Black Mom With Coronavirus Told She Wasn’t Priority, Dies The Next Day

London, England — Kayla Williams, a 36-year old moth­er of 3 from London who was report­ed­ly infect­ed with the coro­n­avirus, has died a day after she called emer­gency ser­vices and was told that she could not be admit­ted to a hos­pi­tal because she was not a “pri­or­i­ty”.
Her hus­band Fabian Williams, a 49-year old garbage col­lec­tor, called emer­gency ser­vices when she suf­fered from cough, high fever, and severe chest and stom­ach pains. He fol­lowed what the call oper­a­tor instruct­ed him while he wait­ed for the med­ical help to arrive.
When the para­medics arrived, she car­ried out some tests. Documents con­firmed that she was treat­ed as a sus­pect­ed Covid-19 case. However, she was left at the apart­ment and was not tak­en to the hos­pi­tal because she was told that she is not a pri­or­i­ty.
The morn­ing after, Fabian helped her eat and get dressed but her con­di­tion still con­tin­ued to wors­en. He rest­ed for a while and when he came back to her, she was slump­ing head down.
“She was already dead. I put her on the ground — because that is what they had told me to do before — and I rang 999 again and they told me to put my hand on her chest and pump her chest,” he recount­ed to The Guardian.

Police offi­cers even­tu­al­ly came to their apart­ment but refused to get in. Funeral ser­vice offi­cials, who were wear­ing full foren­sic suits, arrived next and did all the pro­ce­dures required in an infec­tious dis­ease death.
Fabian said that what left him appalled is that what was hap­pen­ing wasn’t explained to him. He was only ordered to stay home or iso­late and noth­ing else.
Meanwhile, the ambu­lance ser­vice con­firmed in a state­ment that Kayla was suf­fer­ing from symp­toms of the coro­n­avirus but was advised “self-care, use antipyret­ics, increase food/​fluid” and quar­an­tine from her fam­i­ly.
A lot of peo­ple expressed their dis­ap­point­ment with the para­medics say­ing that she wasn’t a pri­or­i­ty.
“This tragedy would almost cer­tain­ly not have had Kayla Williams not been a black woman,” one said. “It is less well doc­u­ment­ed than in the US, but black women in the UK also face sim­i­lar struc­tur­al obsta­cles to receiv­ing ade­quate health­care.”
“The news of the death of Kayla Williams is so heavy this evening,” anoth­er wrote. “Black women being told we are “not pri­or­i­ties” dur­ing a glob­al health pan­dem­ic whilst mem­bers of the celebri­ty class and Royal fam­i­ly have imme­di­ate, round the clock access to test­ing and health­care. No words.”
