (1) 32″ inch black point TV, about 2lb of pack­aged pressed veg­etable mat­ter resem­bling gan­ja, two small pack­ages of white pow­dery sub­stance resem­bling cocaine, one(1)bulletproof vest, army shirt, life vest, one (1) smoke grenade, small quan­ti­ty of cash, All evi­den­tial mate­ri­als were seized pend­ing bal­lis­tic and foren­sic exam­i­na­tion where necessary.

A large quan­ti­ty of cloth­ing, mat­tress­es, shoes, stove, cylin­ders and oth­er per­son­al effects includ­ing med­ica­tion in the names of indi­vid­u­als who will be queried. The Huts were destroyed and the items burnt that could not be con­fis­cat­ed. It is to be also not­ed that water sup­ply and elec­tric­i­ty that were found at the huts traced back to premis­es on the Dagger Bay. 
