Two Sisters From Illinois Died Just 9 Days Apart From Coronavirus

When Patricia start­ed hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ties breath­ing, her fam­i­ly didn’t think it was that seri­ous. Until she test­ed pos­i­tive with COVID-19 and even­tu­al­ly died on March 16.

Unfortunately, on that same day, her fam­i­ly also found out that Wanda, her old­er sis­ter, was tak­en to the ER due to cough. She died of pneu­mo­nia due to COVID-19 as well on March 25.

Their fam­i­ly is yet been to under­stand why out of all the 9 sib­lings, Wanda was the one who got infect­ed even though she has always stayed at home. But at one time, Patricia and Wanda appar­ent­ly attend­ed church together.

Moreover, their fam­i­ly is par­tic­u­lar­ly griev­ing with the fact that they weren’t able to give the two sis­ters a final good­bye because of the nec­es­sary pro­ce­dures in an infec­tious dis­ease death.

The tough­est part about my sis­ters’ death is that they had to die alone in the hos­pi­tal,” Frieson told CNN. “It’s just dev­as­tat­ing to us that we couldn’t go to see them in their last moments.”

Currently, there are a total of more than 5,000 known cas­es of coro­n­avirus in Illinois and 73 deaths.
