Tip Of The Day..

If you are a per­ti­nent wit­ness in a case before the courts it is impor­tant that you attend court. However it may some­times be oner­ous for you to take day after day after day from work to attend court .

The Rose Hall Great House a Jamaican attraction.

It may not be nec­es­sary to skip work , con­sid­er­ing that cas­es with­in the Jamaican crim­i­nal courts move at a Snail’s pace.
In order not to lose your job or your san­i­ty it may be a good idea to speak to the Investigating Officer han­dling the case, or the pros­e­cut­ing Attorney.
Let them know that hav­ing to attend court even on days when the case will not begin tri­al is dif­fi­cult and oner­ous for you.
The Investigating Officer has a respon­si­bil­i­ty to tell you when you will be need­ed definitively.
As a wit­ness crit­i­cal to a crim­i­nal case this will pre­vent you from loos­ing inter­est in mov­ing forward.
It also helps to ensure that crim­i­nals are held account­able because you are not frus­trat­ed before the process even begins .
Talk to you next time.
