Trumps Lying Black Pastor Busted And Exposed.……


(1)“For the first time I saw hum­ble­ness”[sic]
(2)“He sound­ed script­ed but I still believe it was from the heart

Couple of quotes from parish­ioners from the Detroit church Donald Trump vis­it­ed on Saturday. We cer­tain­ly are a peo­ple of vary­ing opin­ions and beliefs , not sure how he could be per­ceived as script­ed while being gen­uine and from the heart but I digress.

Look we are a for­giv­ing peo­ple, we are a lov­ing peo­ple, we are a peo­ple pre­dis­posed to giv­ing peo­ple the ben­e­fit of the doubt even when they haven’t earned it.
Sometimes to a fault…

Trust is earned, you do not get to spend sev­en decades dis­parag­ing and dis­crim­i­nat­ing against me and then show up talk­ing about many peo­ple don’t know Lincoln was a repub­li­can because you want their vote.

Then again that may very well be just me, that may be attrib­ut­able to that fierce and indomitable Jamaican spir­it , that Ashanti blood which cours­es through my veins.

You go to a black church talk­ing about “some peo­ple don’t know that Lincoln was a repub­li­can” , when did Trump learn this.
Don’t come to us talk­ing about Lincoln as if black folk should be eter­nal­ly grate­ful to the repub­li­can par­ty because he signed the eman­ci­pa­tion procla­ma­tion, he did so because he was forced to.
Lincoln need­ed bod­ies for the war effort​.Lincoln need­ed to keep the French from get­ting involved in the war to pro­tect their ter­ri­to­ry of Louisiana.The eman­ci­pa­tion procla­ma­tion accom­plish­es both goals tac­ti­cal­ly for Lincoln
Secondly this repub­li­can par­ty has­n’t been the par­ty of Lincoln since the 1968 sign­ing of the civ­il rights act.

I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised said one parish­ioner who heard Trump in Detroit Saturday” it was like it was a new Donald Trump ” .
Ha ha ha ..I real­ly don’t mean to laugh.
As a kid grow­ing up in rur­al Jamaica we loved to throw rocks and every­thing we could find at the numer­ous chameleons that graced the trees we loved to climb. We sim­ply called them green lizards. Back then we thought they were mad at us when we threw rocks at them. As we got old­er we learned they changed from that beau­ti­ful green to make them­selves less con­spic­u­ous when they face danger.

pigmy chameleon

So even though it was the very same rep­tile it was able to change itself to suit what­ev­er sit­u­a­tion it was in .
That is vin­tage Donald Trump.

Trump the rel­a­tive­ly sane-look­ing wannabe pres­i­dent try­ing to appear pres­i­den­tial stand­ing next to Mexican pres­i­dent Enrique Pena Nieto was expo­nen­tial­ly dif­fer­ent than the much dark­er Trump who threw out red meat to a rav­en­ous right-wing crowd in Arizona after leav­ing his meet­ing with Pena Nieto.

So of course the Donald Trump who have Blacks sum­mar­i­ly kicked out of his events, would be dif­fer­ent than the Trump who turned up in Detroit on Saturday to change his appear­ance with white voters.
What the hell, why not use these props to his advan­tage , to get his point across to his real tar­get audience.
Hey , he may even get a few of the negroid props to vote for him , why not, a vote is a vote right, noth­ing wrong with using one stone to kill two birds?

Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez,
Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez,


It’s not an over­ly bril­liant strat­e­gy , nei­ther is it a sil­ly strat­e­gy . It is a strat­e­gy which could actu­al­ly work under nor­mal cir­cum­stances, but for it’s trans­par­ent nature.
It could absolute­ly have worked had Trump not had such a sor­did his­to­ry of racist bigotry.
Trump will get a few black votes , not many . Much the same way he will get some Hispanic votes despite his caus­tic bar­rage of hate­ful rhetoric against their entire race.
Because there are Mexican immi­grants who refer to Mexicans as “Illegals”, one went as far as to say the Mexicans must be stopped or “soon there will be a taco truck on every corner”.

Pastor Mark Burns
Pastor Mark Burns

Wow !!!
You absolute­ly can­not make that kind of stuff up.
There will always be the likes of Marco Gutierrez, and of course the black apos­tate who parades as a pas­tor, Mark Burns the fire-breath­ing liar who ped­dles reli­gion, his lips drip­ping with perdition .
Lied about serv­ing in the Army National Reserve. (Served in his state nation­al reserve). Said he over­stat­ed his accom­plish­ments. No Mark you speak often about not being polit­i­cal­ly cor­rect, so let me help you with this non-polit­i­cal assess­ment, you did not over­state your accomplishments.
You straight out lied and that makes you a damn lying fraud.
Lied about com­plet­ing a bach­e­lors of sci­ence degree from North Greenville University.
Lied about being a fra­ter­nal mem­ber of Kappa Alpha Psi. Lies, lies, lies, yet you pur­port to be a man of God, no you are a fraud and a charlatan.

When exposed in a lie by a black CNN Anchor Victor Blackwell the huck­ster said he did it so he would be tak­en seriously!
No fake pas­tor, the path to respectabil­i­ty begins with respect,truthfulness, hon­or, let­ting your word be your bond.
You weren’t seek­ing to be tak­en seri­ous­ly, you were seek­ing hype, you were seek­ing atten­tion and not the kind of atten­tion you should have craved . The atten­tion of God Almighty.
But Burns was not done , he accused Blackwell and CNN of try­ing to , get this , “I thought we were doing a pro­file, and all of a sud­den you’re here to try to destroy my char­ac­ter,”
Did this lying bas­tard just say “char­ac­ter”?
No faux-pas­tor Burns the inter­view­er was sim­ply doing his job, he can­not destroy that which does not exist.
You did that to your­self when you decide to fake a resume’.

How appro­pri­ate that this lying huck­ster would be aligned to anoth­er huck­ster try­ing to con his way into the Presidency?
Notice in his tweet how he couched him­self in the word of the lord to pull the wool over the eyes of those who sit and lis­ten to him in tweet below.


Lying decep­tive bastard.
