Want To Stop The Killings In Jamaica/​Here’s How…

The Jamaican Government has embarked on what seems to be a strate­gic ini­tia­tive to deal deci­sive­ly with the Island’s crime mon­ster bypass­ing what it calls the Zones Of Special Operations law (ZOSO).

Many Jamaicans from both sides of the sharp polit­i­cal divide see this as a good move.
Of course, the aver­age bat­tle fatigued Jamaican is will­ing to try any­thing which may have a shot at stop­ping the killings.

That’s all well and good but though des­per­ate for solu­tions we can­not afford to be blind­ed to the faults and fail­ings of this bit of legislation.
Over the last sev­er­al years and months much of what has been done leg­isla­tive­ly in the coun­try has been more harm­ful than help­ful to the process of crime reduction.
Among those Mis-steps are …


No one is opposed to over­sight, cer­tain­ly not for the JCF/​JDF and Corrections.
What was cob­bled togeth­er and autho­rized has had a chill­ing effect on law enforce­ment and is seen large­ly as a tool of sup­port for the crim­i­nal underworld?
Pretending those police offi­cers who are doing their jobs right have noth­ing to fear as stip­u­lat­ed by Terrence Williams the head of that agency is intel­lec­tu­al dis­hon­esty and bla­tant and will­ful ignorance.


Using the Zones of Special Operations Act the Government has sought to use a back­door method to lim­it what is a mas­sive exo­dus of offi­cers from the JCF.
That method is to crim­i­nal­ize cops who try to resign the depart­ment with­out giv­ing 6 months advanced notice.

An amend­ment of Section 5 of the Constabulary Force Act now requires sub-offi­cers and con­sta­bles to serve the five-year enlist­ment peri­od and can­not resign until then.
However, if a res­ig­na­tion is being con­tem­plat­ed, six months notice is required fail­ing which the offi­cer could be con­vict­ed in court and face a fine of $250,000 or serve three months in prison.
The penal­ty assigned to this is more than that giv­en sus­pect who com­mits armed robbery.
The Andrew Holness Government actu­al­ly believe that this kind of heavy-hand­ed dis­re­spect will serve to stop attrition.
I can assure the Government that mem­bers who want to leave will sim­ply walk away with­out even resigning.
Worse yet few­er peo­ple will want to sign up so if the admin­is­tra­tion wants to destroy the force it is well on track to doing so. The Force lose approx­i­mate­ly 600 offi­cers annu­al­ly or 50 per month to attri­tion alone. That does not account for dis­missals and retirements.
In fact, the JCF through Deputy Commissioner Clifford Blake recent­ly admit­ted that the force is los­ing more peo­ple than it is able to recruit and train each year.
By that fact alone the JCF is at risk of recruit­ing even worse peo­ple into the depart­ment in order to have bodies.
This will have even worse con­se­quences for its image and abil­i­ty to deliv­er qual­i­ty service.

The law seeks to con­tain crime while safe­guard­ing the human rights of res­i­dents and pro­mot­ing com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment through social inter­ven­tion ini­tia­tives”[jamaican/​gov]

Like most of my coun­try­men, I too want­ed to give my sup­port to what­ev­er ini­tia­tive the Government intend­ed which may have a pos­i­tive effect on crime.
Then the admin­is­tra­tion said the ini­tia­tive was intend­ed to con­tain crime with­out say­ing a sin­gle word about what they intend to do about the thou­sands, prob­a­bly tens of thou­sands of guns in the hands of dan­ger­ous killers.

That’s where we part­ed com­pa­ny, those guns should be plucked from the hands of these killers one way or the oth­er and they should not be paid to turn them in because what you are cre­at­ing by doing so is to sanc­tion a mas­sive illic­it gun trade with criminals.
If you can­not stop the guns com­ing in why would you be pay­ing crim­i­nals to turn in their guns?
You can­not rebuild com­mu­ni­ties and change the par­a­digm if the very same peo­ple who are killing close to 7 Jamaicans each day still pos­sess the means to do so.


(1)You shore up the ports of entry, effec­tive­ly stop­ping the guns com­ing in illic­it­ly and you hold those gains.

(2) You tac­ti­cal­ly cor­don the area you want to search then go in with trained Dogs to find the weapons and arrest the murderers.

(3) Stagger where the secu­ri­ty forces go at any giv­en time, it should not be based sole­ly on the area with the high­est num­ber of killings.
By doing so you min­i­mize the like­li­hood that your next move can be anticipated.

(4) Remove from the Prime Minister the pow­er to decide where the secu­ri­ty forces go in the ZOSO.
It mat­ters not that the PM sup­pos­ed­ly acts on the advice of the Security Council.
This Act hyper politi­cizes polic­ing and gives the next par­ty to hold pow­er the abil­i­ty to engage in tit-for-tat using the secu­ri­ty forces to car­ry out their nefar­i­ous bidding.
As long as secu­ri­ty oper­a­tions are green-light­ed by politi­cians those oper­a­tions stand to be politicized.

(5) Stop grant­i­ng bail to accused murderers.

(6) Stop dem­a­gogu­ing the secu­ri­ty forces.
Use the air­waves to edu­cate the peo­ple about the ben­e­fits of adher­ing to the rule of law.

(7) Stop giv­ing the nation the impres­sion that effec­tive hard-nosed polic­ing which arrest crim­i­nals and places them in jail is anti­thet­i­cal to cit­i­zens human rights.
The great­est right a per­son has is the right to life. You have no right if you are dead, as such the coun­try must place it focus­es on remov­ing from its midst the mind­less killers and throw its sup­port behind law enforcement.

(8) Stop cor­rupt­ing pub­lic offi­cials, report police, and oth­er pub­lic offi­cials who ask for bribes.
Do not offer to bribe pub­lic officials.

(9) Enact truth in sen­tenc­ing for cer­tain cat­e­gories of vio­lent crimes.
Mandatory 25 years to life for murder.
This is absolute­ly nec­es­sary since the nation’s lead­ers have decid­ed to go against the wish­es of the peo­ple and have declared a mora­to­ri­um on hanging.
Twenty years min­i­mum for any crimes com­mit­ted using a firearm.

(10) Look at the US Rico statute, and draft a law which mod­els that statute effec­tive­ly pros­e­cut­ing gang­sters as the Rico Statute does.

(11) Institute a manda­to­ry National Identification pro­gram, law enforce­ment needs to be able to iden­ti­fy each and every Jamaican.

(12) Remove all polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence from law enforce­ment. What this admin­is­tra­tion is doing is even more polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence not less.

These are some of the solu­tions which will work to begin the slow reduc­tion in the num­ber of mur­ders in our country.
None of these solu­tions sin­gu­lar­ly will do much to reduce crime, adopt­ed as a pol­i­cy posi­tion is the best way to attack the crime monster.

It’s now time for my crit­ics to sim­ply shut up about no solutions.
I have been propos­ing these mea­sures for years now.
You can­not rea­son­ably or cred­i­bly argue I haven’t pro­posed any­thing because you are a Laborite and you do not like my crit­i­cisms of the gov­ern­ment, or you are too darn lazy to read.
You should not like them as a Comrade sim­ply because you are in oppo­si­tion today, you should embrace them because you are Jamaican and you want to see our coun­try sur­vive and succeed.

Not real­ly con­cerned about the brain­less ad-hominem attacks.
